
2022-03-31 19:47
课堂内外(高中版) 2022年2期


primary school principal in North China hasbecome an internet celebrity for busting some coolmoves during a morning exercise routine with hisstudents. Dressed in a sleek black-on-black ensemble,school principal Zhang Pengfei leads his studentsin a synchronized routine that would turn heads inany dance club. In matching track suits, the kids atXiguan Primary School in Shanxi province shuffle theirfeet, pump their arms, and do the Charleston and theRunning Man. The dedicated principal said he cameacross a group of people doing the ghost shuffle routineat a public plaza last summer and decided to learn thedance himself. “I thought we needed a change becausethe students have been losing interest in doing theexercise routine,” Zhang said. “I thought the dancewould be great for kids,” he said. “The music is full ofenergy and it really gets the happy feeling flowing.”




Researchers from the World Health Organizationhave produced a report which outlines worrying levelsof adolescent laziness all over the world. A countryby-country breakdown of physical activity levels hasrevealed just one in five 11 to 17-year-olds get as muchexercise as they need to stay healthy. In some countries,led by South Korea and including the Philippines,Cambodia and Sudan, more than 90 percent ofteenagers are inactive. Experts said the statistics were‘concerning’ and that encouraging exercise is vitalfor tackling the most dangerous child health concern— obesity. Children who are more active have betterhealth and wellbeing and generally do better in school.It said all children between the ages of 11 and 17should do at least an hour of exercise every day, but inreality only around 19 percent manage it. In the countrywith the most active children — Bangladesh — stillonly a third of children (33.9 percent) hit that target,according to the study of 1.6 million youths.




the friendly relations between China and Africa.“Practicing kung fu, not only builds discipline andrespect, it makes you feel healthy and fit,” said EmileRukundo, vice president of the Rwandan ChinwooWushu Kung Fu Academy. The academy started in2017 and has been receiving kung fu teachers fromChina. About 50 people, including young people, aretrained in kung fu at the school. “Kung fu has becomea popular sport in Rwanda, particularly among schoolagechildren. They find it interesting because it keepstheir body in shape, and it teaches them self-defenseand self-control.” “Chinese martial arts teach anexcellent way of life,” said Dawit Terefe, an EthiopianChinese martial arts instructor, adding that the sporthelps people become strong, healthy, stay in good shapeand develop excellent concentration. Terefe added thatChinese martial arts are lifetime physical exercisesand are performed with balanced movements betweenthe legs and hands, making them preferable to otherexercises.

武术热正席卷非洲大陆。学习武术不仅能规范纪律、建立尊重,还能强身健体。武术在卢旺达很流行,尤其受儿童欢迎。对儿童而言,学习武术既能锻炼身体,又能自卫。来自埃塞俄比亚的中国武术教练达维特·特雷夫(Dawit Terefe)认为,武术能让人们变得强壮、健康,保持良好的状态,并培养出色的专注力。在他看来,中国武术是终身的体育锻炼。



A tree-climbing class has grown popular amongstudents at the Sport Institute of Hubei University, asmore and more people are showing interest in learningthe tricks of the trade for scaling timber. Lu Junpei,who is also a member of the Enshi Blue Sky RescueTeam, showed 16 students some of the most importanttechniques. After putting on a helmet, fastening strapsand tying rope knots, Lu spent less than eight minutesreaching the top of a 25-meter tree. Student Zhu Jinhanclimbed up the trunk then jumped to a neighboring treewith the help of ropes, triggering bursts of applause.“I grew up in an area with a lot of mountains and treesand I liked climbing trees since I was a kid,” said Zhu,adding he is glad he could register for the class. Treeclimbing is not only a sport but a way to help others,Zhu said. Zhu once helped a baby owl back to itsnest by climbing a tree. The school plans to add moreseats to the class to allow more students to learn andpractice.


