刘兰, 张东雪, 朱荣芳, 李晖, 梁向楠, 张胜雷, 白亚玲
刘兰, 张东雪, 朱荣芳, 李晖, 梁向楠, 张胜雷, 白亚玲△
(河北医科大学第四医院肾内科,河北 石家庄 050011)
探讨赖氨酸甲基转移酶SET8(SET domain-containing protein 8)低表达通过p53/DRAM1(DNA damage-regulated autophagy modulator 1)通路调控大鼠血管平滑肌细胞(vascular smooth muscle cells, VSMCs)自噬和凋亡的作用及机制。体外原代培养大鼠VSMCs,敲减表达,将细胞分为3组:正常组、空载体对照组和SET8-shRNA组。流式细胞术检测细胞凋亡,MTT法检测细胞活力,Western blot检测SET8、p53、DRAM1、LC3、Bax和Bcl-2的蛋白水平。过表达,将大鼠VSMCs分为3组:正常组、空载体对照组和DRAM1组。检测各组细胞活力,凋亡及DRAM1、LC3、Bax和Bcl-2的蛋白水平。敲减表达的同时敲减或表达,观察LC3、Bax和Bcl-2的蛋白表达情况。(1)敲减表达后,大鼠VSMCs凋亡显著增多,活力显著降低(<0.05)。Western blot结果显示,敲减表达后,SET8和Bcl-2表达显著降低(<0.05),p53、DRAM1、LC3-II和Bax表达显著升高(<0.05)。(2)过表达后,大鼠VSMCs凋亡显著增多(<0.05),活力显著降低(<0.05)。Western blot结果显示,过表达后,DRAM1、LC3-II和Bax表达显著升高(<0.05),Bcl-2表达显著降低(<0.05)。(3)敲减或表达后,LC3-II和Bax表达降低,Bcl-2表达升高(<0.05)。敲减表达可促进大鼠血管平滑肌细胞发生自噬和凋亡,可能机制是通过上调p53和DRAM1表达,促进自噬蛋白LC3-II及凋亡蛋白Bax表达实现的。
血管钙化是增加心血管疾病发病率和死亡率的重要危险因素[1-2]。血管钙化的重要机制有细胞的自噬、凋亡、表型转化等[3-4]。SET8 (SET domain-containing protein 8)是现今发现的唯一能够特异性催化H4赖氨酸20位的赖氨酸甲基转移酶,能够甲基化p53和Twist等非组蛋白,参与调控细胞增殖凋亡等生理学功能[5]。自噬基因(DNA damage-regulated autophagy modulator 1)是p53下游调节自噬和凋亡的基因,2006年由Crighton等[6]提出,可调节原发性肿瘤细胞的自噬和凋亡。作为DRAM依赖的一种自噬凋亡途径,自噬能够作为一种细胞死亡程序,诱导肝细胞凋亡及肝损伤[7]。现今SET8和DRAM1在大鼠血管平滑肌细胞(vascular smooth muscle cells, VSMCs)自噬和凋亡中的作用研究均较少,并且机制尚不明确。鉴于此,本项工作以体外培养的大鼠血管平滑肌细胞为研究对象,探讨SET8是否通过p53/DRAM1通路调控大鼠血管平滑肌细胞的自噬和凋亡。
选取胎牛血清(Gibco);SET8质粒和DRAM1质粒(广州复能基因有限公司);Lipofectamine™ 3000(Invitrogen);SET8抗体(Abcam);DRAM1和LC3抗体(华安生物技术有限公司);Bcl-2和Bax抗体(Abcam);GAPDH抗体(Bioworld)。
2.1实验模型的制备与分组选取河北医科大学动物实验中心的健康雄性清洁级SD大鼠(证书号:1305090)6只,8~10周龄,体重80~100 g,做原代培养[8]。取胸主动脉中膜层,剪成小块,均匀铺于平底进行培养。取第3~4代细胞,给与刺激。将大鼠VSMCs分为3组:(1)正常normal)组:细胞未转染;(2)对照(vector)组:转染浓度为2 μg/L的对照NS-shRNA质粒;(3)SET8-shRNA组:转染浓度为2 μg/L的SET8-shRNA质粒。检测细胞自噬及凋亡情况。为验证DRAM1对VSMCs自噬及凋亡的影响,将大鼠VSMCs分为3组:(1)normal组:细胞未转染;(2)vector组:转染对照质粒,浓度为2 μg/L;(3)DRAM1组:转染DRAM1过表达质粒,浓度为2 μg/L。检测细胞自噬及凋亡情况。
2.2MTT法检测细胞活力取第3代大鼠血管平滑肌细胞接种于96孔板中,细胞融合达60%~70%给予刺激,每组设3个复孔。检测前4 h将5 g/L的MTT 按每孔20 μL加入各检测孔中,培养4 h,之后弃去培养液,将二甲基亚砜按每孔150 μl加入各检测孔,室温振荡10 min。于酶标仪490 nm波长处测定吸光度()值,记录结果。
2.3流式细胞术检测细胞凋亡收集大鼠血管平滑肌细胞,根据试剂说明书进行Annexin V-PE/7-AAD双重染色,使用流式细胞仪进行检测,右下象限Annexin V阳性、7-AAD阴性,为早期凋亡细胞;右上象限Annexin V和7-AAD均为阳性,为晚期凋亡细胞。实验重复3次。
2.4应用 Western blot检测各指标蛋白的表达提取各组大鼠VSMCs的蛋白质,配制成12%的SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶,测蛋白浓度并取20 μg蛋白质加样,电泳条件95 V、1.5 h。使用PVDF膜转膜,转膜条件95 V、1 h。洗膜3次,牛血清白蛋白(5%)封闭1 h。加Ⅰ抗稀释液(SET8, 1∶500; DRAM1, 1∶1 000; LC3, 1∶1 000; Bax, 1∶2 000; Bcl-2, 1∶1 000; p53, 1∶2 000; GAPDH, 1∶5 000),4 ℃孵育过夜;次日洗膜,加入II抗稀释液(1∶5 000),37 ℃孵育1 h。使用蛋白成像系统照膜,实验重复3次。
2.5共转染实验为验证SET8对p53和DRAM1的调节作用,在大鼠VSMCs中转染SET8-shRNA,并在转染SET8-shRNA的同时共转染p53-shRNA和DRAM1-shRNA,vector作为对照组,观察VSMCs凋亡和自噬蛋白的表达情况。收集转染48 h后的各组细胞,提取蛋白,检测Bax、Bcl-2和LC3蛋白表达。
采用SPSS 20.0软件进行统计学处理。呈正态分布的计量资料以均数±标准差(mean±SD)表示,两组间比较采用检验,多组间的比较采用单因素方差分析,组间两两比较采用Student-Newman-Keuls(SNK)检验,<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
给予敲减表达后,采用Annexin V-PE/7-AAD染色,应用流式细胞仪检测细胞凋亡的变化情况。结果显示,与normal组和vector组比较,SET8-shRNA组细胞凋亡显著增多(<0.05),见图1。
Figure 1.Effect of SET8 knockdown on apoptosis of rat VSMCs. A: flow cytometry results; B: percentage of apoptotic cells. Mean±SD. n=3. *P<0.05 vs normal group; #P<0.05 vs vector group.
MTT结果显示,与normal组和vector组比较,SET8-shRNA组细胞活力于12 h、24 h、36 h和48 h均显著降低(<0.05);normal组与vector组比较,差异无统计学意义(>0.05),见图2。
Figure 2.Effect of SET8 knockdown on rat VSMCs viability. Mean±SD. n=3. *P<0.05 vs normal group; #P<0.05 vs vector group.
Western blot结果显示,与normal组和vector组比较,SET8-shRNA组SET8和Bcl-2蛋白相对表达量显著降低,p53、DRAM1、LC3-II和Bax蛋白相对表达量显著升高(<0.05),见图3。
Figure 3.Effect of SET8 knockdown on the protein expression of p53, DRAM1, LC3, Bcl-2 and Bax in rat VSMCs in each group. A: Western blot results for each protein; B: relative protein expression. Mean±SD. n=3. *P<0.05 vs normal group; #P<0.05 vs vector group.
Figure 4.Effect of overexpression of DRAM1 on apoptosis of rat VSMCs. A: flow cytometry results; B: percentage of apoptotic cells. Mean±SD. n=3. *P<0.05 vs normal group; #P<0.05 vs vector group.
MTT结果显示,与normal组和vector组比较,DRAM1组细胞活力于12 h、24 h、36 h和48 h均显著降低(0.05);normal组与vector组比较,差异无统计学意义(0.05),见图5。
Figure 5.Effect of overexpression of DRAM1 on the viability of rat VSMCs. Mean±SD. n=3. *P<0.05 vs normal group; #P<0.05 vs vector group.
Western blot结果显示,与normal组和vector组比较,DRAM1组Bcl-2蛋白相对表达量显著降低,DRAM1、LC3-II和Bax蛋白相对表达量显著升高(<0.05),见图6。
Figure 6.Effects of overexpression of DRAM1 on the expression of LC3, Bcl-2 and Bax proteins in rat VSMCs. A: Western blot results for each protein; B:r elative protein expression. Mean±SD. n=3. *P<0.05 vs normal group; #P<0.05 vs vector group.
Figure 7.Effects of co-transfection of SET8-shRNA with p53-shRNA or DRAM1-shRNA on the expression of Bax, Bcl-2 and LC3 proteins. A: Western blot results for each protein; B: relative protein expression. 1: vector group; 2: SET8-shRNA group; 3: SET8-shRNA+p53-shRNA group; 4,SET8-shRNA+DRAM1-shRNA group. Mean±SD. n=3. *P<0.05 vs vector group; #P<0.05 vs SET8-shRNA group.
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Knockdown ofpromotes autophagy and apoptosis of rat vascular smooth muscle cells by up-regulating p53/DRAM1 signaling pathway
LIU Lan, ZHANG Dong-xue, ZHU Rong-fang, LI Hui, LIANG Xiang-nan, ZHANG Sheng-lei, BAI Ya-ling△
To investigate whether lysine methyltransferase SET domain-containing protein 8 () knockdown regulates the autophagy and apoptosis of rat vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) through p53/DNA damage-regulated autophagy modulator 1 (DRAM1) signaling pathway.Rat VSMCs were divided into 3 groups: normal group, vector group and SET8-shRNA group. Apoptosis was detected by flow cytometry, viability was detected by MTT, and the protein levels of SET8, p53, DRAM1, LC3, Bax and Bcl-2 were detected by Western blot. VSMCs of rats were divided into 3 groups: normal group, vector group and DRAM1 overexpression group. Cell viability, apoptosis and protein levels of DRAM1, LC3, Bax and Bcl-2 were detected.The protein expressions of LC3, Bax and Bcl-2 were observed in VSMCs of rats following suppression oforwhile interfering with.The apoptosis of VSMCs was increased significantly and viability was decreased significantly afterknockdown(<0.05). Western blot showed that the expressions of SET8 and Bcl-2 were decreased, and the expressions of p53, DRAM1, LC3-II and Bax were increased significantly afterknockdown(<0.05). Apoptosis of VSMCs was increased significantly and viability was decreased significantly after overexpression of(<0.05). Western blot showed that the expressions of DRAM1, LC3-II and Bax were increased and the expression of Bcl-2 was decreased after overexpression of DRAM1 (<0.05). The expressions of LC3 and Bax were decreased and the expression of Bcl-2 was increased after inhibiting the expression ofor(<0.05).Autophagy and apoptosis in vascular smooth muscle cells of rats were promoted by knockdown ofThe possible mechanism is to promote the expression of autophagy protein LC3-II and apoptotic protein Bax by upregulating the expressions of p53 and DRAM1.
Vascular smooth muscle cells; SET8; DRAM1; Autophagy; Apoptosis
R363.2; R543
[基金项目]河北省医学科学研究重点课题(No. 20180513; No. 20190702)
Tel: 15081150811; E-mail: snbyl@163.com