2022-03-15 00:18



The arguments about religious criticism in Marx’sIntroductiontoaCritiqueofHegel’sPhilosophyofRightwere the prototype of a theoretical system that includes essence, function, root, and methodology. Through his humanistic materialism-based exposition of the nature, function, and realistic roots of religion, Marx attributed the religious alienation to its secular basis. From there, he moved from the critique of religion to the critique of reality, i.e., “to revolutionize it in practice by eliminating contradictions". In this way, he carried forward Feuerbach’s abstract humanist view of religion and opened up a realistic way of solving the religious problems.






注意:There be 句型的将来时结构为:There is/are going to be...(注意句型中going to 后面的be 不能改为have)或者There will be...。常用来表示某事发生。


Most recent literature has focused on the impact of CEO’s characteristics on enterprise technology innovation while ignoring that of their academic experiences. This paper firstly classifies CEOs’ academic experiences, then measures the impact of their multi-academic experiences on enterprise innovation, and finally examines the results under different enterprise’s governance environments in the listed companies. The results show that CEOs’ academic experiences do affect enterprise technology innovation. Compared to CEOs with managerial experience such as integrated management, investment and financing, CEOs with marketing and R&D background are more inclined to innovation. As for governance environment, CEOs in state-owned enterprises have a stronger incentive for innovation. Enterprises where CEO is relatively independent of the board are more friendly to technology innovation.




In the early 20thcentury, both Werner Sombart and Max Weber discussed the “spirit of capitalism”. From there, they attempted to develop social theories within the framework of economic history and kept a long, productive yet controversial interaction. Talcott Parsons examined the fundamental differences between their “spirit” concepts in his doctoral dissertation written in Heidelberg in 1925/26. In the Chapter on Sombart, Parsons explicated Sombart’s concept of “spirit”: it was understood as practical rationality of self-preservation and was structured by the basic ideas of philosophy of consciousness. He also pointed out that this concept was based on suspicious premises, for Sombart eventually failed to get the specific feature of practical rationality demanded by modern society. Parsons established his own point of view by criticizing the two forerunners. The original German version of the dissertation first published in 2019 might shed light on Parsons’ motivation in his early stage of thought.



Though empowered mobilization is increasingly used in the community-based mobilization, an important part of the modern grassroots governance, it is facing problems such as unbalanced power distribution and structural disorder of rights expression. This paper conducts a case study of the organizational empowered mobilization and individual empowered mobilization. The results show that the effectiveness is determined by the power network of community, the supporting system and the target and flexibility of the empowerment.



3.2.2 评价方法(1)期末操作考试按健康评估实训教学大纲要求,实行评分标准一样、操作项目一样、考试时间一样,两组按学号抽签考试,操作满分为100分,60分为及格,90分以上为优秀。实验组和对照组平均成绩以Mean表示,采用t检验;优良率采用χ2检验进行统计学分析。



An abundance of natural and cultural resources of flowers and the increasing demand from tourists have greatly facilitated the growth of China’s flower tourism industry in recent years. The amount of research into it has increased greatly too. This paper has a literature review of 246 journal articles on flower tourism between 1994 and 2021. It finds that the five research interests are history, ecology, planning & design, industry management and tourist experience. It also suggests three directions for future studies: macro-design of the industry, tourists’ multidimensional experience, and the sustainable development of the industry.


Feuerbach puts forward two questions on meta-philosophy: how to invert Hegel’s philosophy and what is the identity of Marxist philosophy? The questions stem from two threads in Feuerbach’s theory. The first is the bottom-up approach. Feuerbach underlines individual existence and sensory perception. He states that they are the object of study for both philosophy and empirical sciences whose results should be justified by them too. This is Feuerbach’s inversion of Hegel’s basic metaphysical vision. The second is the up-bottom approach. Feuerbach elaborates on the transcendence, perfectness and infiniteness of the essence of human species. On the basis of that, he criticizes religions such as Christianity. This indicates that he is under the shadow of Hegel. Marx, on the other hand, further develops the first thread while giving up the second.


In order to study the mechanism of carbon peaking resulting from regional synergy driven by investment, this paper analyzes the dynamics mechanism of total factor carbon productivity improvement under economic correlation, energy correlation and carbon emission correlation respectively. It also analyzes the carbon emission peaking of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region through differentiated spatial correlation simulation. We have the following results. The spatial correlation mode has a significant impact on the synergy improvement of total factor carbon productivity in this region. Technological progress and efficiency improvement are the driving forces for the carbon emission peak. In the optimization scenario, the significant variables and main drivers are phased differently: from 2020 to 2023, the economic influence coefficient will be a significant variable to drive the regional advantageous industries by fixed capital investment. The disorderly and inefficient model will be abandoned to reduce the redundant space of carbon emission; from 2023 to 2028, carbon emission influence coefficient will be the significant variable. Cross-regional high-carbon emission industries will be forced to accelerate technological innovation and tap the potential of carbon emission reduction with the help of spatial spillover effect; from 2028 to 2030, the significant variable will be the economic sensitivity coefficient. The linkage effect of cross-regional industrial chains through fixed capital investment will be strengthened, focusing on technical cooperation to stimulate the green transformation of the industry and curb carbon emission. The results show that this region will have an average annual economic growth rate of about 6% and is expected to achieve carbon emission peaking by 2028.




(9)Thelegalbasisandformationpathofthearticle: “nojudgeshalldeclinetorenderjudgment”


As the article “no judge shall decline to render judgment” has come into focus recently, it has been applied in judicial practice. As an article originating from the West, the premise of its localization is a clarification of its legal basis and its path of formation. As far as its jurisprudence is concerned, this article aims at resolving disputes, which is not only the requirement of the positioning of judicial power under the allocation of state power, but also the inherent meaning of the protection of the right to appeal in the allocation of citizens’ rights. As far as the path of formation is concerned, under the logical framework of relativity, its formation relies on the generation and operation of state power, the exercise and protection of citizens’ rights, and the balance between the two.



In the early period of the Republic of China, a new research paradigm began to carry the day. Borrowing the prevailing concept of science, it “broke” the study object and examined the “pieces”, thus a “scientific and correct” method. However, Liang Suming, Tu Xiaoshi and Zong Baihua advocated the traditional method: the holistic view. It interpreted arts on the basis of the audience’s observation and their personal experience. This method borrowed the reflection on science and rationality and the life philosophy of Schopenhauer,Bergson, thus a western perspective of China. The juxtaposed views showed that the degree of contention of schools of thought might be much higher than we had thought.



Media enterprises shoulder more social responsibility than traditional enterprises since they are quasi-public organizations producing both economic and cultural products. Structural theory holds that only people are capable of taking responsibility while any form of organizations cannot. The theory also believes that organization is a vessel of authority for the delegator, making his practice possible and at the same time limiting the scope of his action. In this sense, organization is both the result and medium of human activity. Giddens structuralism breaks the binary opposition between action and structure and establishes the dialectical unity between them. In the corporate social responsibility (CSR) practice of media enterprises, the embedding of action into structure is not a simple combination but a mutual shaping process. How the structural attributes of CSR practice are showed should also be taken into consideration in order to better understand CSR practice, which depends on the subjective agent’s active and reflexive use of them. According to the structural theory, daily organizational life is characterized by alternation of structural reproduction and transformation, but the process of continuity and change is largely unpredictable. When the actors face organizational structure heterogeneity, self-reflexive understanding and uncertain resource allocation, they tend to challenge the strategic orientation which were thought to be appropriate.

The strengthened control over the high seas of the Arctic waterway through domestic legislation by countries such as Russia and Canada has seriously restricted or even deprived the freedom of international navigation, which has been deteriorated by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The international judicial practice and academic community has divided opinions on who should be accountable to this. This paper offers the following suggestions: the Arctic waterway should be positioned as a strait for international navigation where countries have right of transit passage; a system should be established in consideration of obligations and a mechanism of equity between the interests of coastal states and other states should be made; the “obligation doctrine of international law” should be adopted to delineate boundaries for peaceful purposes, and the military activities should be restricted in the high seas and seas of the Arctic shipping routes; a coordination system should be established among the internal provisions of UNCLOS, the domestic laws of the coastal states, the pollution prevention and control laws of the coastal States and the Polar Regulations, so as to provide a protection mechanism as well as taking into account the claims of the coastal states.



The written passages on Confucius such as “King of Lu asked Confucius for advice” was recorded not only in the classics written in the pre-Qin dynasties but also in the ancient texts of bamboo slips such asTheGreatDroughtofLuBang,TheWayofState, andTheGovernanceofStateFamilies. The passages on these bamboo slips were actually written under the name of Confucius. Though these fictions spread Confucianism, they were undoubtedly the forerunners of literature in the period of the Warring States.



As a landmark of Coventry, the “city of peace and reconciliation” , Coventry Cathedral has created a distinctive model for the reconstruction of a war-torn city. Coventry was destroyed during the blitz in the Second World War. But the city decided to forgive those who had caused that terrible destruction and raised the idea that it would become a symbol of faith in a future, peaceful world where reconciliation was possible. The Cathedral has been committed to fostering a peaceful post-war environment by improving the Britain-Germany relations. Forgive but not forget. The Cathedral has been working on how to keep peace by peaceful means. To do a part in solving the post-war social problems, the Cathedral took the initiative to promote racial reconciliation, social stability and economic growth. The practice has provided valuable experience for the rebuilding of war-stricken cities in other countries.



As the internationalization of education has boomed in the last decades, three factors-political influence, academic regulation and market competition-have contributed to the construction of top universities. “Double first-class” universities in China should respond to the three factors positively. They should take the national strategies into serious consideration and work for the national interests; they should be fully committed to nurturing graduates of excellence and making important academic accomplishments. It i
