New method to remove tibial intramedullary nail through original suprapatellar incision: A case report

2022-03-07 13:06HeLi
World Journal of Clinical Cases 2022年3期


The advantages of intramedullary nail internal fixation, such as small trauma, central fixation, and closed reduction, are consistent with the biological osteosynthesis concept; thus, intramedullary nail internal fixation has become the gold-standard treatment for tibial shaft fracture[1].

The patient had a history of internal fixation.

Removal of the tibial intramedullary nailthe infrapatellar approach is simple,and it is performed under direct vision through the original incision. Thus, researchers tend to use the infrapatellar approach to remove the internal fixation insertedthe suprapatellar approach[2]; however, with this approach, new scars form, and the patellar ligament and the infrapatellar fat pad can become damaged[3].

The other option is to remove the tibial intramedullary nailthe suprapatellar approach. However, this method remains controversial because there are many difficulties in using the original incision to remove the internal fixation. In this paper, a quick and simple method of nail extractionthe original suprapatellar incision is proposed. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of this type of removal.


Chief complaints

A 33-year-old man requested for the implant to be removed.


History of present illness

Multiple surgical scars were visible on the left calf, and there was no sign of limited motion in the left knee joint.

History of past illness


The patient was examined before surgery and had no contraindications. After administering epidural anesthesia, the proximal locking nail was removed. Then, the knee was bent 30°, and a multi-holed guide pin sleeve was fine-tuned to allow a 2-mm guide needle to be accurately inserted into the cavity of the intramedullary nail with a depth of at least 2–3 cmthe original suprapatellar incision. The results were confirmed by intraoperative X-ray (Figure 2). A hollow jig was used to screw the end of the nail along the guide needle. This process accurately removed the bone on top of the nail without damaging surrounding structures, such as the meniscus and ligaments. After the jig was screwed into the end of the intramedullary nail and tightened, intraoperative fluoroscopy was used for confirmation (Figure 3). The proximal and distal locking nails were removed, and the intramedullary nail was retracted using a mallet (Figure 4).

Personal and family history

The patient’s final diagnosis was bony union after multiple fractures.

前面已经对非均匀衰减性介质中采用的地波干涉法进行了证明,接下来要探讨空间自相关法与地震波干涉法之间的关系。这个问题的设立如图1所示。首先,选取衰减性无限介质中的两个观测点(三角形标记),假设噪声源(星形标记)在介质中呈体积分布。在这种情况下,可以对两点间的波动场进行标准化的交叉谱分析,明确其与格林函数之间的理论关系。此外,在无衰减的情况下,由于假设平面波向观测点各向同性入射(例如,Nakahara,2006;Sanchez-Sesma and Campillo,2006),因此必须注意条件的变化。

Physical examination

The patient who was hit by a car in 2019 had a history of multiple fractures. These fractures, including left mid-tibial fracture, were fixed with a 10-mm × 330-mm suprapellar tibial nail. The end cap of the nail was purposely not inserted. Two years later, the patient requested for the implant to be removed.

Laboratory examinations

No abnormalities were observed on preoperative examination.

Imaging examinations

An X-ray examination showed that the broken end of the tibia had bony union(Figure 1).


The patient had no genetic or familial disease history.

1.2 方法 对119名发生血源性暴露医务人员的人群分布、暴露方式及部位、暴露源种类、暴露后处理方式、预防用药及结果等情况汇总分析。




Two weeks postoperatively, the patient’s wound had healed well. At the 4-mo postoperative follow-up, the patient did not complain of pain in the left knee joint. The left knee could extend 0° and flex 120° (Figure 5). The Kujala score was 95 on the left knee.


Tibial intramedullary nail placement can be achieved by both suprapatellar and infrapatellar access. The suprapatellar approach has more advantages than the infrapatellar approach[4-8]; however, how best to remove the nailthe original suprapatellar incision used for nail insertion is uncertain.

When using the traditional method to remove the intramedullary nail through the original suprapatellar incision, it is necessary to first remove the bone above the intramedullary nail with a hollow drill, remove the end cap, and take out the end of the intramedullary nail and screw it into the target device to remove the intramedullary nail. Because the whole process is not performed under direct vision,the operation is difficult and time-consuming. The main difficulty lies in how to accurately remove the bone above the intramedullary nail. If care is not exercised, the meniscus and anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments can become damaged. The cap should then be safely removed without being lost in the joint space. Therefore, most surgeons have no choice but to use the infrapatellar access to remove the internal fixation, but this often leads to new scar formation. Moreover, surgical incision can also damage the saphenous nerve, the patellar ligament, and the infrapatellar fat pad,resulting in a high probability of postoperative knee pain.

A previous study has shown that the end cap of an intramedullary nail stops bony in-growth of tissue[9]. To facilitate the method presented in this paper, the end cap was not used in the initial nail placement, and bony in-growth of tissue enclosed the end of the nail. To remove the tibial intramedullary nail, a guide needle was inserted into the cavity of the intramedullary nail. The results were confirmed by intraoperative X-ray. A hollow jig was used to screw the end of the nail along the guide needle. This process accurately removed the bone on top of the nail. Thus, the difficulty in removing the nailthe original incision was greatly reduced. The whole process was easy, and no special tools were needed. Due to the use of a sleeve during surgery to protect important tissues within the joint, the likelihood of damage to the patellofemoral joint was greatly reduced.

However, this novel approach has some potential limitations that should be noted.First, removal of the bone above the intramedullary nail may lead to possible entry of large bone fragments into the articular cavity. Second, after intramedullary nail removal, the intramedullary content entering the joint cavity may lead to joint cavity extravasation and increase the risk of infection.


In this study, removal of the intramedullary nailthe original suprapatellar incision was simple and reliable, did not require special equipment, and did not require infrapatellar access, which reduced the likelihood of complications.


The authors would like to thank the patient for providing consent for publication of this case report and accompanying images.
