文|王 霞
近期,笔者有幸观摩了江苏省“教学新时空·名师课堂”活动中杨金华老师执教的绘本融合课“Whose dog?”感到豁然开朗。杨老师的这节课很好地诠释了基于大概念视角下,如何借助绘本学习,实现多方面的融合,更好地落实学科育人的理念。《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)》提出“重视以学科大概念为核心,使课程内容结构化,以主题为引领,使课程内容情境化,促进学科核心素养的落实”。英语学科大概念是什么?基于大概念的绘本融合教学该如何实施?怎样才能把握学科育人的本质?杨老师的这节课作了很好的诠释,笔者将从以下三个方面进行回顾与赏析。
杨老师选择了绘本“Whose dog?”(《丽声北极星分级阅读》)作为译林版《英语》四(下)Unit 6 的补充与拓展,彰显了她对单元大概念教学的精准提炼与把控,既有基于主题意义的关联和深化,又有立足语言认知的拓展和延伸。
译林版《英语》四(下)Unit 6 Whose dress is this?一文和绘本“Whose dog?”的话题是一致的——“询问物品的主人”。教材中某物是谁的,是在一个特定的、片断情境中的语言运用;绘本“Whose dog”则讲述了寻找物主的完整过程。相对教材而言,绘本语用更加完整,绘本所要传递的主题更加宽泛,绘本的育人价值内涵更加凸显。它助力学生很好地感受到了不但可以用“Whose...? Is it...’s?/Are they...’s ?”来询问并寻找物主,还能在帮助寻找的过程中拥有意外的小惊喜(a lovely dog for Amy),从而潜移默化地引导学生积极主动地给予他人自己力所能及的帮助,这也正是对基于教材主题意义的深化和拓展。
绘本“Whose dog?”涉及的主要知识点是以Whose 开头的特殊疑问句和“Is it...’s?/Are they...’s?”一般疑问句的运用。这与教材中的知识点高度关联,既是对语言内容的复现,又是语言知识的拓展与延伸。本单元的主题是询问物品的归属,教材中的答句仅限于“They’re my father’s.../It’s my cousin’s...”等。这只涉及到了名词所有格(加’s)的运用,而绘本中却补充了yours,hers,ours 等名词性物主代词,是对本单元语言知识点的拓展与延伸。绘本的融入使语言更为丰富而又精炼。
T:Let’s sing the song together.Whose tails?
Ss:Sing together.
T:What do you know from this song?
S1:I know the pig’s tail is little.
S2:I know the rabbit’s tails are short.
S3:I know the mouse’s and monkey’s tails are long.
T:Let’s play a guessing game.Whose tail is it? (Show the pictures)Can you ask? Is it a...’s tail?
S:Is it a...’s tail?
T:Let’s go and see.It’s a pig’s/dog’s tail.Whose dog is it? Today we’ll learn a picture book.What can you get from the cover?
S:I can see...(学生只停留在表面,杨老师开始引导)
T:The title is...Do you have any questions about this story ?
S1:Whose dog is this?
S2:What happened?
S3:Where are they?
T:Any questions?
S4:Is the dog girl’s?
S5:Are they happy?
T:Oh,you have so many good questions.I tell you,the girl’s name is Amy.Is this dog Amy’s?Let’s enjoy the whole story,then get your answer.
T:Look at Scene 1.In the park,how are Amy and the dog?
S1:They’re happy.
T:If you meet a dog in the park,how do you feel?
S2:I’m very happy.
T:You’re very happy.So you like dogs,right?
S3:I’m afraid.
T:So when you meet the dog,what will you do?
S3:I’ll run away.
T:Are you afraid of the dog?
S4:I want to play with the dog.
T:So you like the dogs,right?
T:Now,Amy is happy to see the dog.She isn’t afraid of the dog.She isn’t nervous.So they’re playing happily.What will you do then?
S5:Hug it.
S6:Running away.
S7:Playing with it.
S8:Find mother and father./...
T:I will call 110 or my parents or wait for the owner or let it go.Actually,what does Amy do?Please find Amy’s questions.
S10:Whose dog are you?(引导学生say happily)
S11:Is this dog yours?
T:Is this dog yours? We can also say“Is this your dog?”.
T:What does the man answer?
S12:No,I don’t like dogs.(引导学生say unhappily)
T:What does the girl say?
S13:No.(引导找出文中But the dog isn’t hers,either.)
T:Let’s imagine.When Amy asks whose dog are you? What will the dog answer?Why?What will the man/girl answer?
S:Woof!/No,I don’t like dogs.Go away./No,my dog is at home./No,my dog is over there./...(学生充分展开想象,不仅拓展了绘本的语言,而且形象地演绎并丰富了阅读体验)
【教学赏析】单元大概念需要突出,更需要延展与强化,否则教学只会流于知识的教授,缺乏价值意义的生成。另外,对于小学生而言,单纯的说教只会令主题意义的教学显得僵化,且效果也差强人意。他们对很多事情并没有明确的是非观,潜移默化的教学活动能传递给他们正确的价值观,促进他们的人格的成长。另外,学生有着各自不同的生活体验,推进式的问题能够激起现象背后的其他观点。因此,杨老师在寻找答案的过程中不断聚焦推理过程,而不仅仅关注学生回答Yes or no。杨老师通过“If you meet a dog in the park,how do you feel? What will you do then? What will the dog answer?Why? What will the man/girl answer?”等推进式的追问,链接了文本和学生的生活,为引导学生理解单元大概念创造了机会,也为师生、生生留出了观点充分碰撞的空间。杨老师没有把自己对绘本的理解强加给学生,学生们在换位思考中了解了自己与他人在遇到狗时的不同表现,更好地解码了文本,生成积极的价值观。
T:Amy finds a notice.What can you get from the notice?
S1:The dog is white.
T:What else can you get?
S2:The dog’s address is No.9 on this road.
T:What does the missing dog mean?
T:Does it mean far from or near here(Teach:address)?
Ss:Near here.
T:Is it the missing dog? Why?
S4:They both have two big ears.
S5:They both have long tails.
S6:They both have brown eyes.
S7:They look the same.
S8:They’re both white.
T:Now Amy is happy with Bouncer.In order not to lose,Amy wants to design the name card for Bouncer.Would you like to help her? On one side,please write down the name,the address,the telephone number and Wechat QR code.On the other side,please write down Bouncer’s characteristics.For example:It is...It has...It can...It likes...Design in Groups of four.
Ss design and share the name card.
【教学赏析】我们的英语教学要激发学生对主题意义的思考,提升学生的语言运用能力,需要生成个性化并帮助学生去创生新意义,或纵向拓深,或横向拓宽,或过程延伸,使学生有机会在原有语言基础上去说话,更有广度、有深度地去输出。杨老师借助绘本“Whose dog”的阅读丰富了四(下)Unit 6 Whose dress is this? 的学习,于是便有了课堂中的精彩演绎。杨老师在课末巧妙地借助情境,开展为Amy 的小狗设计名牌的小组合作活动,为防止Amy 的小狗丢失,学生积极参与到为Bouncer 设计防走失吊牌的活动中来。微信二维码的英文表达与时俱进,丰富了学生们的话语体系。在愉悦轻松的阅读过程中,学生的阅读能力逐步提升。学生在思中明、做中学,主题意义理解在深化,语言表达能力在成长。
T:Please underline the key sentences about feelings.
T:How is the dog now?
S:The dog is jumping.So it’s happy.
T:How about the owners?
S:They’re happy too.
T:How do you know?
S:They’re all excited to be with each other again.
T:(随机教学excited)Then what do they say?
S:Yes,she’s ours.(引导学生更有感情地读)
T:How is Amy now? Why?
S:She’s so sad.Because the dog will go home./She can’t play with the dog.
T:What does the girl say?
S:We have some nice things to show you.
T:Amy is very happy too.Why?
S:Because she has a puppy now.
T:How do you know?
S:Would you like one be yours?
T:What do you know from the story/Amy?
Ss:Amy is so kind/helpful/smart/...
T:Do you want to be a helpful kid? If you’re helpful/kind/...,you’ll be lucky.
【教学赏析】大概念的获得和理解,是在不断解决问题的过程中实现的。我们的教学要让主题意义与学科知识产生意义勾连,着重大概念下的过程性教学。主题意义的建构过程一旦缺少了情感,学生对主题意义的深层认知就会受到影响。杨老师在引导学生学习第四个情境“At the dog’s home”时,特别关注学生的情感体验,通过有感情的朗读、情境表演等,让学生自然真实地体验Amy从happy 到so sad,再到happy的心理变化,彰显了Amy帮助丢失的狗回家这件事的价值意义,激起了自我与主题意义的情感共鸣,与本单元的大概念相得益彰。这一过程,学生也逐步形成了良好的阅读习惯,他们表现出积极的阅读态度和阅读兴趣,进而在丰富的阅读体验中不断提升自我阅读素养。课尾,杨老师抛出问题“What do you know from the story/Amy?”,学生们在教师的引导下积极表达。杨老师继续点题:If you’re helpful/kind/...you’ll be lucky.升华了主题意义。