产自山东的200余种优质农产品吸引参会人员品鉴。图/贾馨儒More than 200 types of quality agricultural products from Shandong attract attendees to taste.
澳门,在粤港澳大湾区建设中扮演着重要的角色,不仅是国际自由港、世界旅游休闲中心、世界美食之都,而且其农产品消费能力强、流通速度快、市场潜力大。“山东与澳门,虽然相隔千山万水,但近年来交流合作日益密切。”山东省台港澳办主任刘渊表示,2021年12月7日举行的“好品山东——齐鲁灵秀地 品牌农产品”推介会(澳门站),为鲁澳农产品交流合作搭建起了平台,是山东主动融入粤港澳大湾区建设国家战略的关键一步。
“好品山东”推介会是推动山东优质农产品直供澳门市场的积极作为。图/孙全忠“Quality Products of Shandong” promotion meeting is a positive move for promoting the direct supply of Shandong’s quality agricultural products to the Macao market.
来自淄博的新品种软籽石榴深受推介会现场的澳门嘉宾青睐。图/孙全忠The new pomegranate variety—soft seed pomegranate from Zibo is popular among the guests of Macao at the promotiom meeting.
The wind blows from the South China Sea; the tide rushes into the Pearl River. Located at the forefront of China’s opening-up, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area takes the Pan-Pearl River Delta as the hinterland for extensive development, accelerates the agglomeration of market economy vitality, and has an important strategic position in China’s overall development. As a strong agricultural province, in recent years, Shandong has actively integrated itself into the “Vegetable Basket” construction of the Greater Bay Area. In the province, 184 manufacturers have obtained a Greater Bay Area “Vegetable Basket” Production Base and Processing Enterprise Permit; two Greater Bay Area “Vegetable Basket” product distribution centers have been built in Weifang and Liaocheng; Shandong’s agricultural products are moving fast towards the Greater Bay Area market.
Macao plays an important role in the construction of the Greater Bay Area. It not only is an international free port, global tourism and leisure center, and world-famous city of gastronomy, but also has strong spending power, fast circulation velocity and huge market potential for agricultural products. “Shandong and Macao are far apart, but have increasingly close exchanges and cooperation in recent years.” Liu Yuan, director of the Office for Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao Affairs of Shandong Province, said that the “Quality Products of Shandong - Qilu Brand-name Agricultural Products” promotion meeting (Macao) held on December 7, 2021 has set up a platform for the exchanges and cooperation on agricultural products between Shandong and Macao, and is a key move for Shandong to actively integrate itself into the national strategy of the Greater Bay Area construction.
Work together for mutual benefits and win-win results. Shandong is striving to improve overall agricultural production capacity for ensuring supply, to propel the green development of agriculture for improving quality, and to expand international cooperation on agriculture for developing the market. Joining hands, both sides will further deepen practical cooperation, share the results of agricultural development in Shandong, and allow more and more agricultural products of Shandong to enter the restaurants of Macao and to be served on the tables of the masses in Macao.