Innovative strategies in nursing practice:new perspectives

2022-01-05 03:12:48AhmedLateefAlkhaqani
Nursing Communications 2022年8期

Innovation is essential to improve the quality of nursing care and maintenance.Today,the term “innovation” commonly used in the literature differs in its definition.Innovation is defined as “New or significantly modified product(good or service),or process;a new marketing method;or in business practices,the implementation of a new organizational method in workplace organization or external relations”.Another definition of innovation(invention,innovation,creativity)is creating and implementing new useful ideas[1].However,anything new cannot be considered an innovation,as the fundamental dynamics of innovation is not "that everything new",but"economic and social return or converted into a value-added innovation".The “National Health Service”(NHS)“Institute for Innovation and Improvement”(2011)According to the statement,innovation refers to the ability to do things differently or to do things differently to achieve significant performance gains.Whether in the private or public sectors,most innovations come from staff working within those organizations[2].Resources are decreasing,continuous change and increased information,innovation,and creativity are necessary.

Generally,innovations in the health sector,especially new approaches,technologies,and working modes,are described as processes developed.“International Council of Nurses”(ICN)defines innovation as "new approaches,technologies and ways of working development process".Innovation can be applied to tools,processes,technologies and can also be applied to the attitudes of organizations or individuals,and behavior can be related to research[3].Definitions of innovation and economic growth are new and useful concepts,and country integration is an important tool for improving social well-being and quality of life.Innovation,new ideas and products are the processes of creating value,such as production methods and services.Moreover,creativity means thinking new things,and innovation means thinking new things[4].This article focuses on the development and application of innovation in nursing practice,the importance of providing common visions for the future in this context,and the integration method of innovative strategies supporting the knowledge and skills of students.

“International Council of Nurses”(ICN)and the “European Union”(EU)in the year 2009 has been declared to be an innovation year in which the increase in competitiveness of countries and scientific institutions and the overall development of the absolute objectives are clearly established.Innovation and the quality of life of the community are regarded as the most important tool for improvement.Innovation in the nursing field;the complexity in nursing and health systems that focus on the safety of patients at the national level;more innovative nursing practice is needed for nurses,medical organizations,and medical care because it requires more innovative nursing practices.As explained in its review by the International Council of Nurses(2009),innovation in nursing practice has an important role in terms of health promotion and disease prevention,identification of risk factors and prevention,health promotion,the behaviour of developers,maintenance,and management of new information to be eligible,as well as methods and services outcomes[5].

In nursing,service planning,submission,and evaluation of innovative strategies are the most critical factors directly affecting service quality.Nurses know what they are doing in complex scientific service systems,knowing what they are doing.They can see whether their services are appropriate and effective through constant reviews.However,they are also responsible for determining the cost-effectiveness,quality,and efficiency in this way.Leininger(1984)also stated that if treatment cannot be provided without taking care of it,it is still possible to take care of it.Without nurses,care systems cannot be innovative,as nurses are the care center.There are virtually no treatments or programs where nurses’ initiatives are unimportant[6].


International Council of Nurses in the health care system,nurses have the scientific basis of being aware of their “care” and the critical and complex service they provide.International Council of Nurses also reminds them of the review of services they provide and examining whether they are appropriate and how they can be implemented more effectively.It might remind them that research quality can provide a cost-effective approach.In short;“If fit Nursing into a few businesses you have been doing,you do not even know the essence,if you cannot explain those businesses,there is no need to make a profession struggle,because you cannot succeed,you cannot be useful” Who will succeed it? International Council of Nurses reminds and warns[7].

式中:液压缸启闭力矩MQ=FQ×l1,l1为液压缸启闭力臂;重力矩MG=FG×l2,l2为门重力臂;浮力矩MF=FF×l4,l4为浮力臂;风阻力矩MW=FW×l3,l3为风载荷力臂;支铰座摩阻力矩为支铰座关节轴承内圈外径,取D=0.29 m,摩擦系数μ=0.15;动水阻力矩MD=FD×l5,FD可简化为一个集中力[8],即为水流阻力系数,取CD=1.35,l5为动水阻力臂;FY作用在闸门面板上,顶部为三角形水体,下部为矩形水体,则雍水阻力矩和分别为三角形和矩形壅水阻力臂。

Nursing educators have indicated that fundamental changes to nursing programs require innovation.The most important reason for these requirements is that they show that the content can be installed in the existing curriculum;the content and the same content can be repeated in different courses.Nursing educators did not consider students’ learning needs and did not sufficiently support the innovative approaches and use of electronic learning tools.In the literature on nursing education,innovations are provided by producing new knowledge and skills or by replacing the nursing curriculum.Education leaders conduct courses and improve students’cognitive and critical thinking,clinical decision-making and care skills in this changing curriculum.In order to train qualified nurses to meet the needs of the globalized world,it is necessary to implement innovative strategies for nursing education.This paper focuses on two factors that play an important role in developing nursing education through innovative strategies.These factors include the development of a common educational strategic plan for a common future vision of the higher education institutions in nursing and integrating innovative strategies into nursing curriculums to develop students’ professional knowledge and skills[8].


New technologies offer new and flexible working methods.One of the innovative strategies is to use the virtual nursing care model.With virtual care nursing,technology is operationalized,clinical decision-making processes are supported,continuity of care is guaranteed,and patients are safer.A work environment is generated that facilitates technical expertise and keeps nurses alert and engaged at the bedside.In conclusion,as a result,nursing professions should remain open to all channels.All assets should be merged to ensure their existence in the changing world order era and strengthen their professional education and knowledge to improve the quality of the assets held open to all professional members.Although there are several examples of innovations in the field of nursing,nurses’innovative ideas and services are increasingly common today throughout the world.A rapidly evolving world strengthens the nursing profession;It must highlight innovations and professional training.As a result,innovation in all fields of work is becoming increasingly strong.

Recommendation:Nursing education should adapt to global technology developments,social and cultural characteristics,student needs,facts,and national conditions.Education standards should be obtained by accelerating quality and accreditation research in nursing care.Innovative strategies should collaborate with the theoretical knowledge acquired through scientific studies and find a way to apply.Private and public institutions should support innovative ideas and work developed by nurses.The appropriate procedure should be to promote nurses in this field.

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6.International Council of Nurses.International Council of Nurses(ICN),2022. February 07,2022.

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