思维导图作为一种工具,能够促进师生与生生之间的交流和沟通,有利于学生重组新旧知识,整体把握文章信息,梳理文章结构。因此,将思维导图运用到绘本教学中,不仅能够调动学生的热情,提高学生的理解力,还能提高学生的语言表达能力。笔者以一节基于思维导图的绘本课——新国标分级阅读Blind men and the elephant为例,谈一谈思维导图在小学英语绘本教学中的思考与实践,教学过程如下。
本节课的课题为Blind men and the elephant,这是一则成语故事。教师在导入新课的时候让学生结合成语故事进行回顾,说一说自己已经知道的成语故事。在授课过程中,教师先通过思维导图,让学生观看图片(如图1),回顾学过的英文成语故事,接着让学生进行“头脑风暴”,说出更多的英文成语故事,最后引入本节课的主题Blind men andthe elephant。
T: Boys and girls, do you like Chinese idiom stories? Look at the pictures. Let’s guess what are they together.Are you ready?Go!
Ss:Waiting for a hare,frog in the well,the foolish old man who moves the mountains.
T: Excellent! Can you tell more Chinese idiom stories?
S:Da Yu governed the flood(大禹治水).
S:Borrow Trouble(杞人忧天).
S:North or South(南辕北辙).
T: That’s great. You can tell so many Chinese idiom stories.Today I will introduce another Chinese idiom stories to you.
基于思维导图的“图片环游”以问题为导向,推动学生强化对文本的理解,提升学生的阅读能力。在新国标分级阅读Blind men and the elephant这节课的设计中,教师通过思维导图(如图2)的方式呈现了“who”“where”“what”等信息,让学生理解和欣赏盲人摸象的故事材料。在问题的引导下,学生充分思考,并给出答案。教师结合学生的回答,不断进行追问,启发学生思考,形成自己的见解,促进学生思维品质的提升。
T: Boys and girls, look at the picture. Who can you see in the picture?
S:I can see three blind men.
T: That’s great! How do you know they are blind man?
S4: Because they wear sunglasses and feel their way with stickers.
T: You are so clever. Where are they? Can you guess?
S:Are they in the forest?
T:No.Look,you can see some house here.
S:Oh,I see.They are in the village.
T:Excellent!What do they bring to the village?
S:An elephant.
拼图游戏就是将完整的图片或模型拆分开来,游戏者再按照一定的方法把图片或模型的“组件”一块块拼接起来,使其恢复原样。将这一古老游戏的方法和规则引入阅读教学领域,就是这里所说的拼图式阅读(Jigsaw Reading)。教师在进行“图片环游”之后,没有让学生直接阅读课文,而是通过拼图式阅读教学的策略,让学生进行小组合作。学生打开信封,每人选择一张卡片阅读,找出三个盲人分别是如何摸大象的,并将盲人摸到的大象身体部位与他的想象排列出来,完成思维导图。利用思维导图呈现故事情节,能够帮助学生整体感知故事,使他们对故事的脉络走向有一个清晰的了解。在课堂结尾,学生可以借助思维导图(如图3),加上自己的理解,复述整个故事。
T:Boys and girls,do you want to know how the blind men touch the elephant? Now, this time, please work in groups of three. Each of you only have one part of the reading material. Please read it cooperatively and finish the mind map. I will give you five minutes.Have you finished?Tell me together.
Ss:OK!The number is 6-2-4-3-5-1.
T:Excellent.Can you retell it together?
Ss: Yes. The first blind man touches the leg. It looks like a pillar.The second blind man touches the body.It looks like a wall.The third blind man touches the tail.It looks like a snake.
T:Boys and girls, look at the blackboard. Can you try to retell how the three blind men touch the elephant according to mind map on the blackboard?How does the first blind man touches the elephant?
S1:The first blind man touches the leg.The elephant looks like a pillar.It’s thick and round.
T:Great!What about the second blind man?
S2:The second blind man touches the body.The elephant looks like a wall.It’s big and strong.
T:That’s right.What about the third blind man?
S3:The third blind man touches the tail.The elephant looks like a snake.It’s long and thin.
T:Well done!
T:Boys and girls, I will assign today’s homework for you.Today we have learned the storyBlind men and the elephant. Please design a mind map by yourself after class.
S:Can I have a discussion with my partner?
T: Sure!You can do it cooperatively and just let your imagination run wildly.