
2021-11-26 06:32王立舒房俊龙李欣然董宇擎
农业工程学报 2021年16期

王立舒,白 龙,2,房俊龙,李欣然,李 闯,董宇擎


王立舒1,白 龙1,2,房俊龙1※,李欣然1,李 闯1,董宇擎1

(1. 东北农业大学电气与信息学院,哈尔滨 150030;2. 牡丹江师范学院物理与电子工程学院,牡丹江 157011)

为了提高光伏/温差联合发电系统的效率,需要进行最大功率点跟踪(Maximum Power Point Tracking,MPPT)控制。针对传统电导增量法步长固定不变导致跟踪速度慢和稳态误差大的缺点,该研究提出一种恒定电压法和双曲正切型自适应变步长算法结合的MPPT控制策略。该策略利用双曲正切函数单调递增、变化速度快的特点,使步长可以根据光强等外界环境条件的变化,自适应地快速调整,同时利用恒定电压法加快追踪的响应速度。Matlab/Simulink软件仿真和硬件试验表明,该研究所提方法在光照强度剧烈变化时,系统能够在15 ms内快速跟踪到最大功率点,同时稳态误差低于0.3%,实现了MPPT控制在跟踪速度和稳态精度方面的同步优化。


0 引 言


目前,常用的MPPT算法包括恒定电压法[8](Constant Voltage Tracking,CVT)、扰动观察法[9](Perturbation and Observation Method,P&O)和电导增量法[10-11](Incremental Conductance,INC)等,此外,一些智能启发式算法也被应用到最大功率点跟踪控制之中,例如:模糊控制[12]、人工神经网络[13]、粒子群算法[14]等。其中,电导增量法原理简单、实现容易,但该方法有着比较明显的缺陷,即采用固定步长,选择不当会导致算法无法及时找到最大功率点或发生振荡。针对这个问题,文献[15]将粒子群算法与电导增量法相结合,首先利用粒子群算法预测最大功率点附近电压和电流,然后利用电导增量法根据这两个值来寻找最大功率点,取得较好的跟踪效果。但该方法计算复杂度较高,需要较高的硬件代价;文献[16]将恒定电压法和电导增量法相结合,在起始阶段利用恒定电压法快速定位到最大功率点附近,然后利用电导增量法寻找最大功率点,并通过改变比例因子使步长可以动态变化。但是该方法仅仅只是利用传统电导增量法中的步长最大值对比例因子进行简单限制,并没有真正实现自适应;文献[17]采取了同样的控制策略,不同的是比例因子采用试凑法给定,该方法的灵活性和鲁棒性较差;文献[18]提出一种可根据外界环境变化自动调整步长的自适应电导增量法,采用了一种新的步长调整系数,提高了算法的响应速度。但该方法的实质与文献[16]和文献[17]相同,只是步长调整因子的形式略有些变化,仍然无法做到真正意义上的自适应。


1 系统结构







类似分析可以推广到具有个VM 级的变换器,因此VM级电容器电压如公式(6)所示。


2 自适应变步长MPPT控制


2.1 电导增量法的基本原理


2.2 自适应变步长电导增量法




3 试验分析

3.1 仿真试验分析

为了检验本文所提自适应变步长电导增量法在光伏/温差联合发电系统最大功率点跟踪控制中的性能,利用Matlab/Simulink软件平台组建仿真模型,对算法进行仿真试验,并从首次跟踪到最大功率点所需时间(启动时间)、环境(辐照度)剧烈变化时再次跟踪到最大功率点所需时间、系统输出功率的平均值和稳态误差等方面进行算法优劣性分析。光伏/温差发电部分仿真结构如图 5所示,本文采用的光伏电池仿真模型为晶澳公司的JAMG-6-60-250/SI型光伏组件,其部分主要参数如表1所示。温差发电片仿真模型为星河公司的F40550,其部分主要参数如表2所示[28]。

表2 温差发电片主要参数

由图6可知,本文所提变步长电导增量法的跟踪性能最佳。对于固定步长电导增量法,光照突然升高时,小步长和大步长的系统调节时间分别为46.3和24.2 ms;光照突然降低时,系统调节时间分别为34.8和13.5 ms;光照强度在1 000 W/m2稳定时,系统平均输出功率分别为317.4和324.7 W。由此可见,当步长较大时,算法的启动速度和动态响应时间明显较好,但相应的稳态误差较大,输出功率振荡明显,导致系统的整体效率降低。文献[18]算法的性能要明显好于固定步长电导增量法。该方法使步长具有一定的自适应能力,光照突变时系统调节时间分别为22.7和23.1 ms,光照强度为1 000 W/m2时,系统平均输出功率为317.8 W,可见算法对系统的跟踪速度和稳态精度都有一定程度的改善。

本文所提变步长电导增量法在光照突变时的调节时间分别为12.5和12.1 ms,系统平均输出功率在光照强度为1 000 W/m2时保持在316.4 W左右,无论相比较与固定电导增量法还是文献[18]的变步长电导增量法,系统跟踪速度和稳态精度都有很大程度的提高。这主要由于本文算法令步长按照双曲正切形式连续变化,使算法真正实现了快速、自适应跟踪实际的最大功率点,因此算法的性能最优。


3.2 硬件试验

2020年10月,在东北农业大学进行了最大功率点跟踪试验,试验装置如图8所示。控制器采用的是TI公司的TMS320LF2407A。JXBS-3001-ZFS太阳辐射传感器测量辐照度,测量范围0~1 500 W/m2,RS485输出。PZEM-031直流多功能表测量输出电压与输出电流,计量精度1.0级,电压测量范围6.5~100 V,电流测量范围0~20 A。负载为阻值150 Ω的大功率电阻。多晶硅光伏电池尺寸制定为700 mm×60 mm×2.3 mm,开路电压4.44 V,短路电流1.81 A,温差发电部分采用14个型号为SP1848-27145的温差发电片进行串联,并根据变步长电导增量法控制策略产生相应的PWM实现MPPT控制。为了验证本文算法具有较强的实用性,能够适应不同的环境条件,因而选择光照度和温度逐渐增强和基本不变的2个时间段[29-30]A(8:00~9:00)、B(12:00~13:00)进行电压和电流的数据采集以及跟踪试验,分别在A、B两个时间段的第1 min、第31 min和第60 min,每隔1 ms采集一个电压电流数据,将采集到的数据进行功率计算,并计算结果的平均值,试验测得结果如表3所示。2个时间段本文自适应电导增量法首次跟踪到最大功率点所用的时间分别为13.8和13.4 ms;平均输出功率为71.5和96.58 W,与系统理论输出功率相差7%左右,主要因为试验采用的多晶硅电池纯度不高,测量仪器存在一定的误差导致。但试验结果趋势与仿真结果基本相符,能够达到提高跟踪速度与系统稳定同步优化的目的。可以看出,利用本文算法进行MPPT控制后,当光照强度变化时,步长变化趋势一致,功率输出波动更小,调节速度快,自适应性好,系统可在15 ms内快速追踪并稳定在最大功率点,且系统稳态误差低于0.3%。

1.抛物型聚光器 2.光伏温差混合发电系统 3.辐照度测试仪 4.DC-DC变换器 5.数据采集卡 6.负载 7.USB转485模块 8.直流多功能表 9.计算机 10.DSP

表3 硬件试验数据对比

4 结 论


1)相比于传统固定步长电导增量法,本文提出的自适应变步长电导增量法可以有效降低系统启动时间,在光照突变时,系统可以在15 ms内快速追踪到最大功率点,响应速度明显提升;



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Self-adaptive photovoltaic/temperature difference MPPT control strategy based on hyperbolic tangent function

Wang Lishu1, Bai Long1,2, Fang Junlong1※, Li Xinran1, Li Chuang1, Dong Yuqing1

(1.,,150030,; 2.,,157011,)

An effective supply mode, solar power is gradually gaining much attention for the environmental friendliness and convenience. Among them, a photovoltaic/thermal co-generation technology is usually utilized to improve the power generation efficiency of photovoltaic cells, as the operating temperature rises. As such, the redundant heat generated by the photovoltaic cells was reused as the heat source for the temperature difference of the power generation system to realize secondary power generation. Moreover, the Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) control is also required to achieve the optimal potential of the co-generation system. In this study, a new MPPT control of photovoltaic/temperature difference was proposed further to combine the constant voltage and hyperbolic tangent type adaptive variable step size, in response to the oscillation and misjudgment caused by the fixed step size of traditional conductance increment. Two advantages were included here: First, the control was the fast tracking to the area near the nonlinear region of the maximum power point using 0.78 times of the system open-circuit voltage, suitable for the great changing environmental conditions. Second, the step size was adjusted adaptively and quickly, according to the change of external environmental conditions, when the MPPT was tracking to the nonlinear region near the maximum power points. For instance, the light intensity was used to reduce the system oscillation, indicating the monotonic increase and fast variation in the hyperbolic tangent function. Furthermore, a simulation model was established to evaluate the performance of adaptive variable step conductance increment in the MPPT control of a combined photovoltaic/thermal power generation system using the Matlab/Simulink software. Specifically, Jinao JAMG-6-60-250/SI photovoltaic module was set as the photovoltaic cell model, and Xinghe F40550 was the thermoelectric chip model. Simulation results show that the step changes were consistent under the drastic variation in the light intensity, while the response speed was obviously improved with the rapid adjustment for tracking the maximum power point. At the same time, the step size was kept at 0, after the output power of He system was stabilized. There were only small fluctuations and errors in the steady-state output power, indicating that the MPPT control performed well. Correspondingly, an MPPT hardware experiment was conducted to further verify the feasibility at Northeast Agricultural University in Harbin in October 2020. Two periods A (8:00-9:00) and B (12:00-13:00) were selected, when the illumination and temperature were gradually enhanced to remain unchanged. The hardware experimental results show that the system was quickly tracked and stabilized at the maximum power point within 15ms, where the steady-state error was less than 0.3%, indicating more robust to external environmental disturbances and higher energy utilization. Consequently, an excellent balance was achieved in the system response speed and steady-state accuracy. The finding can provide a promising potential to the implementation of hardware, such as digital signal processors in practice.

photovoltaic; temperature difference; adaptive; hyperbolic tangent function; MPPT

王立舒,白龙,房俊龙,等. 基于双曲正切函数的光伏/温差自适应MPPT控制策略研究[J]. 农业工程学报,2021,37(16):184-191.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.16.023 http://www.tcsae.org

Wang Lishu, Bai Long, Fang Junlong, et al. Self-adaptive photovoltaic/temperature difference MPPT control strategy based on hyperbolic tangent function[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(16): 184-191. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.16.023 http://www.tcsae.org









