周家新 段昶 曹亚凡 黄金辉 金康 程黄萍 柏永超 王永齐 杨悦章
摘 要:为改善商洛烟区土壤肥力,促进烤烟生长发育,开展了微生物不同菌剂与不同施用量双因素大田试验,对烤烟植物学性状和农艺性状进行分析。结果表明:(1)巨大芽孢杆菌和复合菌剂的低水平处理(A1、C1和C2)的植物学性状相对较优;(2)B4处理株高最高,平均为129.7cm,比对照高12.8%,适量应用微生物菌剂对烟株生长具有良好的促进作用;(3)烤烟茎围B1最大为13.9cm,与对照相比增加12.1%,低水平微生物菌剂的应用能够增加烤烟的莖围,但施用量过多不利于茎围的增加;(4)施用微生物菌剂的各处理烤烟节距均高于对照,其中C1最高为7.77cm;(5)各处理烤烟腰叶长度以C1最高为83cm,与对照相比分别增加12.2%,同一菌剂内不同水平处理表现出不同的增减趋势;(6)各处理烤烟腰叶宽度以C1最高为45.7cm,与对照相比增加15.7%。
中图分类号 S572 文献标识码 A文章编号 1007-7731(2021)19-0040-04
Effects of Microbial Agents on Botanical and Agronomic Characters of Flue-cured Tobacco
ZHOU Jiaxin1 et al.
(1Huahuan International Tobacco Co., Ltd, Chuzhou 233121, China)
Abstract: In order to improve the soil fertility and promote the growth and development of flue-cured tobacco in Shangluo tobacco growing area, a field experiment with different microbial agents and different application rates was carried out to study and analyze the botanical and agronomic characters of flue-cured tobacco. The results showed that:(1) the botanical characters of low-level treatments (A1, C1 and C2) of Bacillus megaterium and compound microbial agents were relatively better; (2)The plant height of B4 treatment was the highest, with an average of 129.7cm, 12.8% higher than that of the control; (3)The maximum stem girth B1 of flue-cured tobacco was 13.9cm, which increased by 12.1% compared with the control. The application of low-level microbial agents could affect the stem girth of flue-cured tobacco, but excessive application was not conducive to the increase of stem girth; (4)The results showed that the pitch of flue-cured tobacco was higher than that of the control, and the highest value of C1 was 7.77cm; (5)The length of C1 was 83cm in all treatments, which increased by 12.2% compared with the control; (6)Among all treatments, C1 had the highest waist leaf width of 45.7cm, which increased by 15.7% compared with the control.
Key words: Flue-cured Tobacco; Microbial Inoculum; Botanical Characters; Agronomic Characters
1 材料与方法
1.1 供试材料 供试品种为云烟87,供试微生物菌剂:巨大芽孢杆菌、胶质芽孢杆菌、复合微生物菌剂。
1.2 试验设计 采取不同菌剂与不同施用量双因素设计,共设16个处理(见表1);每个处理4行,同1行内每15株设置1个菌剂施用水平,共60株。不同菌剂处理随机排列,同一菌剂不同施用量处理按顺序排布在同行,同一行不同处理之间设置3株烟作为空白间隔,每行栽植93株烟,1个同质菌剂小区面积约225m2。3个菌剂处理加1个对照处理为1个重复,对照处理设置2行,1个重复面积为867.1m2;重复3次,试验小区四周设置保护行。各处理间除微生物菌剂的施用外,其他操作与对照(CK)保持一致,均按本年度当地常规操作要求执行。