When you dont know the answer to a homework question, what do you do? Searching onlinefor the answer may get you a better grade on the homework. But it wont necessarily help youlearn. New research suggests you should guess. Even if you get it wrong, thinking about thequestion on your own is better for learning than looking up the answer. Looking up answers onlinemay be harmful to your learning.
Always first generate1 the answers for yourself. It will help you do better on the exam. If youinstead find and copy the correct answer, youll be less likely to remember it in the future.
For many years, students had improved through each set of questions and did best in theexam. But by the late 2010s, the results got very messy. Many students were doing more poorly onthe exam than on the homework leading up to it. They would even ace2 the very first homeworkwhich was on material they had not yet learned.
多年来,学生们通过每一组问题取得进步,在考试中表现得最好。但到了2010 年代末期,情况变得非常混乱。许多学生在考试中的表现比在考试前家庭作业上的差得多。他们甚至会在关于还没学的内容的第一次家庭作业中取得高分。
Think about what had changed over these years. One big thing was the rise of smartphones.Now almost everyone carries one. So it would be easier today to quickly go online and find theanswer to any homework question. But students cant use smartphones during an exam. And thatmight explain why they arent doing as well on the tests.
People agree that coming up with answers on your own should lead to better learning forstudents at any age. If you find and then copy the right answer, youre taking the easy way out.And that is wasting a valuable practice opportunity. It may take a few more minutes to think of ananswer on your own, and then check to see if its right. But thats the way youll learn more.
Teachers should come up with homework and exam questions that cant be easily answeredonline. Writing and class practice are other great ways to encourage students to remember andapply3 their knowledge.