In general, foods that take longer to digestcan help raise your body temperature and makeyou feel warmer. The medical term for this pro-cess is thermogenesis, which is the process ofyour body producing heat caused by food me-tabolizing. Look for food that's high in healthyfats, proteins and carbohydrates. Many of thesefoods take longer to digest.
Eat Bananas
Bananas have a lot of vitamin B and mag-nesium,whichareimportantforyourthyroidand adrenal glands to function properly. Theseglands help regulate body temperature.
Drink Ginger Tea
Hot ginger tea can make you feel warm in-side on a cold day. Ginger is known to be goodfor digestive health and can stimulate thermo-genesis. It's also a diaphoretic, which means itwill help your body warm from the inside out.Keepingyouwarmisonlyoneof themanyhealth benefits of drinking ginger tea.
Drink Coffee
Oneof the benefits todrinkingcoffeeisthecaffeine. Caffeineincreasesyourmetabo-lism,whichcanraiseyour bodytemperature.Technically, iced coffee can be even better be-causeithasmorecaffeine. However,if youcan't give up the warm cup of coffee in yourhands, you'll still get the benefits from a hotcup of coffee.
Eat Red Meat
Red meat, such as beef, lamb and pork, is a good source of iron. Iron is an important min- eral to help carry oxygen throughout your body. Peoplewithlowironmaynoticecoldhands and feet or feel tired easily. Eating red meat can also supply vitamin B12, which contributes to healthy nerves and a strong immune system.
Eat Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoesandother root vegetables need more energy to move through the diges- tion process, which raises your body tempera- ture. High in vitamin A, vitamin C and potassi- um, sweet potatoes can add fiber and other nu- trients to a warm winter meal. Research shows sweet potatoes are also good for eye health.
Drink Water
Asimplewaytohelpyourbodystay warm this winter is to drink water. Water keeps your body functioning at its best and helps regu- lateyourinternaltemperature. Dehydration causesyourcoretemperaturetodrop,which may lead to hypothermia. People are less likely to drink water when it's cold outside because they don't feel as thirsty, according to Summit Medical Group. You may want to carry a water bottle with you to serve as a reminder.
Avoid Alcohol
You may follow the old adage that a shot of whisky can keep you warm. However, whis- kyandotherkindsof alcoholactuallylower yourbody'scoretemperature. Youmayfeel warm at first but it will be hard to stay warm over time. Alcohol also impairs your ability to shiver, which is a natural response to raise your body temperature.
牛肉、羊肉和猪肉等红肉富含铁元素。铁是一种重要的矿物质,有助于将氧气输送到全身。缺铁的人可能出现手脚冰冷或容易感到疲劳的症状。吃红肉还可以补充维生素 B12,对神经系统和免疫系统有益。
红薯和其他根茎类蔬菜需要更多的能量来消化,这会让体温升高。红薯富含维生素 A、维生素 C和钾元素,可以为温暖的冬季膳食增添纤维和其他营养素。研究表明,红薯还有益于眼睛健康。
在冬天保暖的一个简单方法就是喝水。水使身体保持最佳状态,并帮助调节体温。脱水会导致核心体温下降,这可能导致体温过低。据 Summit 医疗集团称,天气寒冷时,人们就不太喝水,因为他们感觉不那么渴。你可以随身携带一个水瓶提醒自己喝水。