Wendy Hobday Haugh
No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.
——Charles Dickens在这个世界上能减轻别人负担的人,都是有用的人。
As a child,1Was pretty lazy when it came to “doing”for my familv.1 worked hard atschool, did tons of homework, practiced for piano lessons. and sometimes looked after myyounger sister. Still.I found myself regularly resistingi the urge 2 to help out at home witheven the simplest things.
If mv mother or father asked me to do something,1 would do it:not a problem. But thefact that I alwavs needed to be asked or told to do things-things I could plainly3 see neededdoing-undoubtedly bugged 4 my parents. What Mom and Dad didn't realize, though, was thatby age ten mv resistance5 to chipping in6 even bugged me!
For a long time,1 wasn't bothered7 enough to actuallv do anvthing about it.But mvguilty consciences-knoWing I could and should do more for my families. and not justWhenasked-led me to feel pretty bad about myself.
Every Wednesday afternoon, for example, my mother drove me to another town for apiano lesson. During my lesson, she'd rush to the nearby store and buy a week's worth ofgroceries. Given the fact that mv mom had just driven me twelve miles there. twelve milesback, paid for mV lesson. and boughr me a candy bar, you'd think I'd be grateful andgracious9 enough to help her bring the groceries into the house without being asked. But Iwasn't.
I knew I should help her. But with homework weighing heavily on my mind-and with“me”still the center of my uruverse-lgenerally just brought in an armload and left the restfor Mom as I ran to my room, shut the door. and started studying.
Don' t get me wrong: being conscientious 10 about school is a good thing, and I know myparents appreciated my hard work and good grades. But che thing is, even holed up in myroom I still felt guiity about not helping my mother morce.Sure I had workto do ——but shed worked all day,too!And after hauling 11 in thouse bags,and putting the food away, Momstill had to prepare for a tastydinner for the five of us. Smallwonder I felt guilty.
A similar situation occurred on summer weekends as my family headed north to our lakesi(lecamp.Each of us kids was expected to pack our own basket of clothes and toys,carry it to thecar and,later,bring it inside the camp.But besides our individual baskets,that station WagOn12was always jam—packed with camp gear and bags of food.0nce again—if asked—I'd help carryin everything else.But if left to my own deviCeS13,1 was much more apt14 to dUmp15 my basketinside,then head outdool's to play in the woods.
Exploring is a good thing,sure,and it turned me into a lifelong naturalist.But my“nothelping”was gradually becoming a bigger and bigger problem for me because in my heart andmy head I knew l was Skirting16 responsibilty—not to mention,it obviously made my parentsCranky17 to have to continually ask for my help.
Deep down I wanted to change my ways. But I also realized thatonce I did change, there'd be no going back. Once I took on moreresponsibilities, my parents would start expecting more of me. At age ten,I sensed that this one small change would mark the start of something farbigger: my personal transition from a cared一for,semi—spoiled child to a more matUre18.responsible,caring and giving young person.
I'll never forget the Wednesdav I made a conscious19 decision to jump in and see whathappened. Returning home from my lesson.I disappeared into my room. as usual. But onceinside.I felt that deep and burning shame. Dumping my schoolbooks on the bed,I opened mydoor and headed back to the garage to help my mother.
I'm sure Mom thanked me that day. but her thanks are not what I remember. What Iremember most is the incredible sense of peace and satisfaction Ifelt after helping her.Working hard at school alWays made me feelgood. But what surprised me that day was howhappy I felt just helping my mom-all on my own.
At the time,I imagine Mom wondered. "Is this a one-time deal or will Wendy help meagain next week'?”
Unknown to her, I'd already made a serious decision to join in and help every singleWednesday-and from that day on, I did. It was such a small action. Yet whata nice little difference it made in my mom's life! And what a hugedifference it made in mine. The selfishnessand guilt I'd struggled with for solong suddenlv vanished20 replacedby a warm glow of pride
As for those summer camps to the lake,ditt0 21 1 Instead of just carrylng my own stuff,Ibegan retuming to the car for more loads—even when my father wasln a really grOUChy22“long week at work”mood.The first time I did it,Dad probablyWondered the same thing asMom.“Is this a one—time deal?”
But over time,I showed mv SinCerity23 by continuing to help out with the loading andunloading.The great thing was.the more I helped out,the better I feh about myself and myplace within my family.As Mom and Dad realized they could count on me more,our tripshecame far less stressfhl.too.In short ,it Was a win—win situation fbr evervone.
Some“mes山e little things we put off doing the longest turn out to be the simplest thingsto do.Helping out more——and offering to help rather than waitting to be asked——made myparents and me a lot happier.And feeling happy trumpS 24 feeling guilty any day.
1.resist[r??z?st] v.抗拒;忍耐
2.urge [??d?] n.强烈欲望
3.plainly[?ple?nl?] adv.显而易见地
4hug[h?ɡ] n烦扰
5.resistance [r??z?st?ns] n.阻力;抵抗
6.chip in插嘴
7.bothered [?b???d] adj.烦的;感到讨厌的 8.conscience[?k?n? ns] n.道德心,良心
9.gracious [?ɡre???s]adj.亲切的;有礼貌的
10. conscientious [?k?n???en??s] adj.认真的
II. haul [h??l] v.拖,拉
12. wagon['w?ɡ?n]n.货车
13. device [d??va?s] n.装置;设备
14. apt[?pt] adj.有……倾向的
15. dump [d?mp] n丢下;猛地放下
16. skirt [sk??t]v.绕过,回避
17. cranky [?kr??k?] adj.暴躁的
18. mature [m??tj??]adj.成熟的
19. conscious[?k?n??s] adj.意识到的;故意的 20. vanish [?v?n??] n消失
21. ditto ['ditau] adv.同上地
22. grouchy ['grautli] adj.不高兴的
23. sincerity [sin'serati]n.真实,诚挚
24. trump [trAmp]v.胜过