How Covid Is Creating New Fintech Billionaires新冠疫情如何造就金融科技新富

2021-07-25 09:32杰夫·考夫林伊丽莎·哈弗斯托克
英语世界 2021年5期

杰夫·考夫林 伊丽莎·哈弗斯托克

Stay-at-home consumers and stimulus checks have been a boon1 for online installment financing, digital banks and day trading. 消費者宅在家里,手里握着经济刺激补助金,这对于在线分期付款、数字银行和日内交易来说可谓是一大福音。

In 2015, Nick Molnar was living with his parents in Sydney, Australia, and selling jewelry from a desktop computer in his childhood bedroom. Hocking everything from $250 Seiko watches to $10,000 engagement rings, the 25-year-old had gotten so good at online marketing that he had become Australias top seller of jewelry on eBay, shipping thousands of packages a day.

That same year, he teamed up with Anthony Eisen, a former investment banker who was 19 years his senior and lived across the street. They cofounded Afterpay, an online service that allows shoppers from the U.S., U.K., Australia, New Zealand and Canada to pay for small-ticket2 items like shoes and shirts in four interest-free payments over six weeks. “I was a Millennial who grew up in the 2008 crisis, and I saw this big shift away from credit to debit,” the now 30-year-old Molnar says today. Either lacking credit cards or fearful of racking up3 high-interest-rate debt on their credit cards, Molnars generation was quick to embrace this new way to buy and get merchandise now, while paying a little later.

Five years later, Molnar and Eisen, who each own roughly 7% of the company, have become billionaires—during a pandemic. After initially tanking at the start of lockdowns, shares of Afterpay are up nearly tenfold, thanks to a surge in business tied to e-commerce sales. In the second quarter of 2020, it handled $3.8 billion of transactions, an increase of 127% versus the same period a year earlier.

Buy now, pay later

They are not the only ones whose fortunes have taken off in the last few months. According to Forbes analysis, at least five fintech entrepreneurs including the two Aussies have been vaulted4 into the billionaire rankings by the pandemic. Others include Chris Britt, founder of digital bank Chime, and Vlad Tenev and Baiju Bhatt, the co-CEOs of “free” stock trading app Robinhood5. Several other founders from such companies as Klarna have also gotten boosts and are suddenly approaching billionaire status.

For a sizable crop of consumer-facing and payments-related fintechs, the virus has delivered a gust of growth, just as it has for e-commerce behemoth Amazon and work-from-home players Zoom6, Slack7 and DocuSign8.

“Consumer fintech adoption was already strong prepandemic, especially among the 20s to early-40s age group,” says Victoria Treyger, a general partner who leads fintech investing at Felicis Ventures9. “The pandemic has become a growth rocket, fueling the rapid acceleration of adoption across all age groups, including 40- to 60-year-olds.”

Several Covid-driven developments are helping specific types of fintech players. For example, consumers shift to more online spending and delivery services is a boon to certain companies powering payments. The $2 trillion-plus CARES Act Congress passed in March, with its $1,200-per-adult stimulus checks, student loan payment holiday and (now expired) $600-a-week unemployment supplements, helped many Americans keep financially above      water—and some digital banks like Chime to prosper.

Debit it!

In the second quarter of 2020, amid Covid lockdowns and fears, consumers slashed spending on travel, restaurants and luxury items they usually put on their credit cards, but continued to spend on necessities and smaller items—the sort of things theyre more likely to pay for with debit cards. And debit cards (rather than checks or credit cards) are the spending vehicle most frequently offered by fintech neobanks like SoFi, Dave and MoneyLion.

San Francisco-based digital bank Chime, in particular, has used the stimu-lus payments to its advantage. In mid-April, about a week before the $1,200 government-stimulus checks started hitting Americans accounts, the company advanced customers that money, eventually extending over $1.5 billion. “Following the stimulus advance, we had the largest day for new enrollments in the history of the company,” CEO Britt reports.

Today, Chimes annualized revenue is running at a $600 million rate. Then theres the Robinhood phenomenon. The boredom of being stuck at home, wild stock market swings and government stimulus checks have turned some Millennials and Generation-Zers10 into day traders and options players. Robinhoods fundraising round in September gave it an $11.7 billion valuation and its cofounders a paper net worth of $1 billion each.

If theres one fintech segment that has been an unalloyed11 pandemic winner, its the business Afterpay is in: online point-of-sale installment financing. Its benefiting from both consumers shift to online buying and their reluctance, in these uncertain economic times, to take on new credit card debt.

Two of the three co-founders of Klarna, the Swedish payments group, Sebastian Siemiatkowski and Niklas Adalberth, met while flipping patties12 at a Burger King in Sweden. They pioneered the buy-now, pay-later model in fintech, calling it “try before you buy” and letting people own products for 30 days before making their first payment.

The pandemic has catapulted Klarnas business onto a steep trajectory. By the end of 2020s first half, its U.S. customer base hit 9 million, up 550% from the same period the year before. Globally, 55,000 consumers are downloading the Klarna app every day. When it raised a new round of funding in September, its valuation nearly doubled from a year ago, hitting $10.7 billion.

Another fintech winner in the installment-payment business is Silicon Valley-based Affirm, the creation of serial entrepreneur Max Levchin, a founder of PayPal. It has enjoyed a special Covid kicker13 from pricey home fitness gear. Since 2015, it has powered financing for Peloton, whose sales have surged as affluent young consumers, missing the motivation of group exercise classes, have flocked to buy the $2,000-plus stationary bikes with their streaming workout classes. Affirm also now finances purchases of Mirror14, the hot $1,495 in-home fitness coaching device.

Of course, the fintech companies current lofty valuations depend on consumer spending staying strong and consumers retaining some of the online shopping habits theyve developed over the past year. With the future course of Covid-19 unknown, there are no guarantees. But for now, these fintechs are riding high.                                                          ■












如今,Chime的年化营收已达6亿美元。疫情催生了Robinhood 现象。居家的百无聊赖、股市的剧烈波动、政府的经济刺激补助,诸多条件促使千禧一代和Z世代中的一些人玩起了日内交易的期权。在2020年9月的一轮融资中,Robinhood估值达到117亿美元,两位联合创始人的账面净资产各达到10亿美元。





当然,金融科技公司目前的高估值依赖于消费者支出保持强劲势头,还要指望消费者保留过去一年形成的一些网购习惯。由于疫情的未来走向尚未可知,上述两个方面都无法保证。但就目前而言,这些金融科技公司发展势头正猛。  □


1 boon非常有用的东西;益处。  2 ticket(货物上标明价目、尺码等的)标签,签条。

3 rack sth up累积。  4 vault(用手支撑或撑杆)跳跃,跃过。

5线上股票交易平台,让投资者在不支付佣金或费用的情况下交易股票、期权、基金和加密货币。  6一款多人云视频会议软件,为用户提供兼备高清视频会议与移动网络会议功能的云视频通话服务。  7企业聊天工具平台,整合了电子邮件、短信、Google Drives、Twitter等 65 种工具和服务,可以把各种碎片化的企业沟通和协作集中到一起。  8一家总部设在美国的电子签名服务商,帮助用户自动化准备、签署、执行和管理协议等书面文件。  9一家美国风险投资公司,专注于对各种公司进行从早期到成长阶段的投资。

10指在1995至2009年之间出生的一代人。  11 unalloyed纯粹的。  12 patty小馅饼。

13 kicker令人惊讶的东西。  14一款高科技健身产品,看起来像一面普通的镜子,但上面可以播放各种类别的健身课程。

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