
2021-07-12 03:49:42MigueldeGuzmán,RocíoRomero
世界建筑导报 2021年3期



设计单位:Elii 建筑师事务所

建筑面积:483.48 平方米

摄影:Miguel de Guzmán,Rocío Romero

Client:Fundación Save The Children



Building Area:483.48 m²

Photography:Miguel de Guzmán,Rocío Romero

“救助儿童基金会”总部是该非政府组织在马德里Vallecas 地区圣迭戈社区(San Diego)开展社会工作的重要中心 。该方案涉及对现有建筑的翻新和扩建,添加一个悬挂在现有结构之上的新主体,以满足托儿中心的需求。方案也包括新立面的设计以及增添新的服务核心。

对于原有建于1950 年的建筑的改造包括:(a) 翻新和加固现有结构。(b)拆除建筑物的后部,以整合新的通讯和服务核心。(c)扩展顶层,将原有两个露台改造为两层通高空间,利于交叉通风。(d)利用出挑屋檐和檐篷重新设计外立面。这在解决太阳直射问题的同时,赋予了基金会大楼全新面貌。(e) 优化功能组织,使其符合对儿童使用建筑物的严格的法规要求,同时最大限度保持方案灵活性,以便符合将来其它的潜在用途。

建筑中同时配备某些特别元素以增强儿童相互交流和对建筑的情感联系。(a)使用利于协同布置空间的元素,包括可移动的教室空间或便携式家具,加强儿童与变化空间的联系。(b)纳入集体护理的要素,例如需要共同照料的植物。(c)使用某些材料来刺激感知。例如等候室的饰面可以反射建筑外广场的景象,弱化室内外的分隔。(d)体现孩子们的意愿。在竞标过程中,我们要求不同年龄的孩子写一份 “愿望清单”,展示他们对新空间的想象。他们的一些要求,例如 “在每层楼上安装一个巧克力喷泉”,在项目中难以实现。但是,其他诸如 “能够从房间中看到星星”已被转换为不同的建筑元素,如屋顶的天窗。简而言之,这是为了将建筑物变成集体的 “宠物”,激发使用者对它的亲近情感。


剖面图 Section

The building for Save The Children Foundation is a strategic point in the San Diego neighbourhood for the social work that this NGO carries out in the Vallecas area.The project involves the refurbishment and extension of the current building so as to address the needs of a child care centre.The proposal is based on adding a new body that is suspended over the existing structure.This extends the building and configures a new façade,as well as a new communications and service core.

A series of architectural actuations serve to update the body of this 1950s building:(a)refurbishment and consolidation of the existing structure.(b) Partial demolition of the rear of the building to integrate a new communications and service core,in compliance with current regulations guaranteeing the technical and functional performance of the main rooms.(c)Extension of the top floor,which uses up the allowed building surface with a two-level space,arranged between two terraces to favor cross-ventilation.(d) Refurbishment of the façade using a system of eaves,canopies and flower pots suspended from the top floor.This solves the problem of the (non-existent) heat insulation and the regulation of the solar radiation,while at the same time configuring the new image of the STC Foundation in the square.(e) Functional organization to optimize the typology so that it complies with the demanding regulatory requirements for buildings to be used by children while at the same time maintaining the maximum programmatic flexibility for other potential future uses.

A series of basic active and passive bioclimate measures have been presented to complement the comprehensive air conditioning strategy:(a) Design of a new insulated enclosure and cross ventilation whenever possible.(b) Façade system formed by canopies and eaves that reduce energy consumption for cooling in summer and heating in winter.(c) Incorporation of plants on the façade to help regulate temperature and moisture during the summer months.(d) Cold/hot conditioning system by means of underfloor heating.Thanks to all these elements,the building has the best possible energy certification,reduces its maintenance costs,while the comfort of the children,visitors and workers is ensured.

一层平面 First floor plan

二层平面 Second floor plan

三层平面 Third floor plan

四层平面 Forth floor zplan

五层平面 Fifth plan

顶层平面 Top plan

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