
2021-06-03 11:15:16建筑设计徐健生
世界建筑 2021年5期


Architect: XU Jiansheng


The main building of the Great Temple of the Han Dynasty is a steel structure decorated with concrete panel cladding. The plan is a square "mandala" layout, 99 metres long from east to west and 19 metres in total height. It has an appropriate scale, simple style and an inclination angle of 45°. It is an abstract expression of the great beauty and shocking richness of the Han culture, not only expressing the artistic conception of the place at a deep level, but also making the building an important spiritual symbol in the cultural landscape of the Han Emperor's Ancestral Tomb in Feng County, Jiangsu. It is a cultural architecture integrating Han Dynasty culture with the experience of the Chu and Han culture. The square plan and the circular composition at the top reflect the simple philosophical concept of square earth and spherical heavens. The earthen-yellow exterior, which imitates the texture of rammed earth, is dotted with grey-white Han Dynasty pattern texture. The virtual and real coexist, and the greatest truth is simplest.

项目信息/Credits and Data

设计团队/Design Team: 屈培青,高伟,白少甫,于新国,王世斌,刘伟,王彬,季兆齐,李士伟/QU Peiqing, GAO Wei, BAI Shaofu, YU Xingguo, WANG Shibin, LIU Wei, WANG Bin, JI Zhaoqi, LI Shiwei.

建筑面积/Floor Area: 11,811.86 m2

摄影/Photos: 屈培青/QU Peiqing

1 总平面/Site plan

2 首层平面/Ground floor plan

3 二层平面/First floor plan

4 构思草图/Design sketch

5 正立面/Front façade

6 局部/Partial view

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