2017版《普通高中英语课程标准》着力发展学生的核心素养。英语学习活动观中的“活动”目标指向核心素养发展,既是学生学习英语的基本形式,也是英语课堂教学的基本组织形式,集语言、思维、文化为一体,依据不同层次的活动目标。《普通高中英语课程标准》指引着教师如何撰写教案,如何更好地分析教材,上好每一堂课。自2020年9月以来,湖南省开始使用牛津译林(2020版)高中英语新教材。新教材将原来译林版《牛津高中英语》教材中的Task 板块改为 Integrated skills 板块,要求学生通过听、读或看输入,然后再产出,同时关注输入材料的价值取向、思维能力的训练。任务设计重在贯彻落实“综合性技能训练”和“技能融合發展”的教材编写理念,指导学生在教材“四步一体”的活动设计框架下,完成由理解性技能向表达性技能的过渡,最后让学生在说和写的输出性活动中,实现话题相关知识与综合语言技能的融合。我以牛津译林(2020版)高中英语必修一 Unit4 Integrated skill:plastic surgery版块教学内容为例并结合2017版《普通高中英语课程标准》新提出的英语学科核心素养,谈谈如何基于英语学习活动观设计教学活动。
一 、理论基础
二、Integrated skills板块教学设计
本板块以“整形手术”为话题。本版块首先介绍John Wilson和Ella Edwards两人的整容小故事,引出整容的利弊,语篇主题为“人与自我”。再有一则关于“整形手术利弊”的新闻报道,通过播放听力的方式,将材料设计为判断正误题和填空题。最后介绍议论文文体特点、PRE写作结构、语言特点。本版块以活动为导向,通过一系列读、听、说、写活动,要求学生对“整形手术”这一话题发表个人观点,从中领悟美与健康的真谛。
Class begins. Good morning, boys and girls. Sit down please. Today, we are going to have a new topic and we’ ll have a competition. Group 1, Group 2, Group 3, Group 4. So, put up your hands, answer my questions and fight for your group. In the end, you will find your group points very important because we are going to use these points to create something.
Before we watch a video about our new topic, think about two questions:
(1) Why did the lady want to change her appearance?
(2) How did she make it?
Now, let’s watch a video.
You are so clever.
Recently, plastic surgery has become a heated topic. We can see it on newspapers. A man and a woman have also received plastic surgery. Let’s read two news stories and find out more information.
学生阅读书上两则故事,回答问题“Is plastic surgery good for him/her?”并根据文中内容给出理由。
Now, 2 minutes for you to read the first passage. Think about the question: Is plastic surgery good for him? Tell me the reasons according to the passage. If you have finished, put up your hands!
You have done a good job! Are these words or phrases about the advantages or disadvantages? Yes, advantages.
How about this story? Also, two minutes for you. Tell me the reasons according to the passage. Are these words or phrases about the advantages or disadvantages? Of course, disadvantages.
After you get the information, can you choose the best title for these two news stories?
Title 1: Woman regrets plastic surgery
Title 2: Plastic surgery helps man with burn marks
【設计意图】1. 运用寻读的阅读策略,找出文章中描述的整容利弊的细节信息。2. 运用略读的阅读策略,为文章确定一个合适的标题。3. 语言能力: 获取、概括信息。
For more information, let’s listen to Alice’s report. Listen and complete the notes.
Now, let’s check the answers.
Who can tell me the advantages in her report?
How about the disadvantages of plastic surgery?
Advantages of plastic surgery
It is the easiest way to help people improve their (1)___________.
It helps people build their (2)_______________.
Disadvantages of plastic surgery
It is very (3)___________.
It carries serious (4)____________. Patients may suffer health problems after failed plastic surgery operations or even (5) _____ during operations.
The (6) ________ of plastic surgery might be different from what people (7) ________.
【设计意图】1. 训练学生的听力技能,获得更多的关于整容利弊的信息。2. 培养语言能力: 获取、概括信息。
After hearing Alice’s report, I’d like to hear your voices. You have 5 minutes to prepare for the debate about plastic surgery. G1&G2 talk about the advantages. G3&G4 talk about the disadvantages. One point of advantage and then one point of disadvantage. You can use these good expressions.
Now, time is up. Let’s begin our debate. Advantages try first!
I like your point! Sounds great! I’ll give you one point.
After debating, we know everyone has his/ her opinion about plastic surgery. How would you express your opinion? Now, let’s watch a video and learn how to write an argument essay.
1. Recently, we had a discussion on whether we should…(导入话题).
2. Recently, more and more people have …(导入话题).
Our opinions are divided on this topic(观点有分歧). Most of the students support it. (正方观点)Here are the reasons. First… Second…Finally(1-2个赞成的理由) However, the others are strongly against it.(反方观点)Their reasons are as follows. In the first place… What’s more… In addition…(1-2个反对的理由)
In my opinion/ In conclusion, I firmly believe that…
To begin with/ First of all/ Lastly/ In the end/ Last but not least
Besides/ What's more/ In addition
In my opinion/ Personally speaking/ From my point of view/ As far as I am concerned
In conclusion/ In a word/ In short/ So/ Therefore
Recently, we had a discussion on whether we should have plastic surgery.
Our opinions are divided on this topic. Most of the students support it. Here are the reasons. First, it can help people build their self-confidence. Second, it can change people’s appearance, especially for those who have physical disability. However, the others are strongly against it. Their reasons are as follow. To begin with, it is very expensive. What’s more, it carries serious health risks.
In conclusion, I firmly believe that a healthy lifestyle is more important, so plastic surgery does more harm than good to us.
Now, you have 6 minutes to write an argument essay about the advantages and disadvantages of plastic surgery. Here are 4 papers.
Group 1: write Para 1
Group 2: write Advantages in Para 2
Group 3: write Disadvantages in Para 2
Group 4: write Para 3
Work together and write down your paragraph in groups.
If your group has finished, group leader please come to the front, read the sentences on the paper and put the paper on the blackboard.
【设计意图】培养语言能力: 较为熟练地整合性运用已有英语语言知识。
本课的设计难点有以下几个方面:(1)上课时间有限,需要教的内容多。因为是要作为公开课比赛的内容,主办方要求要将其本该是2个课时的内容压缩成1个课时。按照译林出版社的建议,第一课时主要完成语言的输入:阅读与听力,第二课时是依照输入的信息,针对主题,完成语言的输出:讨论与写作。在磨课的过程中,听课老师们给我提的建议都是“一定要根据课文主题:plastic surgery展开,并充分利用阅读和听力给学生足够多的语言输入,再进行语言的输出。”(2)教材中设置的题目未能适应大部分学生,尤其是听力部分。听力的题型与高考题型完全不同,第一个听力题是判断正误,第二题是填空。这对学生的水平要求很高。而又因为上课时间受限,因而教师必须要自己仔细研读教材,挖掘出对之后的讨论和写作有利的信息,将其变成一种新的听力题,与此同时,还需要考虑到听力策略的教授。
英语学习活动观的三个层次教学活动既促进教师的专业成长,又能发展学生的思维。落实英语学习活动观的Integrated skills板块教学需考虑一下三个方面的问题:[3]
综上所述,英语学习活动观在考查听说读写综合能力的Integrated skills板块有一定的优势。
中华人民共和国教育部制定. 普通高中英语课程标准: 2017年版 [M]. 北京: 人民教育出版社, 2018.
梅德明. 王薔. 改什么?如何教?怎样考?:高中英语新课标解析[M]. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社,2018.
王佳丽. 基于英语学习活动观 促进学生思维新发展——以Unit 1 Integrated Skills为例[J]. 英语教师,2021, (10): 98-102.