王彬 王莹 魏联滨 李楠 李朝阳
摘 要:配電网的效益具有差异性,为了提高配电网的效益预测水平,提出了基于大数据分析的差异化投资增量的配电网效益预测方法。建立了差异化投资增量配电网效益评价的指标分析模型,采用大数据分析方法进行差异化投资增量配电网效益分析。结合特征空间重构技术进行差异化投资增量配电网效益的分布式特征序列重组,提取差异化投资增量配电网效益分布特征量。采用关联规则挖掘方法对分布特征量进行效益优先性评价,利用模糊相关检测方法进行配电网效益分布大数据的抗干扰处理。对提取的差异化投资增量配电网效益分布特征量采用神经网络学习方法进行配电网的效益预测,构建效益分布的差异化因子,实现基于大数据分析的差异化投资增量配电网的效益预测。仿真测试结果表明,采用该方法进行差异化投资下的增量配电网效益预测准确性与灵敏度较高,可靠性较好。
中图分类号:TM73;F272 文献标识码:A
Benefit Prediction of differential Investment Incremental
Distribution Network Based on Big Data Analysis
WANG Bin1, WANG Ying1,WEI Lian-bin1,LI Nan2,LI Zhao-yang1
( 1. Development Planning Department,State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Company Limited,Tianjin 300000,China;
2. Chengnan Power Supply Branch, State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Company Limited,Tianjin 300000,China)
Abstract:In order to improve the efficiency prediction level of distribution network, this paper proposes a method of distribution network efficiency prediction based on big data analysis and differential investment increment, and establishes the index analysis model of the benefit evaluation of the differential investment incremental distribution network, analyzes the benefit of the differential investment incremental distribution network by using the big data analysis method, recombines the distributed characteristic sequence of the benefit of the differential investment incremental distribution network by combining the characteristic space reconstruction technology, extracts the distribution characteristic quantity of the benefit of the differential investment incremental distribution network, and uses the association rule mining method The distribution characteristic quantity is used for benefit priority evaluation, the fuzzy correlation detection method is used for anti-interference processing of big data of distribution network benefit distribution, the neural network learning method is used for benefit prediction of distribution network for the extracted differential investment increment distribution network benefit distribution characteristic quantity, the differential factor of benefit distribution is constructed, and the differential investment increment based on big data analysis is realized Benefit prediction of distribution network. The simulation test results show that the accuracy, sensitivity and reliability of the incremental distribution network benefit prediction based on this method are high.
Key words:big data analysis; differentiation investment; incremental distribution network; benefit prediction
1 配电网效益预测的大数据分布和特征
1.1 配电网效益评价的指标分析
3 仿真测试分析
为了验证所提方法在实现差异化投资下配电网效益预测中的应用性能,结合Matlab进行仿真测试,在SPSS统计分析软件下进行效益评价的统计分析,使用Simulink工具搭建处理平台,处理器CPU为lntel(R) Core(TM)i7-7700 CPU@3.60 GHz,操作系统为CentOS6.6,内存128 G。为了测试输出量化特征效果,采集到电力物联网(http:∥shupeidian.bjx.com.cn/)的相关数据,将上述数据进行差异化投资增量配电网效益分析,得到大数据样本分布集如图3所示。
4 结 论
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