
2021-04-09 05:46徐训林巧梅周君宋爽江国富
计算技术与自动化 2021年1期

徐训 林巧梅 周君 宋爽 江国富

摘 要:为实现对机械手的快速高精度跟踪,采用滑模变结构控制算法对机械手进行控制。针对机械手在趋近滑模面的过程中所存在的抖震问题,在基于模糊补偿的鲁棒自适应控制的基础上,设计了一种基于趋近率的自适应模糊滑模机械手控制系统,使得系统能更快的趋近滑模面,削弱系统抖震现象。基于Matlab/Simulink 仿真平台上搭建了机械手控制系统,仿真结果表明,加入趋近率能加快系统趋近滑模面,提高了系统的稳定性和跟踪性能。


中图分类号:TP241.3      文献标识码:A

Sliding Mode Control System of Manipulator

Based on Approaching Rate

XU Xun, LIN Qiao-mei,ZHOU Jun, SONG Shuang,JIANG Guo-fu

(Department of Engineering , Huizhou Vocational College of Engineering ,Huizhou, Guangdong 510023,China)

Abstract:In order to realize the fast and high precision tracking of manipulator, the sli ding mode variable structure control algorithm is used to control the manipulator. Aiming at the chattering problem of the manipulator in the process of reaching the sliding mode surface, an adaptive fuzzy sliding mode manipulator control strategy based on the approaching rate is proposed in this paper, based on the robust adaptive control with fuzzy compensation, so that the system can be more efficient fast approach to the sliding surface, weakening the chattering phenomenon of the system. A manipulator control system is built based on MATLAB / Simulink simulation platform and the simulation results show that the approaching rate can speed up the system approach to the sliding surface and then improve the stability and tracking performance of the system.

Key words:manipulator; sliding mode control; adaptive fuzzy control; approaching rate



4 结 论



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