晚白垩世以来白令海构造成因及大地构造演化………………………………刘松峰, 杨楚鹏, 鞠东, 熊量莉, 李学杰 1
南极海域潮汐模型研究进展及精度评定………………………………孙维康, 周兴华, 周东旭, 孙彦菲 13
东南极极记录冰川表面冰面湖变化监测………………………………李青, 周春霞, 刘芮希, 郑雷 27
基于船侧图像的北极太平洋扇区夏季海冰厚度时空变化研究………………………………梅浩, 卢鹏, 王庆凯, 曹晓卫, 李志军 37
南极菲尔德斯半岛表层土壤中多环芳烃分布特征、源解析及风险评价………………………………刘昂, 公金文, 韩彬, 赵军, 郑立 49
“雪龙2”号科考作业协同管理平台设计与实现………………………………王硕仁, 陈清满, 于化冰, 张永正, 宋栋芳 58
加拿大北极群岛区域西北航道海冰冰情长期时空变化特征研究………………………………沈心仪, 张瑜, 陈长胜, 胡松 71
基于文献计量分析的南极海洋保护区研究动态………………………………韦想云, 朱国平 88
南极冰盖地表能量平衡的研究进展………………………………杨堤益, 丁明虎, 邹小伟 99
快速变化中北冰洋CO2汇研究进展………………………………赵德荣, 高众勇, 孙恒 115
细菌抗冻蛋白研究进展及其应用潜力分析………………………………高山惠, 廖丽, 胥义, 陈波 128
极地雪冰中高氯酸盐的研究进展………………………………赵茜, 姜苏, 史贵涛, 陈振楼, 孙波 139
环境DNA方法在北极地区鱼类多样性研究中的应用潜力………………………………王芮, 林龙山, 李海, 张然, 李渊 148
2013—2019年美国北极研究大科学计划实施进展………………………………刘文浩, 郑军卫, 赵纪东, 杨宗喜 156
南大洋发展的热点展望——联合国海洋科学促进可持续发展十年(2021—2030):南大洋区域性会议纪要………………………………高咏卉, 李纪 167
极地气溶胶及雪冰中非海盐硫酸根与甲基磺酸时空分布及环境指示………………………………马红梅, 孙波, 胡正毅, 史贵涛 171
西澳平贾拉造山带中元古代–早古生代地质事件及其与东南极雷纳造山带地质事件对比………………………………于世航, 陈龙耀, 刘晓春 183
西南极湖泊沉积类脂记录的有机质来源及生态环境变化………………………………郭晓泽, 赵军, 韩正兵, 李栋, 张海峰, 孙维萍, 扈传昱, 潘建明 198
海冰模式中融池参数化方案的伴随模式参数估计………………………………陆洋, 王晓春 209
2018年中国第9次北极科学考察走航期间北极低层大气垂直结构特征分析………………………………田忠翔, 赵福, 尹朝晖, 于文灏 222
一株可利用二甲基巯基丙酸内盐生长的北极海洋细菌的分类鉴定及表型特征分析………………………………张义和, 曾胤新, 曲江勇 231
北极新奥尔松地区藻类可培养附生细菌多样性研究………………………………孙晓梦, 樊守金 241
两种新的基于遥感影像的南极DEM精度比较与分析………………………………耿通, 肖峰, 张胜凯, 李佳星, 宣越, 李斐 250
“雪龙2”号冰区表层海水采集系统的设计与实现………………………………袁东方, 王硕仁, 陈清满, 刘志兵, 廖周鑫, 夏寅月 260
北极航线体系国家关系网络研究………………………………丁超君, 李振福, 史晓梅, 陈雪 268
基于模糊层次分析-多级可拓的北极东北航线不同航段风险评价………………………………何佩龙, 马晓雪, 张靖雯, 乔卫亮 279
国际极地科学研究概况和热点计量分析………………………………陈留林, 孔嘉, 邓三鸿, 谌陈晨 294
南极研究科学委员会(SCAR)行动计划Bedmap 3项目进展………………………………崔祥斌 307
南极研究科学委员会(SCAR)“南极的不稳定性和临界点(INSTANT)”2021国际学术研讨会介绍………………………………唐学远 309
北极理事会突发事件预防、准备和响应工作组2020年第2次会议(EPPRⅡ-2020)情况介绍………………………………陈星森, 韩佳霖 311
极地酵母菌的发现与应用………………………………卢凤宁, 张元兴, 蔡孟浩 315
基于深度学习的SuperDARN雷达极区电离层跨极盖电场模型构建………………………………李可, 刘二小 325
北斗三号系统在环南极地区的信号质量与基本定位服务性能分析………………………………赵建, 安家春, 艾松涛, 王泽民, 朱李忠, 宋翔宇 337
基于地形指数的格陵兰冰面水系建模与评价………………………………毛玮, 陆欣, 陆瑶, 杨康 351
基于Elmer/Ice对玛丽伯德地西部区域的冰盖数值模拟………………………………杨树瑚, 徐佳鑫, 许德锐, 韩彦岭, 张云, 洪中华 363
东南极中山站–Dome A断面雪坑主要化学离子的时空变化研究………………………………邓加元, 李院生, 马红梅, 史贵涛, 马天鸣, 鲁思宇 374
南极难言岛固定冰年际变化及驱动力分析………………………………孙晓宇, 沈辉, 李春花, 于旭鹏, 汪大立 388
北极新奥尔松地区可溶性无机氮盐对根际土壤细菌群落多样性的影响………………………………王瑜, 韩文冰, 朱倩, 蔺立栋, 王能飞, 张波涛 395
域外国家参与北极科学合作的路径——以北极科学部长级会议机制为例………………………………陈留林, 刘嘉玥, 王文涛, 俞勇 414
中国参与南极治理的历史进程与经验思考: 以协商会议和养护会议为例………………………………王婉潞 421
基于CiteSpace的近30年北极环境研究热点图谱分析………………………………谷玥, 陆志波, 姚俊兰 432
“雪龙2”号国内首套Sea III型海洋重力仪应用分析………………………………陈清满, 王硕仁, 袁东方 451
“雪龙2”号长柱状取样器的极地应用………………………………袁东方, 王硕仁, 陈清满, 沈悦, 廖周鑫 459
中国第37次南极科学考察简报………………………………赵军 469
《极地研究》入选《世界期刊影响力指数(WJCI)报告(2020科技版)》……………………………… 472
北极海运对航道生态环境的潜在影响分析………………………………何剑锋, 张侠, 陆志波, 王娟, 陈之依 473
北极高纬度苔原CO2净通量的空间变异规律及影响因素………………………………陈清清, 包韬, 朱仁斌, 徐华 482
基于Landsat-8的南极蓝冰提取………………………………韦屹, 程晓, 刘岩, 惠凤鸣, 璩榆桐 496
1979—2018年南极海冰边缘区范围时空变化研究………………………………刘玥, 庞小平, 赵羲, 霍瑞, 刘闯 508
威德尔海海冰年际变化特征………………………………刘境舟, 赵亮, 王圣, 白雨 518
北冰洋穿极流强度和源头位置变动机制分析………………………………田引, 白学志, 黄颖祺 529
绕极深层水入侵阿蒙森海陆架的路径及其性质………………………………白雨, 赵亮, 李磊 545
新型船载智能大气采样装置的设计和实现………………………………袁东方, 王硕仁, 陈清满, 夏寅月 560
极地海洋工程装备平板构件的对流换热影响分析………………………………操太春, 吴刚, 孔祥逸, 于东玮, 吴琳, 张大勇 568
不同航运模式下北极东北航道航运经济性评估………………………………姜苗苗, 胡麦秀 577
南极冰下水文研究进展………………………………周岩, 崔祥斌, 戴振学, 孙波, 李霖 591
南极冰盖深部结构、冰下过程及其对冰盖稳定性和海平面的影响………………………………唐学远, 孙波, 马红梅, 赵励耘, 乔刚, 田一翔, 郭井学, 崔祥斌, 李霖 604
极地海洋病毒宏基因组研究进展………………………………周莘皓, 梁彦韬, Andrew McMinn, 汪岷 612
2021中国极地科学学术年会在沪举行………………………………单琰焱, 姜鹏 621
Contents of Volume 33, 2021
Number 1
Origin and tectonic evolution of the Bering Sea since the Late Cretaceous………………………………Liu Songfeng, Yang Chupeng, Ju Dong, Xiong Liangli, Li Xuejie 1
Development and accuracy of tide models in Antarctica………………………………Sun Weikang, Zhou Xinghua, Zhou Dongxu, Sun Yanfei 13
Monitoring the changes of supraglacial lakes on the Polar Record Glacier, East Antarctica………………………………Li Qing, Zhou Chunxia, Liu Ruixi, Zheng Lei 27
Study of the spatiotemporal variations of summer sea ice thickness in the Pacific Arctic sector based on shipside images………………………………Mei Hao, Lu Peng, Wang Qingkai, Cao Xiaowei, Li Zhijun 37
Analysis of distribution, sources and ecological risks of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in topsoil of Fildes Peninsula………………………………Liu Ang, Gong Jinwen, Han Bin, Zhao Jun, Zheng Li 49
Design and implementation of science coordination management platform for………………………………………………………………Wang Shuoren, Chen Qingman, Yu Huabing, Zhang Yongzheng, Song Dongfang 58
Long-term spatial and temporal variations of sea ice in the Northwest Passage of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago………………………………………………………………Shen Xinyi, Zhang Yu, Chen Changsheng, Hu Song 71
Bibliometric analysis of Antarctic Marine Protected Area research………………………………Wei Xiangyun, Zhu Guoping 88
Advances in the study of surface energy balance on the Antarctic ice sheet………………………………Yang Diyi, Ding Minghu, Zou Xiaowei 99
Development of Arctic Ocean CO2sink under rapid Arctic change………………………………Zhao Derong, Gao Zhongyong, Sun Heng 115
Review of bacterial antifreeze protein research and its potential applications………………………………Gao Shanhui, Liao Li, Xu Yi, Chen Bo 128
Review of perchlorate research in polar snow and ice………………………………Zhao Qian, Jiang Su, Shi Guitao, Chen Zhenlou, Sun Bo 139
Potential use of environmental DNA methods in Arctic marine fish diversity research………………………………………………………………Wang Rui, Lin Longshan, Li Hai, Zhang Ran, Li Yuan 148
U.S.Arctic research big science program and its progress during 2013—2019………………………………………………………………Liu Wenhao, Zheng Junwei, Zhao Jidong, Yang Zongxi 156
Research priorities ofthe Southern Ocean in the next decade¾Summary of United Nations decade of ocean science for sustainable development: 1st Southern Ocean regional workshop………………………………Gao Yonghui, Li Ji 167
Number 2
Studies on polar non-sea-salt sulfate (nssSO2– 4) and methanesulfonate (MSA) and their environmental indications………………………………………………………………Ma Hongmei, Sun Bo, Hu Zhengyi, Shi Guitao 171
Mesoproterozoic–early Paleozoic geological events in the Pinjarra Orogen (Western Australia) and their correlations with geological events in the Rayner Orogen (East Antarctica)………………………………Yu Shihang, Chen Longyao, Liu Xiaochun 183
Historical changes in organic matter sources and ecological environment indicated by sedimentary lipid biomarkers in a West Antarctic lake………………………………Guo Xiaoze, Zhao Jun, Han Zhengbing, Li Dong, Zhang Haifeng, Sun Weiping, Hu Chuanyu, Pan Jianmin 198
Parameter estimation of the melt pond parameterization scheme of a sea ice model using an adjoint model………………………………………………………………Lu Yang, Wang Xiaochun 209
Characteristic analysis of vertical structure of lower atmosphere over the Arctic Ocean during CHINARE 2018………………………………………………………………Tian Zhongxiang, Zhao Fu, Yin Zhaohui, Yu Wenhao 222
Identification and phenotypic characterization of an Arctic marine bacterium grown on Dimethylsulfoniopropionate………………………………………………………………Zhang Yihe, Zeng Yinxin, Qu Jiangyong 231
Diversity of cultivable epiphytic bacteria ofalgae from Ny-Ålesund, Svaldbard, Arctic………………………………………………………………Sun Xiaomeng, Fan Shoujin 241
Comparison and analysis of the accuracy of two new Antarctic DEMs based on remote sensing images………………………………………………………………Geng Tong, Xiao Feng, Zhang Shengkai, Li Jiaxing, Xuan Yue, Li Fei 250
Design and implementation of surface water sampling system of………………………………………………………………Yuan Dongfang,Wang Shuoren, Chen Qingman, Liu Zhibing, Liao Zhouxin, Xia Yinyue 260
Research on national relations network of Arctic route system………………………………Ding Chaojun, Li Zhenfu, Shi Xiaomei, Chen Xue 268
Risk evaluation of different legs of Northeast Arctic route based on fuzzy analytic hierarchy process–multilevel extension ………………………………He Peilong, Ma Xiaoxue, Zhang Jingwen, Qiao Weiliang 279
Analysis on overview and hot spots of polar science based on bibliometrics………………………………………………………………Chen Liulin, Kong Jia, Deng Sanhong, Shen Chenchen 294
Progress of the SCAR Action Group Bedmap 3 project………………………………Cui Xiangbin 307
2021 international symposium on “Instability and Thresholds in Antarctica (INSTANT) ”, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR)………………………………Tang Xueyuan 309
Report of the 2nd session of the Emergency Prevention, Preparation and Response Working Group of the Arctic Council, 2020 ………………………………Chen Xingsen, Han Jialin 311
Number 3
Discovery and application of polar yeasts………………………………Lu Fengning, Zhang Yuanxing, Cai Menghao 315
Modeling of the SuperDARN polar ionospheric cross polar capelectric field using deep learning………………………………Li Ke, Liu Erxiao 325
Analysis of BDS-3 signal quality and basic positioning service around Antarctica………………………………………………………………Zhao Jian, An Jiachun, Ai Songtao, Wang Zemin, Zhu Lizhong, Song Xiangyu 337
Modeling supraglacial river networks on the Greenland ice sheet using the topographic index………………………………………………………………Mao Wei, Lu Xin, Lu Yao, Yang Kang 351
Numerical simulation of ice sheets in the western region of Marie Byrd Land using Elmer/Ice………………………………………………………………Yang Shuhu, Xu Jiaxin, Xu Derui, Han Yanling, Zhang Yun, Hong Zhonghua 363
Spatial and temporal dynamics of snow pit chemistry in East Antarctica along the Zhongshan Station to Dome A transect ………………………………Deng Jiayuan, Li Yuansheng, Ma Hongmei, Shi Guitao, Ma Tianming, Lu Siyu 374
Interannual variation of fast ice on Inexpressible Island and analysis of its driving force………………………………………………………………Sun Xiaoyu, Shen Hui, Li Chunhua, Yu Xupeng, Wang Dali 388
Effects of soluble inorganic nitrogen salts on diversity of rhizosphere soil bacterial community in Ny-Ålesund, Arctic………………………………………………………………Wang Yu, Han Wenbing, Zhu Qian, Lin Lidong, Wang Nengfei, Zhang Botao 395
Paths for non-Arctic countries to participate in Arctic scientific cooperation: Taking the Arctic Science Ministerial Conference mechanism as an example………………………………Chen Liulin, Liu Jiayue, Wang Wentao, Yu Yong 414
The historical process and experience of China’s participation in Antarctic governance: Examples from ATCM and CCAMLR………………………………Wang Wanlu 421
Atlas analysis of 30 years of Arctic environmental research trends using CiteSpace………………………………Gu Yue, Lu Zhibo, Yao Junlan 432
Performance analysis of the first set Sea III gravimeter on………………………………Chen Qingman, Wang Shuoren, Yuan Dongfang 451
Polar application of the giant piston corer on………………………………Yuan Dongfang, Wang Shuoren, Chen Qingman, Shen Yue, Liao Zhouxin 459
Briefing of the 37th Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition………………………………Zhao Jun 469
Chinese Journal of Polar Research indexed in World Journal Clout Index Report (2020 STM)……………………………… 472
Number 4
Potential influence of Arctic shipping on passage environments and ecosystems………………………………………………………………He Jianfeng, Zhang Xia, Lu Zhibo, Wang Juan, Chen Zhiyi 473
The spatial variation of net CO2fluxes (NEE) and their influence factors in tundra in high Arctic………………………………………………………………Chen Qingqing, Bao Tao, Zhu Renbin, Xu Hua 482
Extraction of Antarctic blue ice based on Landsat-8 imagery………………………………Wei Yi, Cheng Xiao, Liu Yan, Hui Fengming, Qu Yutong 496
Analysis of temporal and spatial changes in the extent of the Antarctic marginal ice zone from 1979 to 2018………………………………………………………………Liu Yue, Pang Xiaoping, Zhao Xi, Huo Rui, Liu Chuang 508
Interannual variation characteristics of sea ice in the Weddell Sea………………………………Liu Jingzhou, Zhao Liang, Wang Sheng, Bai Yu 518
Analysis of the variation in intensity and source region of the Arctic Transpolar Drift………………………………………………………………Tian Yin, Bai Xuezhi, Huang Yingqi 529
Pathways and properties of Circumpolar Deep Water intrusion on the Amundsen Sea shelf………………………………Bai Yu, Zhao Liang, Li Lei 545
The design and realization of a new type of shipborne intelligent atmospheric sampling device………………………………………………………………Yuan Dongfang, Wang Shuoren, Chen Qingman, Xia Yinyue 560
Analysis on the influence of convective heat transfer of polar ocean engineering equipment plate components………………………………………………………………Cao Taichun, Wu Gang, Kong Xiangyi, Yu Dongwei, Wu Lin, Zhang Dayong 568
Economic evaluation of various shipping modes via the Northeast Passage………………………………Jiang Miaomiao, Hu Maixiu 577
Advances in subglacial hydrology of Antarctica………………………………Zhou Yan, Cui Xiangbin, Dai Zhenxue, Sun Bo, Li Lin 591
The deep structure and subglacial processes of the Antarctic ice sheet, and its influence on the ice sheet instability and sea level………………………………Tang Xueyuan, Sun Bo, Ma Hongmei, Zhao Liyun, Qiao Gang, Tian Yixiang, Guo Jingxue, Cui Xiangbin, Li Lin 604
Progress of metagenomic analysis of marine viromes in polar regions………………………………………………………………Zhou Xinhao, Liang Yantao, Andrew McMinn, Wang Min 612
2021 China Polar Science Conference held in Shanghai………………………………Shan Yanyan, Jiang Peng 621