
2021-03-29 21:05雷怡安
一带一路报道 2021年6期






携手   一起走过的那些年










发展  开放合作结硕果






自2016年起, 成都市人民政府外事办公室充分整合友城资源,搭建国际交流平台,积极服务成都市经济社会发展和对外开放工作,连续四年承办“成都国际友城市长创新论坛”。


未来  努力绘制美好明天



成都的国际化步伐早有显现。2017年,《成都市城市总体规划(2016—2035年)》提出的 “三步走”战略目标,明确提出建设国家中心城市、美丽宜居公园城市、国际门户枢纽城市、世界文化名城,迈向可持续发展的世界城市。









In 1981, Chengdu formally established its international sister cities relations with Montpellier, just three years after China’s reform and opening-up.

In 2020, Chengdu became an international sister city with Nashville, seven years after China proposed the Belt and Road Initiative to the world.

Looking back over the past 40 years, Chengdu, as an important city in western China, has gone through many major changes. Now, it has become the third city in China with twin international airports and attracted 305 of the Fortune 500 enterprises. More remarkably, Chengdu has established friendly relations with over 150 cities (as of May 2021) from all over the world.

Working together over the years

In September, the 2021 Chengdu · Europe Culture Season kicked off. This event will last from autumn to winter, making local residents feel the passion, warmth and romance from European countries.

On September 23, the 2021 Chengdu · Europe Culture Season in Dujiangyan and New-generation Children’s Illustrators Exhibition of Italian Outstanding Master Series opened the curtain at Yangtianwo Square, Dujiangyan. A large audience visited the exhibition, co-sponsored by the Foreign Affairs Office of Chengdu Municipal People’s Government, the Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing, Bologna City Council of Italy and Dujiangyan Municipal People’s Government.

As a part of the China-Italy Year of Culture and Tourism slated for 2022, this year’s culture season, together with Bologna, Chengdu’s partner city for the first time, presented excellent works from the most promising new generation of Italian illustrators. Their virtuoso techniques, brilliant colors and poetic perspectives open doors of wonder to our imagination.

Italy, the guest of honor of the culture season, has long been a close friend of Chengdu. In 1999, Chengdu and Palermo, Italy, established sister relationship. Although the two cities are located in Asia and Europe respectively, the geographical distance does not prevent their friendship. They have many similarities: long history, leisure lifestyle, and strong artistic atmosphere. As sister cities, Chengdu and Palermo are promoting each other in culture, art and even fashion trends.

In addition, Germany, Spain, Poland, Britain, France, Austria and other countries are also participating in the culture season, of which some are where Chengdu’s sister cities are located. In 1983, Chengdu became a sister city with Linz, Austria.

In 2018, the event “Panda Chengdu in Austria”, sponsored by Chengdu Municipal People’s Government, offered a cultural feast of Chengdu’s delicacies, sceneries and music for the Austrian people.

Linz has made outstanding achievements in industrial design and innovative industries, and boasts great advantages in the fields of art and education, especially vocational education. In pursuing the path of industrial innovation, Chengdu and Linz happen to see eye to eye. The event made its debut in an innovation park of Linz. As Detlef Wimmer, Deputy Mayor of Linz, said in his speech, “We are very proud that Chengdu is our sister city and we are very close to each other. Chengdu retains its traditional side while being innovative and humane.”

Sister cities stage colorful events, and the implemented projects are also bearing fruit. The 2018 Innovation Forum for Mayors of International Sister Cities of Chengdu was attended by more than 200 government and business representatives from 43 provinces and cities of 30 countries and international organizations. During the forum, Kampala of Uganda signed a memorandum on establishing friendly cooperation with Chengdu, Kandy of Sri Lanka signed a memorandum on deepening friendly cooperation with Chengdu, and Toronto of Canada signed a letter of intent on economic and cultural cooperation with Chengdu. In addition, cooperation agreements, with a combined amount of 2 billion yuan, signed between Malacca State of in Malaysia and Qingyang District, as well as between Toronto of Canada and Dujiangyan City and Pengzhou City respectively.

Holding international competitions is also an important step for Chengdu to deepen friendly relationship with its sister cities and enhance its internationalization. Since 2017, Chengdu has hosted over 50 international sports events and more than 160 Chinese high-level sports events, and created a number of events with independent IP rights, such as Chengdu Marathon and Panda Cup International Youth Football Tournament, reflecting Chengdu’s new concept of urban development based on events in recent years. Due to the pandemic, Chengdu 2021 FISU World University Games (2021 FISU WUG) was postponed to June 26, 2022. Since Oleg Matytsin, President of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) handed over the flag of the FISU to Chengdu in Naples, Italy on July 14, 2019, the city has officially started to prepare for the games. In more than a year, Chengdu has taken the 2021 FISU WUG as a great opportunity, and adhered to the principle of “planning for the games to boost the development of the city”. As a result, the famous city of the world competitions has taken on a new look.

Achieving fruitful results of openness and cooperation

In April 2021, the 2021 Chengdu Sister Cities Mayors Online Conference was held with a heated discussion around the theme of “Stand United to Create a Better City”.

The event attracted a total of 28 international sister cities (including friendly cooperation cities and friendly exchange cities) of Chengdu from 23 countries on five continents, namely Asia, Europe, America, Africa and Oceania, which has witnessed Chengdu’s hardcore friends all over the world, and further enhanced its international influence and reputation, according to an official from the Foreign Affairs Office of Chengdu Municipal People’s Government.

The fact that Chengdu attracted many international sister cities to participate in this special period is the fruit of opening up and cooperation over the past years. Kwon Young-jin, Mayor of Daegu, South Korea, said, “I would like to thank Chengdu for providing this opportunity to exchange views on multiple topics at the same time against the backdrop of COVID-19.” As 26 flights from Daegu to nine countries have been halted due to the pandemic, Kwon hoped that the international community could overcome the challenges and resume face-to-face exchanges at an early date. “I have visited Chengdu twice, one of which was to share Vienna’s experience in green environment and green policies at the Chengdu Park City Forum,” said Ernst Woller, President of the Vienna State Parliament, Austria. He said it was a great honor to meet Chengdu again via video link.

In October 2019, another important conference was held in Chengdu. Themed “International Friendship Cities Gather in Sichuan for Win-win Cooperation”, the 2019 Belt and Road Forum for Cooperation and Development of Sichuan International Friendship Cities was attended by more than 300 foreign guests from 43 sister provinces (states) in 32 countries on five continents.

During the event, the International Friendship Cities Governors Forum, five special sub-forums on energy and infrastructure, sci-tech and innovation, agriculture, rural areas and farmers, trade and logistics, culture and tourism, as well as a series of activities, such as photo exhibition, and traditional Chinese medicine exhibition and experience, were held simultaneously. The Forum also released the Sichuan Initiative on energy and infrastructure cooperation among Belt and Road countries (regions) and the proposal of the Culture and Tourism Alliance of International Friendship Cities.

Since 2016, the Foreign Affairs Office of Chengdu Municipal People’s Government has fully integrated the resources of sister cities, built an international exchange platform, actively served the economic and social development and opening-up of Chengdu, and organized the Innovation Forum for Mayors of International Sister Cities of Chengdu for four consecutive years.

Chengdu has innovated the way of foreign communication from offline to online, which has not only opened a window for its international sister cities to learn about Chengdu under the normal epidemic prevention and control, but also provided a new opportunity for them to work together in times of difficulties, build consensus and join hands for development.

Striving for a better future

Chengdu, a world-renowned city for leisure and comfort, has become one of the first-tier cities in China.

In June 2020, Chengdu released the Annual Research Report on Planning and Construction of International Metropolises (2019), which, with more than 500,000 characters, studied the top four cities — London, New York, Tokyo and Shanghai. Chengdu will continue to study them in 5-10 years, and draw lessons from them.

As early as in 2017, Chengdu has envisaged internalization. In 2017, the three-step strategic goal of the Overall Plan on Chengdu City (2016-2035) clearly proposed to build a national central city, a beautiful and livable park city, an international gateway hub city, and a world famous cultural city, so as to move towards a world city of sustainable development.

In the Blue Book of World Cities: Annual Report on World Cities (2018) published in February 2018, Chengdu was listed as one of the second-tier world cities. In particular, the blue book said, “The rise of Chengdu stands out.”

In August 2020, the Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) Research Network, the world’s most authoritative ranking report on world cities, released The World According to GaWC 2020, in which Chengdu has jumped to 59th place in the world.

Chengdu Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone (CDHT) is the area that moves fastest in Chengdu towards internationalization, where 130 Fortune 500 enterprises and many returnees and foreigners are attracted. According to the report titled Internationalization Index of Chengdu Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone (2021), the index of the Zone in 2020 has increased by 33% compared with that in 2018. The internationalization level has been comprehensively improved and the internationalization index has continued to grow.

In terms of foreign trade, Chengdu Hi-tech Comprehensive Bonded Zone has achieved outstanding results. In 2020, the import and export volume of the Zone reached 549.17 billion yuan, ranking first in China’s comprehensive bonded zones for 33 consecutive months, with a year-on-year growth of 26.8%; with a planned area of 4.68 square kilometers, the Zone has achieved 60% of Sichuan’s total foreign trade value.

China-Europe Railway Express (Chengdu) loaded with computers, smart TVS and other products “made in CDHT” shortens a lot of time compared with sea transportation. In 2020, 60% of the world’s iPad was produced in CDHT, which is closely linked to the world.

“Internationalization index is to analyze data and form a scientific and objective understanding of the international development level of Chengdu Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone at the present stage based on historical observation and comparative benchmarking analysis,” said Liu Huiwu, Director of Chinese Hi-tech Zone Research Center, Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

After years of development, driven by the Belt and Road Initiative, Chengdu’s international environment of openness and cooperation has attracted more and more international sister cities. Chengdu Montpelier Primary School, Bailu French-style Music Town, the Alpine Ski Resort on Longmen Mountains, Thai fruit market...Chengdu has long started to depict the whole internationalized picture, including agreement signing ceremonies with sister cities, conferences and events and implementing various projects. According to the Plan of Chengdu for Development of International Communities (2018-2022) and the Policies and Measures of Chengdu on Development of International Communities, 22 districts (cities) and counties of the city will achieve “full coverage” of international communities by the end of 2022. Efforts will be made to complete the construction of six international schools, 20 foreign-related medical institutions, 10 entry-exit service stations and 22 foreigners’ homes.

After 40 years of opening up to the outside world and exchanges with sister cities, Chengdu has become more sophisticated on the road of internationalization. It will continue to move forward in the trend of openness and cooperation.
