贾芳 崔海兰 李香菊 于惠林
摘要 :蒼耳Xanthium strumarium和藜Chenopodium album是常见的两种阔叶杂草,其在玉米田发生严重,影响了玉米的生长和产量。本文利用整株生物测定法对我国东北及黄淮海玉米产区采集到的苍耳及藜种群对草甘膦的敏感性进行了测定。种子室内培养至5~6叶期,喷施草甘膦后14 d称量鲜重,计算抑制杂草种群50%个体生长的草甘膦剂量(GR50)。草甘膦对10个苍耳种群GR50在54.87~249.75 g/hm2,平均值为(111.53±20.02)g/hm2,均低于450 g/hm2(1/2倍推荐剂量),表明10个苍耳种群均对草甘膦敏感;草甘膦对33个藜种群GR50范围在97.05~920.86 g/hm2,平均值为(313.88±24.70)g/hm2,93%的种群GR50低于450 g/hm2,表明绝大多数藜种群对草甘膦比较敏感,仅发现一个藜种群GR50大于900 g/hm2(田间推荐剂量),表明其对草甘膦具有一定耐受性。
关键词 :杂草; 玉米; 草甘膦; 敏感性
中图分类号: S 451.22
文献标识码: B
DOI: 10.16688/j.zwbh.2019596
Sensitivity of two broadleaf weeds Xanthium strumarium and Chenopodium album to glyphosate in corn fields
JIA Fang, CUI Hailan, LI Xiangju, YU Huilin*
(Institute of Plant Protection,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100193,China)
Abstract :Xanthium strumarium and Chenopodium album are two common broadleaf weeds, and their occurrence seriously affected corn growth and reduce yield in corn fields. In our study the whole plant bioassay was used to determine the sensitivity to glyphosate of ten populations of X.strumarium and 33 populations of C.album collected from two major corn producing areas, Northern China and Huanghuaihai. The seeds of two weeds were sowed in greenhouse, and the glyphosate was applied at the 56 leaf stage of the weeds. 14 days after glyphosate application, fresh weight of plants was weighted and GR50 values were calculated, respectively. GR50 values of glyphosate to ten populations of X.strumarium ranged from 54.87 to 249.75 g/hm2 with the average value of (111.53±20.02)g/hm2, which were lower than 450 g/hm2 (1/2 recommended dose), showing that all populations of X.strumarium were sensitive to glyphosate. Among C.album populations, GR50 values ranged from 97.05 to 920.86 g/hm2 and its average value was (313.88±24.70)g/hm2. The GR50 values of 93% C.album populations were less than 450 g/hm2, indicated that the vast majority of C.album populations were sensitive to glyphosate. And only one population of C.album showed a GR50 value of above 900 g/hm2 (recommended dose), indicating that it had a certain degree of tolerance to glyphosate.
Key words :weed; corn; glyphosate; sensitivity
2.2 藜对草甘膦的敏感性
藜不同种群对草甘膦的耐受水平如表4所示,GR50的范围在97.05~920.86 g/hm2,GR50低于450.00 g/hm2的种群占全部种群的93.94%(图1),GR50平均值为(313.88±24.70)g/hm2;黄淮海地区藜种群的GR50均低于450.00 g/hm2(图1),平均值为(273.46±22.79) g/hm2(图3);北方地区藜种群GR50低于450.00 g/hm2的种群占北方地区全部种群的87.50%(图1),平均值为(356.83±30.02)g/hm2(图3)。内蒙古陶卜齐村连续两年采集到的种群L173和L1831的种群GR50最高,分别为545.33和920.86 g/hm2(表4)。在各个省份藜种群GR50平均值中,内蒙古最高,为(596.42±196.32)g/hm2;山东省最低,为(127.61±30.53)g/hm2(图2)。
3 讨论
本文从黄淮海玉米产区采集到的10个苍耳种群,其GR50均值为(111.53±20.02)g/hm2,所有種群对草甘膦均敏感;从北方及黄淮海玉米产区采集33个藜种群GR50均值为(313.88±24.70)g/hm2,其中大多数种群很敏感,但个别种群如内蒙古陶卜齐村藜种群GR50为920.86 g/hm2,对草甘膦有一定的耐受性,需引起密切的关注。
天然对草甘膦具有耐受性的杂草与经过长期筛选而存活下来的抗性杂草相比,因其天然耐受除草剂的能力可遗传,对转基因抗草甘膦作物的推广和种植危害更大[17]。随着转基因耐草甘膦作物种植面积日益增长,草甘膦的使用量逐渐增加[33],越来越多的对草甘膦有天然耐受性的杂草种类被发现[34],其对草甘膦的耐受机制也被解析。比如杂草有独特的EPSPS蛋白结构(如田旋花)、EPSPS拷贝数及基因表达量增加(如阔叶山麦冬Liriope muscari)、杂草植株有利的形态生理特性(瘤梗番薯Ipomoea lacunosa)和有效的代谢及传导(如苘麻Abutilon theophrasti)等赋予了杂草对草甘膦的天然耐受性,并且一些杂草对草甘膦的耐受性同时存在多种机制[14]。
在美国,1989年Barrentine和McWhorter首次发现在密西西比的大豆田中苍耳对ALS类除草剂氯嘧磺隆和咪唑乙烟酸产生抗性[35],此后越来越多关于苍耳抗ALS类除草剂(灭草喹、咪唑烟酸、咪唑乙烟酸、氯酯磺草胺等)的报道[3640]。玉米田中常见杂草绿穗苋Amaranthus hybridus、长芒苋A.palmeri、反枝苋A. retroflexus、豚草Ambrosia artemisiifolia、地肤Kochia scoparia、牛筋草Eleusine indica等对ALS类除草剂也产生了抗性,使得ALS类除草剂难以在玉米田继续使用[2]。在我国东北地区玉米田莠去津应用已有十几年历史,在这种用药背景下苍耳已经演替为优势杂草并在局部大发生[41]。且莠去津在环境中残留期较长,不但对后茬作物造成影响还污染环境[42]。草甘膦作为低毒、低残留、广谱除草剂,可有效防治苍耳。Clay等曾报道用420 g/hm2的草甘膦喷施处于结实期的苍耳,可以使苍耳种子百粒重减少69%、单株种子量下降70%[43]。草甘膦处理后植物体内莽草酸积累量可作为判断植物是否对草甘膦敏感的一个指标[44],Mueller等检测9种杂草在喷施540 g/hm2草甘膦后的莽草酸积累量,发现苍耳体内莽草酸含量最高,为2 000 mg/L[45],本试验中检测到黄淮海地区苍耳的GR50远低于田间推荐剂量,目前也未有苍耳对草甘膦抗性或耐性的报道。
Loux等发现长期喷施草甘膦的转基因大豆田中,藜对草甘膦的敏感性降低[46],而在长期施用草甘膦8年的转基因抗草甘膦玉米田中,藜已经演变成优势杂草[47]。长期单一喷施草甘膦,导致农田中藜对草甘膦耐受水平显著提高,当与不施用任何除草剂农田中生长的藜同时喷施草甘膦后,长期单一喷施草甘膦的农田中的藜死亡率显著下降[48]。Schuster等发现当藜植株高度为2.5 cm,草甘膦对其生长抑制GR50在430~560 g/hm2;当植株高度为15 cm,GR50在1 010~2 770 g/hm2 [49], 有研究证明,在藜20 cm高时喷施草甘膦,草甘膦的GR50会比10 cm喷施时高1.9~3倍[50]。刘小龙从无草甘膦用药史的地区采集到藜并通过整株生物测定法测定了草甘膦对藜5叶期时的GR50,为215.27 g/hm2 [51]。本文研究发现绝大多数藜种群对草甘膦没有耐受性。东北地区的藜种群较黄淮海地区种群对草甘膦的耐受性强,可能是由于地区间植物形态差异造成的,虽所有种群生长时间相同,但东北地区种群与黄淮海地区种群比较,植株普遍偏高,植株生物量增加,因此单位面积的植物组织所接收到的有效成分减少;另外植株生物量增加,使得植物组织中的钙含量也相应增加,而植物组织中的阳离子钙与除草剂阴离子具有拮抗效应[49,52]。
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