浙江大学 现代光学仪器国家重点实验室,浙江 杭州 310027
提出和发展了适用于液体(水)环境的光热微驱动技术及光热微驱动机构(OTMA)。建立了水环境中OTMA膨胀臂在激光照射下的光热膨胀模型,基于有限元分析推导出膨胀臂的温升分布公式,并对长度1080mm、宽度90mm的膨胀臂在4 mW激光照射下的温升分布进行了仿真,理论研究表明了液体环境中光热微驱动技术的可行性。设计与微加工制作了一种对称型OTMA,在波长520 nm、功率可调的激光照射下,首次实现了液体环境中的光热微驱动,实验结果表明膨胀臂的光热偏转量随激光功率的增大而增加。进一步开展了在波长520 nm、有效功率4 mW、频率可调的激光脉冲照射下的光热微驱动实验,结果表明,对称型OTMA在频率0.9 Hz~16.4 Hz的激光脉冲照射下具有良好的动态响应,驱动量(偏转量)振幅在2.6mm~3.7mm之间变化,随激光脉冲频率的增大而减小。理论研究及实验曲线趋势表明,适当增大激光功率、提高激光脉冲频率,在液体环境中实现更大偏转量、更高频率的光热微驱动是完全可行的。本文研究拓展了液体环境中的光热微驱动技术,为微光机电系统及微纳米技术领域的应用提供了新的方法与途径。
近年来,随着微纳米技术及微机电系统(micro-nano technology and micro-electromechanical systems,MEMS)与微光机电系统(micro-opto-elec- tromechanical systems,MOEMS)的快速发展,微驱动技术及微驱动器或微驱动机构成为研究热点。现有的微驱动技术包括静电驱动[1-2]、压电驱动[3-4]、磁致伸缩驱动[5-6]、形状记忆合金驱动[7-8]、热驱动[9-11]与超声波驱动[12-13]等技术。
近年来,我们开展了光热微驱动机构(optothermal microactuator,OTMA)的研究,该类驱动机构采用激光作为驱动源直接实现微驱动,不需要导线与外部电源连接,也无需加热电流流经驱动机构内部。基于这些特点,OTMA不仅可以应用于空气环境,而且可以在水或其他液体中正常工作。目前,有关OTMA及其驱动特性的研究都集中于空气环境[16],而对OTMA在液体中的驱动及响应特性的研究较为欠缺。
图1所示为水环境中的光热驱动方法及原理图,实验装置由光热驱动控制系统和显微监控测量系统两大部分组成。前者包括计算机及接口、控制电路、半导体激光器、半透半反棱镜、OTMA和充满水的玻璃器皿;后者由显微物镜、高速CCD(240 f/s)及显微运动测量软件组成(图1(a))。计算机向控制电路输出脉冲信号,通过改变脉冲信号的电压调节激光功率,通过改变控制信号的脉冲周期调节激光脉冲频率。图1(b)所示为对称型OTMA在水环境中的光热驱动原理图,它包括两条长度、宽度、厚度的长薄臂,薄臂左端分别经两条短窄桥与基底相连,薄臂右端直接相连。取其中一条长薄臂为光热膨胀臂,并以其左端中点为坐标原点建立坐标系,设膨胀臂的长度方向为方向,宽度方向为方向。激光束透过薄玻璃视窗进入水中,照射到膨胀臂上形成一个直径2的光斑,设光斑中心与原点的距离为1;膨胀臂吸收部分激光能量而产生温升,进而在方向伸长D;基于杠杆放大原理,OTMA在方向偏转D,由此实现OTMA在水中的光热微驱动。
由于在水中膨胀臂吸收激光能量与散热的过程比在空气中迅速,也就是能够更快捷地建立热平衡,因此,虽然本文采用激光脉冲(频率最高值约为16 Hz)实现微驱动,在每个激光脉冲的照射时间内,仍可以基于稳态热平衡建立膨胀臂的热力学模型。如图2所示,在膨胀臂任意位置处选取一个长度为d的微元,并对该微元在水环境中的热平衡及膨胀臂的温升分布与光热膨胀进行分析。
图1 水环境中光热驱动。(a) 实验装置示意图;(b) 对称型OTMA的光热驱动原理图
图2 水环境中膨胀臂的任一微元及其热流分布示意图
根据上面分段等式,进一步对水环境中对称型OTMA膨胀臂在4 mW激光照射下的温升分布进行了MATLAB [MATLAB,Math Works Inc]仿真。表1给出了由黑色高密度聚丙烯(HDPE)薄片制成的对称型OTMA的尺寸和热学参数。
仿真得到的膨胀臂的温升分布如图3所示,结果表明,在光斑中心处,膨胀臂的温升最高,其数值为53.7 ℃;随着与光斑中心的距离增大,膨胀臂的温升随之减小。由于HDPE材料的熔点在118 ℃以上[17],因此,当水环境的起始温度为20 ℃时,膨胀臂的温升值在安全范围内,不会因激光照射而熔化,从而为水环境中的光热驱动提供了理论基础。
表1 对称型OTMA的尺寸和热学参数
图3 仿真得到的对称型OTMA膨胀臂的温升分布
为了实现水环境中光热驱动,并对OTMA的光热驱动特性开展实验研究,本文利用准分子激光微加工系统(Optec Promaster)加工制作了2个以HDPE为基材、总长1260 μm的对称型OTMA(膨胀臂长度1080 μm、宽度90 μm、厚度20 μm),一个用于扫描电子显微镜(SEM)成像表征,另一个用于在水环境中开展光热驱动实验。之所以加工2个相同的OTMA,主要是为了避免SEM扫描成像前溅射镀膜对OTMA表面的激光吸收特性造成改变;而在水中进行过光热驱动实验的OTMA,又不适合于再进行SEM观测。图4所示为第一个对称型OTMA的SEM图像。
上文所述的显微监控测量系统具有实时监控和捕获光热驱动过程的功能,采用像素匹配和亚像素拟合算法,测量在OTMA右端面处选定的特征点的光热运动及偏转量(参见图1(b))。考虑到水对可见光的吸收率在380 nm~520 nm波段[18]较小,实验中选用波长520 nm的激光作为光源。图5(a)和图5(b)所示分别为水环境下对称型OTMA的原始状态和受激光照射时产生光热偏转的显微视频截图,可以看到较明显的横向偏转,证明了水环境中光热驱动方法及技术的可行性。
图4 对称型OTMA的SEM图像
图5 水环境下对称型OTMA的(a)原始状态和(b)受激光照射时产生光热偏转的显微视频截图
首先在不同激光功率下(OTMA所处位置处的激光功率)开展了水环境中OTMA的光热驱动实验。图6给出了水环境中OTMA光热偏转量随激光功率变化的关系曲线,可以看出OTMA膨胀臂偏转量的平均振幅随激光功率增大而增大,当激光功率大于3 mW时,约成线性关系,这与伸长量式(6)、偏转量式(7)的结论一致;而当激光功率小于3 mW时,考虑是水中的粘滞阻尼的关系。
基于OTMA光热偏转与激光功率的关系,将激光功率调节为4 mW时(预先在OTMA所处位置测得的数值),在不同激光脉冲频率下开展了水环境中OTMA的光热驱动实验。在实测激光脉冲频率为0.9 Hz、2.9 Hz、4.5 Hz、7.7 Hz、16.4 Hz时测得的OTMA偏转运动曲线如图7(a)~7(e)所示,图7(f)给出了OTMA偏转量的平均振幅随激光脉冲频率变化的曲线。
实验结果表明,当激光脉冲频率为0.9 Hz、2.9 Hz、4.5 Hz、7.7 Hz、16.4 Hz时,水环境中OTMA偏转量的平均振幅分别为3.7 μm、3.4 μm、3.2 μm、3.1 μm、2.6 μm。虽然实验曲线显示出OTMA振幅随激光脉冲频率增大而缓慢减小的趋势,但是在频率16.4 Hz时OTMA仍有2.8 μm的振幅,说明OTMA的响应频率至少在16.4 Hz以上。实验曲线同时表明,适当增大激光脉冲的频率和激光功率,可以在水环境中实现更高频率和更大偏转量振幅的光热驱动。
图6 水环境中OTMA光热偏转量的平均振幅随激光功率变化的曲线
利用准分子激光微加工系统加工制作了总长1260 μm,膨胀臂长度1080 μm、宽度90 μm、厚度20 μm的对称型OTMA。在波长520 nm、功率可调的激光照射下,首次实现了水环境中的光热驱动,实验结果表明随着激光功率的增大,膨胀臂的光热偏转量也随之增大,在3 mW以上的激光照射下两者成线性关系。进一步开展了在波长520 nm、有效功率4 mW、频率可调的激光脉冲照射下的水环境中光热驱动实验。实验结果表明,OTMA在水环境中受频率为0.9 Hz、2.9 Hz、4.5 Hz、7.7 Hz、16.4 Hz的激光脉冲照射时,可分别获得平均振幅为3.7 μm、3.4 μm、3.2 μm、3.1 μm、2.6 μm的光热偏转量,实现了水环境中的动态光热驱动。适当增大激光脉冲的频率和激光功率,可以在水环境中实现更高频率和更大偏转量振幅的光热驱动。同时,改变OTMA的结构(如非对称型OTMA)及采用其他类型的液体,也完全可以实现液体环境中的光热驱动。本文的研究工作可为研究开发在水或其他液体中运行的特种MEMS/MOEMS设备,如液体中的光热微电机、光热微泵、光热微机器人和其他光热驱动机构提供技术基础。
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Research on optothermal microactuation method and technology in liquid
Ni Kaijia, Zhang Haijun*, You Qingyang, Zhang Ziyao
State Key Laboratory of Modern Optical Instrumentation, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310027, China
The symmetric optothermal microactuator operated in water
Overview:With the rapid development of micro-nano technology and micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) and micro-opto-electromechanical systems (MOEMS), microactuation technology and microactuators or microactuation mechanisms have become research hotspots. Traditional thermal microactuators are mainly based on electrothermal excitation, which obtains thermal deformation by generating ohmic heat of electric current flowing through the asymmetric expansion arms. Such microactuators are capable of gaining larger displacement and generating bigger actuating forces. Contrary to the advantages, the electrothermal microactuators (ETMAs) always require a built-in power source or connecting circuit, resulting in difficulty of miniaturization of the whole device and operating in liquid. In spite of ETMAs, both symmetric and asymmetric OTMAs are available for obtaining microactuation and being applied in water or other liquids without electric circuits and loops. This paper proposes and develops the optothermal microactuation technology and optothermal microactuator (OTMA) suitable for water or other liquids. An optothermal expansion model of the OTMA’s expansion arm in water under laser irradiation is established. The temperature rise distribution formula of the expansion arm is derived by the finite element analysis, and simulation on the expansion arm with a length of 1080 μm and a width of 90 μm under 4 mW laser irradiation is conducted, revealing the feasibility of optothermal microactuation technology in water. The optothermal microactuation experiment of a symmetrical OTMA is carried out in water for the first time under the irradiation of a laser pulse with a wavelength of 520 nm and adjustable power. The results reveal that the amount of optothermal deflection of the expansion arm increases with the increase of the laser power. Another experiment is carried out under the irradiation of a laser pulse with a wavelength of 520 nm, effective power of 4 mW, and an adjustable frequency. The results demonstrate that the symmetric OTMA has a good dynamic response under the laser irradiation. The amplitude of the actuating (deflection) amount varies between 2.6 μm and 3.7 μm when irradiated by the laser pulse with a frequency of 0.9 Hz~16.4 Hz, and it decreases with the increase of the frequency of the laser pulse. The theoretical research and experimental curve trend reveals that it is completely feasible to obtain greater deflection and higher frequency optothermal microactuation in water by appropriately increasing the laser power and laser pulse frequency. This research provides new methods and approaches for the application of micro-opto-electromechanical systems and micro-nano technology.
Ni K J, Zhang H J, You Q Y,Research on optothermal microactuation method and technology in liquid[J]., 2021, 48(11): 210199; DOI:10.12086/oee.2021.210199
Research on optothermal microactuation method and technology in liquid
Ni Kaijia, Zhang Haijun*, You Qingyang, Zhang Ziyao
State Key Laboratory of Modern Optical Instrumentation, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310027, China
In this paper, the optothermal microactuation technology and optothermal microactuator (OTMA) suitable for water or other liquids are proposed and developed. The model of optothermal expansion and temperature rise distribution is established, and simulation on a 1080 μm long OTMA is conducted, revealing the feasibility of optothermal microactuation technology in water. The optothermal microactuation experiment of a symmetrical OTMA is carried out in water under the irradiation of a laser with a wavelength of 520 nm and adjustable power, revealing that the optothermal deflection increases with the increase of the laser power. Another experiment is carried out under the irradiation of a laser pulse with a wavelength of 520 nm, effective power of 4 mW, and an adjustable frequency, demonstrating that the symmetric OTMA has a good dynamic response under the laser irradiation. The amplitude of the actuating (deflection) amount varies between 2.6 μm and 3.7 μm when irradiated by the laser pulse with a frequency of 0.9 Hz~16.4 Hz, and it decreases with the increase of the frequency of the laser pulse. The theoretical research and experimental curve trend reveals that it is completely feasible to obtain greater deflection and higher frequency optothermal microactuation in water by appropriately increasing the laser power and laser pulse frequency. This research provides new methods and approaches for the application of micro-opto-electromechanical systems and micro-nano technology.
optothermal microactuation technology; liquid environment; optothermal expansion model; dynamic response; deflection
National Natural Science Foundation of China (61540019)
* E-mail: zhanghj@zju.edu.cn
倪凯佳,章海军,尤清扬,等. 液体环境中的光热微驱动方法与技术研究[J]. 光电工程,2021,48(11): 210199
Ni K J, Zhang H J, You Q Y,Research on optothermal microactuation method and technology in liquid[J]., 2021, 48(11): 210199