江苏省第二十届中学生阅读与写作大赛(初中组)首次设置了英文组,为初中生提供了更广阔的展示英语思维与表达的舞台。复赛设置了三个题目,分别是:The Importance of Reading, The Future of Reading, My Favorite Book。 三个题目均源于生活,贴近生活,让选手感到亲切,有话可说,有事可写。这样的命题对于当下初中生的英语学习具有积极的引导作用。
1. 高立意。
考查一篇文章是否可以称得上佳作,有这样几个维度:思想内容、篇章结构、语言表达、切入角度等。佳作的立意一定要高。在一篇题为“My Favorite Book”的高分作文中,有选手这样写:
The book also develops my bravery to face every situation. I get to be passionate and enthusiastic every day even under great pressure.
但有的作文立意不高,有選手写:If I read a lot of books, I can get high marks. If I get high marks, I can get good jobs.
2. 巧连接。
连接词在文章中是必要的。选手巧妙地运用表示逻辑关系的连接词,能丰富文章的语言表达。高分作文中常见的连接词有:anyway, last but not least, no matter, unless, what’s more, as far as, in a word, nowadays, indeed等,这些都能较好地表达作者的思维逻辑。
在以“The Importance of Reading”为题的高分作文中,有选手这样写:Sometimes I am even crazy about reading that I forget it’s just a book.
在以“The Future of Reading”为题的高分作文中,有选手这样写:However, every coin has two sides. Some of books on the Internet even do harm to our minds.
3. 融复合。
在以“The Importance of Reading”为题的高分作文中,有选手这样写:There is no shortcut to any place worth going,but doing more reading.
在以“The Future of Reading”为题的高分作文中,有选手这样写:Paper books and e-books will co-exist for quite a long time and paper books will never be replaced by books on the Internet, which seem to be more attractive.
4. 引名言。
适当地引用名人名言可以使文章锦上添花。在有关“书”的高分作文中,我们可以看到这些表述:Books are the ladder of human progress. Books——the treasure of the world. Books are the tools of the soul. Only books are immortal. Books to cultivate their sentiments. A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever.
1. 拓展深度思维。
在以“My Favorite Book”为题的高分作文中,选手这样写:
My favorite book is The Little Prince. The topic of this book is about love and growth. Love is the sunshine that gives us warmth.
2. 接受多维度滋养。
3. 行文切忌程式化。
写作切忌语言空泛,通篇套话,无真情实感。并非每篇文章都要用firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally等表示逻辑顺序的词语。这类程式化的写作,往往使文章显得僵化、呆板。教师应该培养学生用英语表达真情实感的能力,让学生养成良好的英语思维和写作习惯。
4. 书写应优美工整。