
2021-01-13 00:47:49吴雯
科教导刊 2021年30期












Nature Education Should Reflect on the Relationship between Man and Nature

WU Wen


WU Wen

Founder of "Secret Land Guardian" of Environmental Protection and Nature Education Communication Organization

Founder of Liangzhu Nature School

Distinguished Expert of Natural Education in "Science and Education Guide"

In Liangzhu nature school, we organize our chil? dren to discuss: what insects do you think are pests before we arrange them to go to the farm for actual observation? Children are very naive to judge them? selves by insects. For example, they think that Pieris rapae is a pest because it eats vegetable leaves.

I asked them, after the cabbage worm becomes a beautiful butterfly, it will help plants pollinate for the benefit of mankind. Is it a pest or a beneficial insect? Children seem to understand that even from a human point of view, harmful or beneficial is not invariable.

With such a speculative basis, we will further take our children to investigate and discover the ben? efits and harms of different insects.

Flies are disgusting and can spread all kinds of diseases. But I have photographed hundreds of differ? ent flies and their "relatives" with my camera. This kind of Diptera Insect, which widely exists in nature, is actually the main force of pollination. According to statistics, 70% of plants that need animal pollina? tion have the figure of gadfly, and lifly is an irre? placeable pollination insect of mango. During the in? vestigation of pollinating insects, children found that there are a variety of pollinating insects except bees and butterflies, including thrips that cannot be seen by the naked eye, ubiquitous ants, all kinds of bees, moths and all kinds of flies.

Caterpillars are often classified as pests. They are the larvae of Lepidoptera butterflies or moths. Al? though they eat some leaves of farm plants, they actu? ally play the role of food provider in the whole eco? logical chain. Caterpillars have high protein content and are the food source of various birds and frogs. In particular, most birds will take insects as their sta? ple food when they reproduce. Even if pesticides are not used, there will generally be no large-scale out? break of certain agricultural pests. When children ob? serve the different stages of Pieris rapae from egg to larva to pupa and then to adult, especially after they find that Pieris rapae is the larva of Pieris rapae, they will not step on the caterpillars again, but want to know what kind of butterfly or moth they will be? come after they grow up and eclosion.

Along with the evolution of plants, aphids have developed into a huge family. There are more than 4000 known species. Parasitic plants include all an? giosperms and all families of conifers. Aphids are a class of insects that have evolved very successfully: they flock and suck plant juice with their ventral tubes; They reproduce the fastest. They can not only have 30 generations a year, but also have unique skills such as parthenogenetic reproduction; If there is not enough food, they can grow wings and migrate tootherplants.Thechildren’sinvestigationfound that aphids are also important food suppliers for oth? er insects, and will be preyed on by aphid flies, la? dybugs, parasitic wasps, crab spiders and sandflies; Most aphids are monophagous, and their natural ene? mies can eat all kinds of aphids, so there will be no large-scale outbreak of aphids. These in-depth obser? vations can make children think about modern agri? culture, and maybe they can find a more reasonable way to deal with the so-called agricultural pests in the future.

The children found that the aphid has a "good friend" - ant. It often crawls around on plants. It turns out that it is grazing aphids in order to eat the honeydew discharged by aphids. For this reason, ants will protect them around aphids and "fight" with lady? bugs who come to eat aphids. Children dig out ant nests when turning over the ground and find that theyareimportantdecomposers.Theywillcarry small fruits and insect bodies to the nest for enjoy? ment.Thechildrenalsofoundthatantsarealso great soil "engineers", and their underground nests have multiple zones.

Grub is also a kind of insect often dug under? ground. It mainly eats plant roots, pupates into bee? tles, and adults will eat plant leaves, which is also anagriculturalpest.Everytimetheauthordigs grubs, she is very happy, because after feeding, the author can raise beautiful beetles. Beetles are decom? posers in the ecosystem and provide food for birds. Their diverse and gorgeous appearance also provides aesthetic value.

Insects are divided into pests and beneficial in? sects according to the needs of agriculture. Humans think that relying on pesticides and herbicides can abandonalladversefactorsofcrops,butithas caused more environmental problems. In fact, insects have very important functions in ecology. They polli? nateplantsandprovidefoodforotherorganisms. Some are important decomposers, some are soil "engi? neers", some are natural enemies to maintain ecologi? cal balance, and some are even the object of our aes? thetics and the source of inspiration.

Liangzhu agricultural park rarely uses pesticides and chemical fertilizers, uses compost to improve the soil, uses a variety of plants to provide food and hab? itat for insects, and shares plants with insects. Such an agricultural garden that attracts bees and butter? flies is a good place for natural education and ecolog? ical education. It can inspire children to enter na? ture, inspire us to reflect on the relationship between man and nature, and provide us with an ecological view beyond anthropocentrism.

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