《100年 · 外国人眼中的中国(浙江)记忆》获2021年中美电视节最佳电视纪录片奖

2021-01-09 11:41
文化交流 2021年12期

“100 Years: The Impressions of Zhejiang in Foreigners’ Eyes” Won Best Documentary Award at 17th Chinese American TV Festival

第十七届中美电影节、中美电视节开幕式暨“金天使奖”颁奖典礼于11月5日在美国洛杉矶隆重举行。由浙江电视台国际频道创制的《100年 · 外国人眼中的中国(浙江)记忆》荣获2021年中美电视节最佳电视纪录片奖。


2021年是中国共产党建党100周年,《100年 · 外国人眼中的中国(浙江)记忆》以国际站位,通过外国友人的视角及权威人士的讲述,聚焦浙江这片拥有“重要窗口”和共同富裕示范区战略高度的土地,从一部部鲜活的抗争史、奋斗史、建设史、成功史中,寻找“中国共产党为什么能”的浙江答案。

“100 Years: The Impressions of Zhejiang in Foreigners’ Eyes”, a series of short documentary videos produced by Zhejiang-based ZTV World, won the Best Documentary Award at the 17th Chinese American Film Festival and Chinese American TV Festival, which was held on November 5, 2021 in Los Angeles.

The award was shared with another documentary series, “Climing the Qomolongma”, produced by China Media Group.

As 2021 marks the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, “100 Years: The Impressions of Zhejiang in Foreigners’ Eyes” seeks to answer the question “why and how the CPC works in China” through the eyes of the foreigners and by digging through the “Zhejiang experience”.


Wenzhou Opens Dragon Boat Bases in Rome and Paris



Wenzhou Foreign Cultural Exchange Association and the Wenzhou Overseas Communication Center, the two bases are the second and third overseas dragon boat bases that Wenzhou has established. The first one was opened in Badalona, Spain in 2017, and it has since become a well-known cultural icon in the region.

The bases will regularly hold dragon boat training and experience sessions and invite overseas Chinese and foreigners to try their hands at this traditional sport and learn more about Chinese culture.


Hangzhou and Fukui Celebrate 30 Years of Friendship



More than 50 Hangzhou citizens took part in a sushi-making experience session to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of sister-city relations between Hangzhou and the city of Fukui in Japan on November 20, 2021. They also participated in a promotional event introducing Fukui culture and tourism to people in Hangzhou. In addition, the organizers also held a competition on the cultures of the two cities.

Hangzhou and Fukui officially became sister cities on November 23, 1989. In the past three decades, the two cities have carried out exchanges and cooperation in a wide range of areas, including economics, culture, education, medicine and sports.


Wenzhou’s Longwan Ready for More International Audience with New Communication Center

11月12日上午, 温州市海外传播中心龙湾基地揭牌。龙湾区现有华侨华人(含港澳同胞)1.1万多人旅居世界59个国家和地区,有侨资企业53家。基地的成立,不仅为龙湾提供了一个对外传播的平台,也为侨胞们提供了一个交流活动的平台,加深了他们和故土的联系。

温州市海外传播中心于2018年成立,下设鹿城、瑞安、文成、瓯海、龙湾、温州肯恩大学等6个海外传播基地。目前,龙湾区在美国、西班牙等7个国家建立了15个海外传播联络点,今年以来以海外传播基地为载体,推出了一个“龙的传人”云直播精品课程以及N场云上推介的“1+N”模式活动,打造“云上龙湾”海外传播品牌。 “龙的传人”精品直播课程、“洋主播”打卡推介龙湾、外籍人士讲述龙湾、外语宣传队伍宣讲等云上推介系列活动已开展近20场,海内外各媒体关注点击量超400万。

A new branch of the Wenzhou Overseas Communication Center was opened in the city’s Longwan district on November 12, 2021. It is the latest addition to its five other branches in Lucheng and Ouhai districts, Rui'an city, Wencheng county, and Wenzhou-Kean University. The new center will serve as a platform for Longwan’s international communication, and help enhance the connections between overseas Chinese with their hometown. In recent years, the district has also established 15 offices in seven countries including the United States and Spain.

Expats and overseas Chinese living in the district have since last year been working together with the government to promote local culture by carrying out a variety of cultural activities, including livestreaming classes, hosting short videos and sharing their living and working experiences. These efforts have attracted more than 4 million online visitors through various overseas media platforms. There are more than 11,000 Longwan natives residing in 59 countries and regions in the world. A total of 53 enterprises in Longwan have received investments from overseas Chinese.

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