台绣:与古为新 独树一帜

2021-01-09 11:41:38刘凡力张涵涵
文化交流 2021年12期

刘凡力 张涵涵



林霞是传统台绣的传承人,更是当代台绣的开创者。四十余年深耕不辍,与台绣深入对话、共同成长,不断地打破又重新建立……她在传统抽、拉、雕技艺的基础上,突破了刺绣原本依附于画面的属性,以更加通透、立体浮雕的技法和概念的艺术设计,衍生出“纤艺绣”,形成属于台绣自己的语言以及鲜明的风格特点。她创作的《网络天下》《原 ·  衍生》《降生》《万物生》《万物灵》《紫椹》等精品佳作,荣获国际、国家级金奖50余项,多件作品被国际级博物馆收藏。此外,她通过创意设计,将台绣的文化、技艺和艺术元素进行萃取转化,形成多样化的实用产品。其作品赋予台绣更当代的表达,与时代融合更趋紧密。

Taizhou Embroidery: Integrating Past and Present

By Liu Fanli  Zhang Hanhan

Taizhou Embroidery, or simply Taixiu in Chinese, is a folk embroidery that has witnessed the early integration of Chinese and Western cultures. In 1906, when a group of French Catholic missionaries went to Haimen (present-day Taizhou), they passed on Western embroidery techniques, such as cutwork and drawnwork, to nuns and orphans in the local church. That’s also why Taizhou Embroidery is also known as “Cutwork Embroidery” or “Haimen Embroidery”. Overtime, these techniques were incorporated into traditional Chinese embroidery and a unique style of embroidery was born. At its peak, Taixiu and Taixiu-related products worth 800 million yuan were exported to over 60 countries and regions, and as many as 130,000 embroiderers were employed in the industry. For its unique style, Taixiu is known as the “oriental treasure” on the international stage.

Born in Taizhou, Lin Xia, a third-generation inheritor of the Taixiu craft and founder of TAISILK, started to learn painting at a very young age. When she was 16, Lin passed the examination and became a designer in the biggest embroidery garment factory in Taizhou. Since then, her Taixiu career has taken off.

Indeed, Lin is both an inheritor of traditional Taixiu and a pioneer of modern Taixiu. In over four decades, Lin has gone beyond traditions, injected new art designs and techniques, and created her distinctive style. Her works, including Web World and Birth, won more than 50 international and national awards, and many have been collected by international museums. Moreover, through creative designs, Lin has transformed elements of the Taixiu culture, craft and arts into a diverse selection of products, imbuing Taixiu with a contemporary expression and bringing it to modern life.

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