王峙清 芦立华
摘 要: 为了实现平面广告的视觉效果优化设计,提出基于虚拟现实技术的平面广告视觉优化设计方法。建立平面广告视觉优化特征信息采样模型,采用MPI视景仿真工具进行平面广告视觉设计中的虚拟现实仿真,在Vega Prime软件中进行平面广告视觉特征构造,建立平面广告视觉信息特征采样模型和分块信息融合模型,采用视景数据库进行平面广告视觉信息集成处理。在三维仿真场景中创建、编辑、运行平面广告视觉优化程序,结合交叉编译方法进行平面广告视觉信息仿真,创建各种实时交互的平面广告三维视觉环境,在虚拟现实仿真环境中实现平面广告视觉优化設计。仿真测试结果表明,该方法能有效实现平面广告的视觉优化设计,提高平面广告的视觉特征表达效果,在平面广告设计中具有很好的应用价值。
关键词: 平面广告; 视觉优化; 虚拟现实技术; 特征采样建模; 视觉信息仿真; 视觉优化设计
中图分类号: TN915?34; TP391 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2020)24?0149?03
Research on application of virtual reality technology in visual
optimization of plane advertisement
WANG Zhiqing1, LU Lihua2
(1. Shanghai Jianqiao University, Shanghai 201306, China; 2. Shanghai Dian Ji University, Shanghai 201306, China)
Abstract: A plane advertisement visual optimization design method based on virtual reality technology is proposed to realize the optimization design of visual effect of plane advertisement. The sampling model of visual optimization feature information of plane advertisement is established, and the virtual reality simulation of visual design of plane advertisement is carried out by means of the MPI visual simulation tool. The visual feature of plane advertisement is constructed in Vega Prime software, the sampling model of visual information feature of plane advertisement and block information fusion model are established, and the visual database is used to perform the integration process of the visual information of plane advertisement. The visual optimization program of plane advertisement is created, edited and run in 3D simulation scene, the visual information simulation of plane advertisement is carried out by combining with the cross?compilation method, a variety of real?time interactive three?dimensional visual environment of plane advertisement are created, and the visual optimization design of plane advertisement is realized in the virtual reality simulation environment. The simulation testing results show that this method can effectively realize the visual optimization design of plane advertisement, improve the visual feature expression effect of plane advertisement, and has a good application value in plane advertisement design.
Keywords: plane advertisement; visual optimization; virtual reality technology; feature sampling modeling; visual information simulation; visual optimization design
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