梁绍基专门为展览创作了集视觉、听觉、嗅觉于一体的多媒体装置作品《醉日》,以独特的蚕丝艺术语言进行诗意冥想,重构了远古浑沌初开时的神话之境;许江的油画作品《葵阵》以浑茫天地的“葵”重燃“诗言志”的文论传统;应金飞的版画作品《呼吸》,以红绿色系交织凸显二元对立的视觉张力,遥想远古苍茫混沌之自然境界;邬建安的装置作品《征兆》与《白日梦森林》,把异常的动物置于形象奇异的发光森林当中,共同构成了一种虽不可见却又活生生的“真实”;郝量的纸本水墨作品《搜异录——续夷坚志》,借古代文人的精炼文字表现对周遭世界的再认识和对不可知世界的主观解释;美国艺术家马克·莱登(Mark Ryden)的《超灵动物系列》,展现出一种在精神与现实两个世界之间交错徘徊的景象,既有对往昔的怀念,由此延展的记忆和死亡又始终存在。
另外值得注意的是,德国艺术家迈克尔·纳贾尔(Michael Najjar)的摄影作品关注了我国已故天文学家“天眼之父”南仁东的毕生伟业——500米口径球面射电望远镜(FAST),这是中国科学院于2016年9月在贵州建成的巨型建筑,以其庞大体量与周围群山形成鲜明对比。理论上说,FAST能接收到137亿光年以外的电磁信号,这个距离接近于宇宙的边缘,在灵敏度和综合性能上,创下了世界之最。摄影作品《F.A.S.T》以该事件为题材,记录隐喻的是从人类到宇宙诞生间不可估量的时间与空间跨度。
Apocalypse from the Orient
A Modern Reexamination of The Classic of Mountains and Seas
By Li Zi
The living fossil
October 1, 2020 saw the grand opening of -at Zhejiang Art Museum. The two-week exhibition was the 4th episode of the museums “Oriental Wisdom” theme designed to reexamine the connation of the ancient classic in the social context of the present and future.
Traditionally ascribed to the mythical figure Yu the Great, (third century B.C. to second century A.D.) brings together a treasure trove of rare data and colorful fiction about the mythical figures, rituals, medicine, natural history, and ethnic peoples of the ancient world. The ancient book narrates episodes of 204 mythical figures, notably the gods Foremost, Fond Care, and Yellow, and goddesses like the fearsome Queen Mother of the West and the doomed Girl Lovely, the nurturing solar and lunar goddesses, and many others unknown outside this text. This eclectic work also contains crucial information on early medicine (with cures for impotence and infertility), omens to avert catastrophe, rites of sacrifice, and familiar and unidentified plants, animals and minerals.
In sum, is a spectacular guided tour of the known world in antiquity, moving outward from the famous mountains of central China to the lands “beyond the seas”. The encyclopedia is also a literary crystallization of the sense of survival as well as primeval wisdom of ancient Chinese, as is fully expressed in the text that is permeated with lingering chill and tragic beauty.
The classic has been an inexhaustible inspiration for the exploration of geographers, religious scholars and literary critics throughout the centuries, forever titillating the aesthetic nerves of mythological researchers as well as the imagination of ordinary readers.
Multi-culture and Crossover
Bringing together the works of about 50 artists from all over the world, the exhibition takes a truly multi-cultural and multiform approach, including Chinese ink paintings, oil works, prints, sculptures, installation arts, and new media creations.
Liang Shaojis multimedia installation, , strives to reconstruct the mythological chaos of ancient times. The oil work by Xu Jiang illustrates a similar theme through the fierce colors of sunflowers. Ying Jinfeis Breathing, filled to the brim with the visual tension created by the striking contrast between red and green, is the artists bold imagination of the very beginning of the world. In his two installations, and , Wu Jianan brings the viewers into a surreal world of luminous woods and the frolicking adventure of bizarre, unearthly animals. , by Mark Ryden from the U.S., is a fantasy about the overlapping of two worlds and the eternity of memory and death.
For the more sensitive among visitors, the surging undercurrents of anxiety about environment and the ultimate issues of human existence underneath the calmness are easy to capture. One of the exhibits is , an animated movie by Qiu Anxiong. The water-and-ink animation depicts the confusion caused by Internet technologies in a futuristic world that is reduced into a wasteland of holographic images. In the movie, city dwellers get lost and weary in the illusory thrill of a virtual world that eventually collapses in a losing battle against reality. The movie sounds the alarm and reminds modern people of the hazards of the information age today.
Whats worth special mentioning about the exhibition is the photography by Michael Najjar, from Germany. His work, draws inspiration from the lifetime endeavors of Nan Rendong, the astronomer behind the 500-meter aperture spherical radio telescope (abbr. FAST) unveiled in 2016 by Chinese Academy of Sciences, as the largest single-dish radio telescope in the world, in the Dawodang depression in Guizhou Province, China. The telescopes superior sensitivity is expected to lead scientists to great scientific breakthroughs in research on astronomical phenomena including pulsars, hydrogen in the Milky Way and neighboring galaxies, and fast radio bursts. Theoretically, the telescope can receive electromagnetic signals from beyond 13.7 billion light years, a distance that is considered as verging on the edges of the universe. Taking the superb size and power into consideration, the telescope promises to help systematically expand human vision of the universe and discover a completely new unknown world. In this sense, the photography by Mark Ryden is a metaphor of the infinite possibility of time and space.
Another highlight of the exhibition is a remake of the mural work from the Northern Dynasties. The exhibits also include ancient copies of and rubbings that suffice to break the misunderstanding and prejudice that China is a “mythless” nation.
The exhibition is a dialogue between mythological narrative and contemporary arts, and an exploration of the cultural memory of human civilization in its infancy. It is a genetic reexamination about the origin as well as the spiritual essentials of Chinese culture.