SPecial Issue:Emerging Technologies of UAV
(Guest Editor:CAO Xianbin;Managing Editor:SU Lei)
Cooperative task assignment of multi-UAV system …………………J.ZHANG and J.XING(2825)
Distributed UAV swarm based on spatial grid model……………………………………………………………………………………………………………B.FAN,Z.ZHANG and R.ZHANG(2828)
Mission-driven autonomous perception and fusion based on UAV swarm ……………Y.HE(2831)
Review and Article
Adaptive level of autonomy for human-UAVs collaborative surveillance using situated fuzzy cognitive maps ………………………………………………………Z.ZHAO,Y.NIU and L.SHEN(2835)
A survey of safety separation management and collision avoidance approaches of civil UAS operating in integration national airspace system ………X.GUAN,R.LYU,H.SHI and J.CHEN(2851)
Battery package design optimization for small electric aircraft……………………………………………………………………M.WANG,S.ZHANG,J.DIEPOLDER and F.HOLZAPFEL(2864)
Multi-UAV coordination control by chaotic grey wolf optimization based distributed MPC with eventtriggered strategy ………………Y.WANG,T.ZHANG,Z.CAI,J.ZHAO and K.WU(2877)
Adaptive distributed observer design for containment control of heterogeneous discrete-time swarm systems ………………………S.WANG,Z.ZHAN,R.ZHONG,Y.WU and Z.PENG(2898)
Fully distributed time-varying formation tracking control for multiple quadrotor vehicles via finite-time convergent extended state observer ……W.ZHANG,C.DONG,M.RAN and Y.LIU(2907)
Optimal video communication strategy for intelligent video analysis in unmanned aerial vehicle applications …………………………Y.XIE,Z.LI,J.QI,K.ZHANG,B.ZHANG and F.QI(2921)
Coactive design of explainable agent-based task planning and deep reinforcement learning for human-UAVs teamwork ……C.WANG,L.WU,C.YAN,Z.WANG,H.LONG and C.YU(2930)
Two-phase guidance law for impact time control under physical constraints…………………………………………………………………………Y.TANG,X.ZHU,Z.ZHOU and F.YAN(2946)
Event-triggered control for containment maneuvering of second-order MIMO multi-agent systems with unmatched uncertainties and disturbances……………………………………………………………………………………………Y.ZHANG,D.WANG,Z.PENG,L.LIU and S.WANG(2959)
Adaptive leader-follower formation control for swarms of unmanned aerial vehicles with motion constraints and unknown disturbances …………………Y.LIANG,Q.DONG and Y.ZHAO(2972)
An aggregate flow based scheduler in multi-task cooperated UAVs network…………………………………………………X.LI,Z.XIE,J.YE,X.TANG,C.LI,F.TANG and R.YU(2989)
SPecial Column:APPlication of PHM Technologies in AerosPace Industry
(Guest editors:Jie LIU;Managing editor:GE JianPing)
Review and propositions for the sliding/impact wear behavior in a contact interface……………………………………………………………………………Y.CHEN,W.GONG and R.KANG(391)
Multi-faults diagnosis of rolling bearings via adaptive customization of flexible analytical wavelet bases……………………………C.ZHANG,Y.LIU,F.WAN,B.CHEN,J.LIU and B.HU(407)
Semi-supervised gear fault diagnosis using raw vibration signal based on deep learning……………………………………………………………………………X.LI,J.LI,Y.QU and D.HE(418)
Rotating machinery fault diagnosis based on convolutional neural network and infrared thermal imaging ………………………………………Y.LI,X.DU,F.WAN,X.WANG and H.YU(427)
A new bearing fault diagnosis method based on modified convolutional neural networks…………………………………J.ZHANG,Y.SUN,L.GUO,H.GAO,X.HONG and H.SONG(439)
Improving EGT sensing data anomaly detection of aircraft auxiliary power unit………………………………………………L.LIU,Y.PENG,L.WANG,Y.DONG,D.LIU and Q.GUO(448)
SPecial ToPic:SPace Micro-ProPulsion Technology
(Guest Editors:SHEN Yan,XIE Kan;Managing Editor:WANG Jiao)
A brief review of alternative propellants and requirements for pulsed plasma thrusters in micropropulsion applications……………………………………………………………………………………………W.Y.L.LING,S.ZHANG,H.FU,M.HUANG,J.QUANSAH,X.LIU and N.WANG(2999)
Influences of characteristic parameters on starting-up process of an arcjet thruster…………………………………………………………Y.SHEN,Y.TONG,F.WEI,Z.YAO and D.HU(3011)
Coupling plasma plume of a low-power magnetically shielded Hall thruster with a hollow cathode………………G.ZHANG,J.REN,W.LIANG,N.OUYANG,C.LU and H.TANG(3018)
Turbulent Wagner problem with transition …………………S.LI,C.BAI,J.LIN and Z.WU(1)
Electromagnetic riveting technique and its applications ……………………Z.CAO and Y.ZUO(5)
Hydraulic piston pump in civil aircraft:Current status,future directions and critical technologies……………………………………S.GUO,J.CHEN,Y.LU,Y.WANG and H.DONG(16)
A comprehensive survey on the methods of angle of attack measurement and estimation in UAVs………………………………………………L.SANKARALINGAM and C.RAMPRASADH(749)
Successes and challenges in non-destructive testing of aircraft composite structures………………………………H.TOWSYFYAN,A.BIGURI,R.BOARDMAN and T.BLUMENSATH(771)
A review of friction stir joining of SiCp/Al composites…………………………………………………………………………………………L.ZUO,X.ZHAO,Z.LI,D.ZUO and H.WANG(792)
Recent advances in film cooling enhancement:A review……………………………………………………………………………………………J.ZHANG,S.ZHANG,C.WANG and X.TAN(1119)
Model-driven degradation modeling approaches:Investigation and review………………………………………………………………………………………R.KANG,W.GONG and Y.CHEN(1137)
Advances in critical technologies for hypersonic and high-enthalpy wind tunnel………………………………………………………………………Z.JIANG,Z.HU,Y.WANG and G.HAN(3027)
A review on carrier aircraft dispatch path planning and control on deck…………………………………………………………X.WANG,J.LIU,X.SU,H.PENG,X.ZHAO and C.LU(3039)
Fluid Mechanics and Flight Mechanics
Efficient aerodynamic shape optimization using variable-fidelity surrogate models and multilevel computational grids……………………………………………………………………………………………………………Z.HAN,C.XU,L.ZHANG,Y.ZHANG,K.ZHANG and W.SONG(31)
Flutter and gust response analysis of a wing model including geometric nonlinearities based on a modified structural ROM ………………………………C.AN,C.YANG,C.XIE and L.YANG(48)
Accurate attitude estimation of HB2 standard model based on QNCF in hypersonic wind tunnel test……………………H.YANG,B.ZHOU,Q.WEI,X.WANG,X.XU and R.ZHANG(64)
Numerical investigation on flow field characteristics of dual synthetic cold/hot jets using POD and DMD methods ……………………Q.LIU,Z.LUO,X.DENG,L.WANG and Y.ZHOU(73)
Effect of flexibility on unsteady aerodynamics forces of a purely plunging airfoil……………………………………………………………………………………C.ZHOU,Y.ZHANG and J.WU(88)
Thermo-structural analysis of regenerative cooling thrust chamber cylinder segment based on experimental data ………………………D.LIU,B.SUN,T.WANG,J.SONG and J.ZHANG(102)
LES of the Sandia flame series D-F using the Eulerian stochastic field method coupled with tabulated chemistry ……………Y.DUAN,Z.XIA,L.MA,Z.LUO,X.HUANG and X.DENG(116)
Investigation of a novel pyrogenic pulser in a laboratory motor………………………………………………………………………………………………R.TAHERINEZHAD and G.ZAREPOUR(134)
Interaction mechanisms of shock waves with the boundary layer and wakes in a highly-loaded NGV using hybrid RANS/LES ……………………X.BIAN,Q.WANG,X.SU and X.YUAN(149)
Sensitivity analysis of flowfield modeling parameters upon the flow structure and aerodynamics of an opposing jet over a hypersonic blunt body ……………J.GUO,G.LIN,X.BU and H.LI(161)
Simulation of plasma behavior for medium propellant mass and pulsed energy of small scale pulsed inductive thruster …………………………………………………………Y.CHENG and G.XIA(176)
Reynolds number effect on compressible cylindrical cavity flow…………………………………………………………………K.-M.CHUNG,Y.-X.HUANG,K.-H.LEE and K.-C.CHANG(456)
Mach reflection in steady supersonic flow considering wedge boundary-layer correction………………………………………………………………………………Z.CHEN,C.BAI and Z.WU(465)
Aerodynamic/aeroacoustic variable-fidelity optimization of helicopter rotor based on hierarchical Kriging model ……………………Y.BU,W.SONG,Z.HAN,Y.ZHANG and L.ZHANG(476)
Delaying stall of morphing wing by periodic trailing-edge deflection………………………………………………………………………………………Z.KAN,D.LI,J.XIANG and C.CHENG(493)
Optimization and verification of free flight separation similarity law in high-speed wind tunnel……………………F.XUE,X.JIN,P.FENG,H.QIN,Z.JIANG,Y.WANG and P.BAI(501)
Non-intrusive reduced-order model for predicting transonic flow with varying geometries……………………………Z.SUN,C.WANG,Y.ZHENG,J.BAI,Z.LI,Q.XIA and Q.FU(508)
Consideration on aircraft tire spray when running on wet runways……………………………………………………………………………X.ZHANG,F.XU,X.REN,X.GAO and R.CAO(520)
Aeroelastic simulation of the first 1.5-stage aeroengine fan at rotating stall……………………………………………………………………………F.LIANG,Z.XIE,A.XIA and M.ZHOU(529)
Experimental study on NO x emission correlation of fuel staged combustion in a LPP combustor at high pressure based on NO-chemiluminescence………………………………………………………………………………………Z.WANG,Y.LIN,J.WANG,C.ZHANG and Z.PENG(550)
Research on nonlinear model predictive control for turboshaft engines based on double engines torques matching …………………………………Y.WANG,Q.ZHENG,Z.DU and H.ZHANG(561)
Assessment of converting approach to efficient design of micro-turboprop engines……………………………………………………………………H.GOLCHIN,F.OMMI and Z.SABOOHI(572)
Experimental investigations of the spray structure and interactions between sectors of a double-swirl low-emission combustor…………………………………………………………………………………………………………X.FAN,C.LIU,G.XU,C.ZHANG,J.WANG and Y.LIN(589)
Evaluation of pressure oscillations by a laboratory motor……………………………………………………………………………………………………R.TAHERINEZHAD and G.ZAREPOUR(805)
Aeroacoustic and aerodynamic optimization of propeller blades……………………………………………………………………………………P.YU,J.PENG,J.BAI,X.HAN and X.SONG(826)
Individual influence of pitching and plunging motions on flow structures over an airfoil during dynamic stall ……………………………………………………………Z.LI,L.FENG and J.WANG(840)
Experimental investigation on operating behaviors of loop heat pipe with thermoelectric cooler under acceleration conditions ………………Y.XIE,X.LI,S.DONG,H.ZHANG and H.WU(852)
Investigation of hot jet on active control of oblique detonation waves………………………………………………………………H.LI,J.LI,C.XIONG,W.FAN,L.ZHAO and W.HAN(861)
Experimental study of rotor blades vibration and noise in multistage high pressure compressor and their relevance …F.ZHAO,X.JING,M.YANG,D.WANG,Y.SHA and X.LUAN(870)
Unsteady wakes-secondary flow interactions in a high-lift low-pressure turbine cascade…………………………………………………………………X.QU,Y.ZHANG,X.LU and J.ZHU(879)
Effect of protrusion amount on gas ingestion of radial rim seal……………………………………………………………………………………Z.WU,X.LUO,N.CAO,X.LI and H.CHEN(893)
Computational engineering analysis of external geometrical modifications on MQ-1 unmanned combat aerial vehicle ……………P.BAGUL,Z.A.RANA,K.W.JENKINS and L.KÖNÖZSY(1154)
Variable slip window technology in transition detection on pitching airfoil……………………………………………………………………………………B.WEI,Y.GAO,D.LI and L.DENG(1166)
Three-dimensional numerical analysis on combustion performance and flow of hybrid rocket motor with multi-segmented grain ……………………………H.TIAN,Y.DUAN and H.ZHU(1181)
Effect of bristle pack position on the rotordynamic characteristics of brush-labyrinth seals at various operating conditions ………………………………Y.ZHANG,J.LI,Z.LI and X.YAN(1192)
Effects of tooth bending damage on the leakage performance and rotordynamic coefficients of labyrinth seals ……………………………………………………Y.CHEN,Z.LI,J.LI and X.YAN(1206)
Experimental investigation of flow and distortion mitigation by mechanical vortex generators in a coupled serpentine inlet-turbofan engine system……………………………………………………………………………………………I.MAGHSOUDI,M.A.VAZIRY and M.MAHMOODI(1375)
An efficient large-scale mesh deformation method based on MPI/Open MP hybrid parallel radial basis function interpolation …………Z.ZHAO,R.MA,L.HE,X.CHANG and L.ZHANG(1392)
Flow characteristics around airfoils near transonic buffet onset conditions……………………………………………………………………………Y.ZHAO,Z.DAI,Y.TIAN and Y.XIONG(1405)
Unsteady experimental and numerical investigation of aerodynamic performance in ultra-high-lift LPT……………………………………………………X.QU,Y.ZHANG,X.LU and J.ZHU(1421)
An improved prediction model for corner stall in axial compressors with dihedral effect…………………………………………………………………………………………………J.LI and L.JI(1433)
Study on effects of thickness on airfoil-stall at low Reynolds numbers by cusp-catastrophic model based on GA(W)-1 airfoil …………Z.LI,P.ZHANG,T.PAN,Q.LI and J.ZHANG(1444)
Multi-disciplinary design optimization with fuzzy uncertainties and its application in hybrid rocket motor powered launch vehicle …………………P.WANG,H.TIAN,H.ZHU and G.CAI(1454)
Investigation of dual ignition for a detonation-driven shock tunnel in forward driving mode……………………………………………………Q.WANG,K.LUO,J.LI,J.LI and W.ZHAO(1468)
Experimental of combustion instability in NTO/MMH impinging combustion chambers……………………………………………………A.YANG,B.LI,Y.YAN,S.XUE and L.ZHOU(1476)
Application of a PCA-DBN-based surrogate model to robust aerodynamic design optimization…………………………………………………………J.TAO,G.SUN,L.GUO and X.WANG(1573)
Numerical exploration on the thermal invasion characteristics of two typical gap-cavity structures subjected to hypersonic airflow ……………………………Z.LI,X.XIA,X.LI and C.SUN(1589)
Experimental study on plasma jet deflection and energy extraction with MHD control…………………………K.ZHAO,M.MING,F.LI,Y.LU,T.ZHOU,K.WANG and N.MENG(1602)
Numerical simulation of compression corner flows at Mach number 9………………………………………………………………………………………………A.A.PASHA and K.A.JUHANY(1611)
Application of improved active disturbance rejection control algorithm in tilt quad rotor…………………………………………………Z.WANG,H.ZHAO,D.DUAN,Y.JIAO and J.LI(1625)
Aerodynamics of ducted re-entry vehicles…………………………………………………………………………………C.ANBU SERENE RAJ,M.NARASIMHAVARADHAN,N.VAISHNAVI,S.ARUNVINTHAN,A.AL AR-JANI and S.NADARAJA PILLAI(1837)
Numerical study of a supercritical airfoil/wing with variable-camber technology………………………………………………………………W.NIU,Y.ZHANG,H.CHEN and M.ZHANG(1850)
A novel control method for turboshaft engine with variable rotor speed based on the Ngdot estimator through LQG/LTR and rotor predicted torque feedforward…………………………………………………………………………………Y.WANG,Q.ZHENG,Z.XU and H.ZHANG(1867)
Optimization on conventional and electric air-cycle refrigeration systems of aircraft:A short-cut method and analysis…………………………………………………………………………………………………………H.JIANG,S.DONG,H.ZHANG,F.AI,Z.ZHANG and J.WANG(1877)
Experimental investigation of boundary layer transition over a delta wing at Mach number 6……………………………………………………H.NIU,S.YI,X.LIU,X.LU and D.GANG(1889)
Thick exchange layer evaporation model with natural convection effect and evaporation experimental study for multicomponent droplet……………………………………………………………………………………………………………F.WANG,X.GAO,Y.XIAO,Z.WU and J.JIN(1903)
Oxygen concentration variation in ullage influenced by dissolved oxygen evolution………………………………S.FENG,C.LI,X.PENG,T.WEN,Y.YAN,R.JIANG and W.LIU(1919)
Aero-optical effects simulation technique for starlight transmission in boundary layer under high-speed conditions ……………………………………………………B.YANG,Z.FAN and H.YU(1929)
An experimental method for squealer tip flow field considering relative casing motion……………………………………F.ZENG,J.DU,L.HUANG,L.XUAN,Q.ZHAO and Z.ZOU(1942)
Effect of bent inlet pipe on the flow instability behavior of centrifugal compressors…………………Z.SUN,B.WANG,X.ZHENG,T.KAWAKUBO,H.TAMAKI and R.NUMAKURA(2099)
Dynamic coefficients and stability analysis of a water-lubricated hydrostatic bearing by solving the uncoupled Reynolds equation ………………………………………………J.DU and G.LIANG(2110)
Rotor airfoil aerodynamic design method and wind tunnel test verification…………………………………………………………………W.ZHANG,J.SUN,L.WANG,J.WU and L.HE(2123)
Influence of non-equilibrium reactions on the optimization of aerothrust aeroassisted maneuver with orbital change……………………………………………………………………………………………………………N.A.ELISOV,S.A.ISHKOV,I.A.LOMAKA and V.G.SHAKHOV(2133)
Quantitative assessment and visualization of flight risk induced by coupled multi-factor under icing conditions ………………………………………Y.WEI,H.XU,Y.XUE and X.DUAN(2146)
Flow mechanism between purge flow and mainstream in different turbine rim seal configurations……………………Z.ZHANG,Y.ZHANG,X.DONG,X.QU,X.LU and Y.ZHANG(2162)
Numerical and experimental study of twin-fluid two-phase internal-mixing atomizer to develop maximum entropy method ……………………………………A.MOHAMMADI and F.OMMI(2281)
A hybrid lattice Boltzmann flux solver for integrated hypersonic fluid-thermal-structural analysis………………………………………………………J.LI,J.WANG,L.YANG and C.SHU(2295)
CFD simulation of helicopter rotor flow based on unsteady actuator disk model…………………………………G.N.BARAKOS,T.FITZGIBBON,A.N.KUSYUMOV,S.A.KUSYUMOV and
Investigation into the transient flow characteristics of noble gas propellants using the pulsed inductive discharge in electric propulsion ………………………………………Y.CHENG and G.XIA(2329)
Drag increment induced by a small-scale forward-facing step in Mach number 5 turbulent boundary layer flows ……………………………………………Y.XUE,J.REN,J.LUO and S.FU(2491)
Unstable unsteady aerodynamic modeling based on least squares support vector machines with general excitation ……………………………S.CHEN,Z.GAO,X.ZHU,Y.DU and C.PANG(2499)
Three-axis coupled flight control law design for flying wing aircraft using eigenstructure assignment method ………………L.WANG,N.ZHANG,T.YUE,H.LIU,J.ZHU and X.JIA(2510)
Near-wall topological patterns and flow structures over a simplified Danaus plexippus model……………………………………………………………Y.ZHU,Y.QU,J.WANG and B.MA(2527)
Aerodynamic performance enhancement for flapping airfoils by co-flow jet………………………………………………………………T.WU,B.SONG,W.SONG,W.YANG and Z.HAN(2535)
Closed-loop flow control of an ultra-compact serpentine inlet based on nondimensional model………………………………………………………………………………………X.DA and J.FAN(2555)
Effects of Mach numbers on Magnus induced surface pressure………………………………………………………………………………………………………F.ASKARY and M.R.SOLTANI(3058)
Improved local amplification factor transport equation for stationary crossflow instability in subsonic and transonic flows ……………………………………………J.XU,L.QIAO and J.BAI(3073)
Water takeoff performance calculation method for amphibious aircraft based on digital virtual flight……………………………………L.WANG,H.YIN,K.YANG,H.LIU and J.ZHU(3082)
Design and experimental study of a new flapping wing rotor micro aerial vehicle……………………………………………………………………X.DONG,D.LI,J.XIANG and Z.WANG(3092)
CFD/CSD-based flutter prediction method for experimental models in a transonic wind tunnel with porous wall …………………T.GUO,D.LU,Z.LU,D.ZHOU,B.LYU and J.WU(3100)
Prediction of pilot workload in helicopter landing after one engine failure……………………………………………………………………………………………Z.YU,X.YAN and R.CHEN(3112)
Study of riblet drag reduction for an infinite span wing with different sweep angles………………………………………………………………Y.ZHANG,C.YAN,H.CHEN and Y.YIN(3125)
Modulation of driving signals in flow control over an airfoil with synthetic jet……………………………………………………………………………Z.LIU,Z.LUO,Q.LIU and Y.ZHOU(3138)
Strong interactions of incident shock wave with boundary layer along compression corner………………………………………………………………………S.GUO,Y.WU and H.LIANG(3149)
An efficient regulation approach for tomographic reconstruction in combustion diagnostics based on TDLAS method ………………M.XIN,J.SONG,W.RAO,Y.HONG and Y.JIANG(3158)
Theoretical study of ullage washing with mixed inert gas in a non-equilibrium state………………………………………S.FENG,X.PENG,L.SHAO,Y.YAN,C.CHEN and W.LIU(3167)
Numerical investigation on flow nonuniformity-induced hysteresis in scramjet isolator……………………………T.HUANG,L.YUE,S.MA,Q.ZHANG,P.ZHANG and X.CHANG(3176)
Transient flow characteristics and performance of a solid rocket motor with a pintle valve…………………………………………………A.SONG,N.WANG,J.LI,B.MA and X.CHEN(3189)
Solid Mechanics and Vehicle ConcePtual Design
An optimization model of parameter matching for aircraft catapult launch……………………………………………………………………………………………………Z.ZHOU and J.HUANG(191)
Nonlinear interval analysis of rotor response with joints under uncertainties…………………………………………………………………………Y.MA,Y.WANG,C.WANG and J.HONG(205)
Percolation transition in temporal airport network ……S.LIU,Z.LI,J.ZHONG and D.LI(219)
Coupling Magneto-Electro-Elastic node-based smoothed radial point interpolation method for free vibration and transient analysis of Functionally Graded Magneto-Electro-Elastic structures………………………………………………L.ZHOU,S.REN,B.NIE,G.GUO and X.CUI(227)
Virtual sensing method for monitoring vibration of continuously variable configuration structures using long short-term memory networks ………Z.YUE,L.LIU,T.LONG and Y.MA(244)
Fatigue life research and experimental verification of superalloy thin-walled structures subjected to thermal-acoustic loads …………………………J.WANG,F.ZHAO,Y.SHA and S.GU(598)
Simulator of pyroshock environment and effect rules of its adjustable parameters………………………………H.ZHAO,J.DING,W.LIU,Z.HAO,Y.SUN,Q.ZHANG and Y.LIU(609)
Multiscale topology optimization using feature-driven method……………………………………………………………………………………………Z.XU,W.ZHANG,Y.ZHOU and J.ZHU(621)
Optimization design of chiral hexagonal honeycombs with prescribed elastic properties under large deformation ……………………………………K.QIU,R.WANG,J.ZHU and W.ZHANG(902)
A global solution for robust parameter design of aeronautical electrical apparatus based on interactions analysis and polynomial fitting ……………………J.DENG,X.YE,J.XUE and G.ZHAI(910)
Correction method of airfoil thickness effect in hinge moment calculation of a folding wing………………………………………………………………H.XU,J.HAN,H.YUN and X.CHEN(922)
Precise output loads control of load-diffusion components with topology optimization…………………………………………………………………Y.CAO,X.GU,J.ZHU and W.ZHANG(933)
Aircraft air conditioning system health state estimation and prediction for predictive maintenance…………………………………………………………………J.SUN,F.WANG and S.NING(947)
Reliability and reliability sensitivity analysis of structure by combining adaptive linked importance sampling and Kriging reliability method ………F.LIU,P.WEI,C.ZHOU and Z.YUE(1218)
Aeroelastic dynamic response of elastic aircraft with consideration of two-dimensional discrete gust excitation ……………………………………………………Y.YANG,C.YANG and Z.WU(1228)
Thermal damage analysis of aircraft composite laminate suffered from lightning swept stroke and arc propagation ………………………X.MA,F.WANG,H.CHEN,D.WANG and B.XU(1242)
An aerospace bracket designed by thermo-elastic topology optimization and manufactured by additive manufacturing ………G.SHI,C.GUAN,D.QUAN,D.WU,L.TANG and T.GAO(1252)
Applications of structural efficiency assessment method on structural-mechanical characteristics integrated design in aero-engines …………………J.HONG,T.LI,H.ZHENG and Y.MA(1260)
Investigation on nonlinear lateral-torsional coupled vibration of a rotor system with substantial unbalance ……………………………………………J.HONG,P.YU,Y.MA and D.ZHANG(1642)
An adaptive sequential experiment design method for model validation……………………………………………………………………………………………K.FANG,Y.ZHOU and P.MA(1661)
A new structural reliability analysis method in presence of mixed uncertainty variables…………………………………………………………………L.YOU,J.ZHANG,X.DU and J.WU(1673)
NOxemissions of turbofan powered unmanned aerial vehicle for complete flight cycle…………………………………………………………………………………………………………A.DINC(1683)
Fluid structure interaction simulation of supersonic parachute inflation by an interface tracking method…………………………………………………X.YANG,L.YU,M.LIU and H.PANG(1692)
A novel none once per revolution blade tip timing based blade vibration parameters identification method ……………………W.WANG,X.ZHANG,D.HU,D.ZHANG and P.ALLAIRE(1953)
Data-driven reliability analysis of Boeing 787 Dreamliner………………………………………………………………………………G.PANDIAN,M.PECHT,E.ZIO and M.HODKIEWICZ(1969)
Highly efficient computation method for hazard quantification of uncontained rotor failure…………………………………………………Z.ZHAO,P.LIU,Y.LIU,C.ZHANG and Y.LI(1980)
General optimal design of solar-powered unmanned aerial vehicle for priority considering propulsion system ………………………………………………………………X.LI,K.SUN and F.LI(2176)
Inverse design of mission success space for combat aircraft contribution evaluation…………………………………………………………………………………Y.GAO,H.LIU and Y.TIAN(2189)
Structural dynamic responses of a stripped solar sail subjected to solar radiation pressure…………………………………………………………J.ZHANG,N.WU,A.TONG and Y.LIU(2204)
Interval analysis of rotor dynamic response based on Chebyshev polynomials…………………………………………………………………………Y.MA,Y.WANG,C.WANG and J.HONG(2342)
Nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of the folding fin with freeplay under thermal environment……………………………………H.HE,H.TANG,K.YU,J.LI,N.YANG and X.ZHANG(2357)
A double integral method for quantitative evaluation of influence on thin-walled casing response caused by bearing uncertainties…………………………………………………………………………………………………B.GENG,Y.ZUO,Z.JIANG,K.FENG,C.WANG and J.WANG(2372)
A new fatigue life prediction model considering the creep-fatigue interaction effect based on the Walker total strain equation …………S.CHEN,D.WEI,J.WANG,Y.WANG and X.JIANG(2382)
Wave propagation analysis for a second strain gradient rod theory………………………………………………………………………………G.ZHU,C.DROZ,A.ZINE and M.ICHCHOU(2563)
A compliant polymorphing wing for small UAVs…………………………………………………………………………………………………S.P.MUHAMMED,R.M.AJAJ and K.A.KHAN(2575)
A novel surrogate modeling strategy of the mechanical properties of 3D braided composites……………………………………………………………Z.LIU,Y.HOU,Q.ZHAO and C.LI(2589)
A user-friendly yield criterion for metals exhibiting tension-compression asymmetry…………………………………………………………………………L.CHEN,W.WEN and H.ZHANG(2602)
Aerodynamic characteristics of morphing wing with flexible leading-edge………………………………………………………………Z.KAN,D.LI,T.SHEN,J.XIANG and L.ZHANG(2610)
High cycle fatigue failure with radial cracks in gears of aero-engines……………………………………………………………………………………J.HONG,L.JIANG,X.XU and Y.MA(2620)
Nonlinear dynamic behavior of a flexible asymmetric aero-engine rotor system in maneuvering flight………………………………………………………………T.GAO,S.CAO and Y.SUN(2633)
Optimum design and experiment of composite leaf spring landing gear for electric aircraft………………………………………………D.LI,Z.FAN,Y.ZHANG,J.ZANG and F.YANG(2649)
Motion equations of hemispherical resonator and analysis of frequency split caused by slight mass nonuniformity …………………………………………Y.HUO,S.REN,G.YI and C.WANG(2660)
Light weight optimization of stratospheric airship envelope based on reliability analysis……………………………………………………………………Y.ZHANG,Y.WANG and C.WANG(2670)
Topology optimization in lightweight design of a 3D-printed flapping-wing micro aerial vehicle…………………………………………L.CHEN,Y.ZHANG,Z.CHEN,J.XU and J.Wu(3206)
Extension of continuous scanning laser Doppler vibrometry measurement for complex structures with curved surfaces ……………………………………………C.LIU,C.ZANG and B.ZHOU(3220)
Physical model for acoustic resonance in annular cavity structure……………………………………………………………F.ZHAO,M.YANG,X.JING,D.WANG,Y.SHA and Y.LIU(3228)
Optimization and analysis of winglet configuration for solar aircraft…………………………………………………………………………………L.ZHANG,D.MA,M.YANG and S.WANG(3238)
A dynamic modeling approach for nonlinear vibration analysis of the L-type pipeline system with clamps …………………………………Q.CHAI,J.ZENG,H.MA,K.LI and Q.HAN(3253)
Semi-analytical model for flat indentation of metal materials and its applications……………………………………………………………………………X.LIU,L.CAI,H.CHEN and S.SI(3266)
Dynamics response analysis of airborne external storage system with clearance between missile-frame…………………………………Y.YANG,Q.ZHENG,J.WANG,Z.MA and X.LIU(3278)
Intrinsic physical relationships between rotor modal shapes and instantaneous vibrational energy flow transmission characteristics:Theoretical and numerical analysis and application……………………………………………………Y.MA,Q.ZHAO,W.ZHAO,B.LIU and L.HAO(3288)
Team effectiveness evaluation and virtual reality scenario mapping model for helicopter emergency rescue ……………………………………X.SUN,H.LIU,Y.TIAN,G.WU and Y.GAO(3306)
Gaussian fitting based optimal design of aircraft mission success space using multi-objective genetic algorithm …………………………………………Y.GAO,Y.TIAN,H.LIU and X.SUN(3318)
Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Control
Implementation of tactical maneuvers with maneuver libraries……………………………………………………………………………………D.H.LEE,C.-J.KIM,S.W.HUR and S.H.LEE(255)
Spacecraft formation-containment flying control with time-varying translational velocity…………………………………………………………L.CHEN,C.LI,Y.GUO,G.MA and B.ZHU(271)
Predictor-based model reference adaptive roll and yaw control of a quad-tiltrotor UAV…………………………………………………………………N.LIU,Z.CAI,J.ZHAO and Y.WANG(282)
Multiple-constraint cooperative guidance based on two-stage sequential convex programming…………………………………………………………W.DONG,Q.WEN,Q.XIA and S.YANG(296)
Hybrid partition-and network-level scheduling design for distributed integrated modular avionics systems …………………………………………………………X.ZHOU,H.XIONG and F.HE(308)
Reconfigurable fault-tolerant control for supersonic missiles with actuator failures under actuation redundancy ……………………………T.LI,Z.JIANG,H.YANG,C.HU and S.ZHANG(324)
Design of on-board calibration methods for a digital sun sensor based on Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm and Kalman filters ……………………A.RAHDAN,H.BOLANDI and M.ABEDI(339)
Robustness evaluation method for unmanned aerial vehicle swarms based on complex network theory………………………………X.WANG,Y.ZHANG,L.WANG,D.LU and G.ZENG(352)
An innovative approach for integrated airline network and aircraft family optimization……………………J.ALEXANDRE,T.G.FREGNANI,B.S.DE MATTOS and J.A.HERNANDES(634)
Finite-time composite guidance law with input constraint and dynamics compensation…………………………………………………………………………………………M.DUAN and D.ZHOU(664)
Switching control of morphing aircraft based on Q-learning………………………………………………………………………………………………L.GONG,Q.WANG,C.HU and C.LIU(672)
Direct position determination using single moving rotating linear array:Noncoherent and coherent processing ………………………………………G.WU,M.ZHANG,C.HE and F.GUO(688)
Cooperative formation control of multiple aerial vehicles based on guidance route in a complex task environment……………………………………………………………………………………………………G.SUN,R.ZHOU,K.XU,Z.WENG,Y.ZHANG,Z.DONG and Y.WANG(701)
Impact time control using biased proportional navigation for missiles with varying velocity…………………………………………………………………G.SUN,Q.WEN,Z.XU and Q.XIA(956)
Two-dimensional launch window method to search for launch opportunities of interplanetary missions………………………………………………………………………………J.DUAN and Y.LIU(965)
Optimal guidance against active defense ballistic missiles via differential game strategies……………………………………………H.LIANG,J.WANG,Y.WANG,L.WANG and P.LIU(978)
Cooperative guidance strategy for multiple hypersonic gliding vehicles system………………………………………………………………………J.YU,X.DONG,Q.LI,Z.REN and J.LV(990)
Adaptive controller design for satellite attached by non-cooperative object…………………………………………………………………………………G.KANG,J.WU,C.JIN and X.CHEN(1006)
Docking control for probe-drogue refueling:An additive-state-decomposition-based output feedback iterative learning control method ……………J.REN,Q.QUAN,C.LIU and K.-Y.CAI(1016)
Method for denoising and reconstructing radar HRRP using modified sparse auto-encoder…………………………………………………C.GUO,H.WANG,T.JIAN,C.XU and S.SUN(1026)
Virtual target guidance-based distributed model predictive control for formation control of multiple UAVs ……………………………Z.CAI,L.WANG,J.ZHAO,K.WU and Y.WANG(1037)
Design and experimental testing of a control system for a morphing wing model actuated with miniature BLDC motors………………………………………………………………………………………………T.L.GRIGORIE,S.KHAN,R.M.BOTEZ,M.MAMOU and Y.MÉBARKI(1272)
An energy-based coupling degradation propagation model and its application to aviation actuation system …………………………………………T.LI,S.WANG,J.SHI,E.ZIO and X.CUI(1288)
A finite-time 3D guidance law based on fixed-time convergence disturbance observer…………………………………………………………………………………………F.YANG and G.XIA(1299)
Consensus disturbance rejection control of directed multi-agent networks with extended state observer…………………………………………………………S.GUO,Z.LI,Y.NIU and L.WU(1486)
Three-line structured light vision system for non-cooperative satellites in proximity operations………………………………………………………………………Y.LIU,Z.XIE and H.LIU(1494)
Correlation-weighted least squares residual algorithm for RAIM…………………………………………………………………………D.SONG,C.SHI,Z.WANG,C.WANG and G.JING(1505)
Remaining useful life prediction of aircraft lithium-ion batteries based on F-distribution particle filter and kernel smoothing algorithm……………………………………………………………………………………………………K.ZHANG,P.ZHAO,C.SUN,Y.WANG and Z.CHEN(1517)
Model-free adaptive optimal design for trajectory tracking control of rocket-powered vehicle………………………………………………………………………W.NIE,H.LI and R.ZHANG(1703)
Hybrid integration method for highly maneuvering radar target detection based on a Markov motion model ………Y.ZHAO,Z.CHEN,Y.ZHANG,J.CHEN,J.YANG and Y.XIONG(1717)
A novel variable structure multi-model approach based on errorambiguity decomposition…………………………………………H.SHEN-TU,Y.RONG,D.PENG,M.XUE and Y.GUO(1731)
Multi-block SSD based on small object detection for UAV railway scene surveillance………………………………………Y.LI,H.DONG,H.LI,X.ZHANG,B.ZHANG and Z.XIAO(1747)
A new online modelling method for aircraft engine state space model………………………………………………………………………………………………S.PANG,Q.LI and H.ZHANG(1756)
Inverted decoupling and LMI-based controller design for a turboprop engine with actuator dynamics…………………H.CHEN,X.WANG,H.WANG,N.GU,M.ZHU and S.YANG(1774)
Optimal motion cueing algorithm for accelerating phase of manned spacecraft in human centrifuge……………………………………………………………A.MAHMOODI and I.KAZEMI(1991)
Effective control allocation using hierarchical multi-objective optimization for multi-phase flight……………………………………………L.SUN,Q.ZHOU,B.JIA,W.TAN and H.LI(2002)
Fault-tolerant control and vibration suppression of flexible spacecraft:An interconnected system approach …………………………………………Q.LI,H.YANG,D.ZHAO and B.JIANG(2014)
Trajectory tracking control of a VTOL unmanned aerial vehicle using offset-free tracking MPC……………………………………………T.MANZOOR,Y.XIA,D.-H.ZHAI and D.MA(2024)
Loopy belief propagation based data association for extended target tracking……………………………………………………………………………………………Z.SU,H.JI and Y.ZHANG(2212)
Fast cooperative trajectory optimization and test verification for close-range satellite formation using Finite Fourier Series method …………M.HUO,Z.FAN,N.QI,Z.SONG and X.SHI(2224)
State estimate for stochastic systems with dual unknown interference inputs……………………………………………………………………………………………X.FENG,S.LI and F.PAN(2395)
A novel dense descriptor based on structure tensor voting for multi-modal image matching………………………………………………………J.LU,M.HU,J.DONG,S.HAN and A.SU(2408)
Neural adaptive control for a ground experiment of the space proximity operation in a six-degree-offreedom micro-gravity simulation system …………………C.SUN,J.YUAN and Z.ZHU(2420)
LPV modeling and controller design for body freedom flutter suppression subject to actuator saturation ……………………………………………W.TANG,Y.WANG,J.GU and Z.SUN(2679)
Orbital maneuver strategy design based on piecewise linear optimization for spacecraft soft landing on irregular asteroids ………………………Z.HAO,Y.ZHAO,Y.CHEN and Q.ZHANG(2694)
Control failure of the roll-isolated inertial navigation system under large pitch angle……………………………………………………………………………J.SONG,S.YANG and F.XIONG(2707)
Optimization of bits allocation and path planning with trajectory constraint in UAV-enabled mobile edge computing system ……Y.LUO,W.DING,B.ZHANG,W.HUANG and C.LIU(2716)
Singularity radius gradient-based rapid singularity-escape steering law for SGCMGs……………………………………………………………………………………T.YI,Y.GENG and B.WU(2728)
Modeling and analysis of solar Doppler difference bias with arbitrary rotation axis…………………………………………………………J.LIU,Y.LI,X.NING,X.CHEN and Z.KANG(3331)
Lightweight hybrid visual-inertial odometry with closed-form zero velocity update………………………………………………………………………………X.QIU,H.ZHANG and W.FU(3344)
Coning motion instability of spinning missiles induced by the delay of strap-down seeker………………………………………………………………………………………X.HU and S.YANG(3360)
An enhanced least squares residual RAIM algorithm based on optimal decentralized factor………………………………………………………………G.SUN,C.XU,D.SONG and Y.JIAN(3369)
Robust fault-tolerant attitude control for satellite with multiple uncertainties and actuator faults……………………………………………………………L.FAN,H.HUANG and K.ZHOU(3380)
Dual smoothing ionospheric gradient monitoring algorithm for dual-frequency BDS GBAS………………………………………Z.WANG,Y.YIN,D.SONG,K.FANG,Q.LI and X.LI(3395)
Acceleration tracking control for a spinning glide guided projectile with multiple disturbances………………………………………………Q.CHEN,X.WANG,J.YANG and Z.WANG(3405)
Evasion guidance algorithms for air-breathing hypersonic vehicles in three-player pursuit-evasion games ……………………………………………………………T.YAN,Y.CAI and B.XU(3423)
Reliability evaluation of avionics system with imperfect fault coverage and propagated failure mechanisms ……………………………………………………Y.CHEN,S.YANG and R.KANG(3437)
Material Engineering and Mechanical Manufacturing
Modeling and control of a novel electro-hydrostatic actuator with adaptive pump displacement…………………………………………………………………Y.WANG,S.GUO and H.DONG(365)
Topology optimization of joint load control with geometrical nonlinearity…………………………………………………………………J.HOU,X.GU,J.ZHU,J.WANG and W.ZHANG(372)
Joining of SiO2ceramic and TC4 alloy by nanoparticles modified brazing filler metal……………………………………………H.BIAN,Y.SONG,D.LIU,Y.LEI,X.SONG and J.CAO(383)
Finite element modelling and experimental investigation of the impact of filling different materials in copper tubes during 3D free bending process…………………………………………………………………………X.GUO,X.CHENG,Y.XU,J.TAO,A.ABD EL-ATY and H.LIU(721)
Five-axis flank milling tool path generation with curvature continuity and smooth cutting force for pockets ……………………………………………C.LIU,Y.LI,X.JIANG and W.SHAO(730)
Dynamics modeling and pressure control of composites tape winding system based on LQSMC………………………………………………………………………Q.HONG,Y.SHI and D.LU(740)
Electrochemical machining gap prediction with multi-physics coupling model based on two-phase turbulence flow ……………………………Y.CHEN,X.ZHOU,P.CHEN and Z.WANG(1057)
Methane pyrolysis in preparation of pyrolytic carbon:Thermodynamic and kinetic analysis by density functional theory ………………………………C.HU,H.SHEN,S.ZHANG and H.LI(1064)
Influence of thickness and initial groove angle in M-K model on limit strain of 7B04 by considering through-thickness stress ……………H.DONG,X.LI,H.WANG,G.GUO and D.LI(1074)
Ultraviolet 3D digital image correlation applied for deformation measurement in thermal testing with infrared quartz lamps ……………………………………Y.DONG,J.ZHAO and B.PAN(1085)
Detumbling strategy based on friction control of dual-arm space robot for capturing tumbling target……………G.CHEN,Y.WANG,Y.WANG,J.LIANG,L.ZHANG and G.PAN(1093)
Analysis of pressure characteristics under laminar and turbulent flow states inside the pilot stage of a deflection flapper servo-valve:Mathematical modeling with CFD study and experimental validation……………………………………………………………B.K.SAHA,S.LI and X.LV(1107)
Machining fixture for adaptive CNC machining process of near-net-shaped jet engine blade………………D.WU,H.WANG,J.PENG,K.ZHANG,J.YU,X.ZHENG and Y.CHEN(1311)
A multi-constraints based pose coordination model for large volume components assembly…………………………………………………………………………………………D.WU and F.DU(1329)
Constitutive behavior and microstructural evolution in hot deformed 2297 Al-Li alloy……………………………………………………………………B.MENG,Z.DU,C.LI and M.WAN(1338)
Two-dimensional piston pump:Principle,design,and testing for aviation fuel pumps………………………………………………………………………………T.XING,Y.XU and J.RUAN(1349)
Elliptical model for surface topography prediction in five-axis flank milling……………………………………………………L.WANG,S.GE,H.SI,L.GUAN,F.DUAN and Y.LIU(1361)
Location layout design of aircraft parts assembly based on MSVR ……X.LI and Z.ZHAO(1532)
Microstructure,thermophysical property and ablation behavior of high thermal conductivity carbon/carbon composites after heattreatment…………………………………………………………………………………………………………X.-S.LIU,Q.-G.FU,H.WANG and Q.SONG(1541)
A multi-criteria fusion feature selection algorithm for fault diagnosis of helicopter planetary gear train………………………………………………………………C.SUN,Y.WANG and G.SUN(1549)
Optimizing accuracy of a parabolic cylindrical deployable antenna mechanism based on stiffness analysis …………………………………………………………H.XIAO,S.LYU and X.DING(1562)
Cross-sectional deformation of H96 brass double-ridged rectangular tube in rotary draw bending process with different yield criteria …………………………Y.XIA,Y.LIU and M.LIU(1788)
Cross-sectional deformation behavior of double-ridged rectangular tube with fillers in different stages of H-typed bending ………………………………………………………C.LIU and Y.LIU(1799)
Evaluation of thermal effects on temperature-sensitive operating force of flow servo valve for fuel metering unit …………………………………Y.ZHANG,S.WANG,J.SHI and X.WANG(1812)
Corrosion mechanism investigation of TiN/Ti coating and TC4 alloy for aircraft compressor application ……………………………………Z.SUN,G.HE,Q.MENG,Y.LI and X.TIAN(1824)
Microstructure,porosity and mechanical properties of selective laser melted AlSi10Mg………………………………………………J.CHEN,W.HOU,X.WANG,S.CHU and Z.YANG(2043)
Feedrate scheduling method for constant peak cutting force in five-axis flank milling process………………………………………………………L.WANG,X.YUAN,H.SI and F.DUAN(2055)
Modified micro-mechanics based multiscale model for progressive failure prediction of 2D twill woven composites …………………………………M.WANG,P.ZHANG,Q.FEI and F.GUO(2070)
Development of microstructural inhomogeneity in multi-pass flow forming of TA15 alloy cylindrical parts ………………X.WANG,P.GAO,M.ZHAN,K.YANG,Y.DONG and Y.LI(2088)
Reliability estimation of rotary lip seal in aircraft utility system based on time-varying dependence degradation model and its experimental validation……………………………………………………………………………C.ZHANG,R.CHEN,G.BAI,S.WANG and M.M.TOMOVIC(2230)
A heuristic cabin-type component alignment method based on multi-source data fusion……………………………………………………………………………………………H.YU and F.DU(2242)
Effect of curing condition on bonding quality of scarf-repaired composite laminates…………………………………………J.ZHANG,X.CHENG,J.ZHANG,X.GUO and W.HUANG(2257)
Influence of uniaxial tensile pre-strain on forming limit curve by using biaxial tensile test……………………………………W.YUAN,M.WAN,X.WU,B.MA,X.LU and B.YANG(2268)
Machining deformation of single-sided component based on finishing allowance optimization…………X.LI,L.LI,Y.YANG,G.ZHAO,N.HE,X.DING,Y.SHI,L.FAN,H.LAN and
Type synthesis of deployable mechanisms for ring truss antenna based on constraint-synthesis method…………………………B.HAN,Y.XU,J.YAO,D.ZHENG,L.GUO and Y.ZHAO(2445)
Feasibility evaluation of failure models for predicting forming limit of metal foils…………………………………………B.MENG,J.SHI,Y.ZHANG,C.CHENG,B.MA and M.WAN(2461)
Positioning error compensation for parallel mechanism with two kinematic calibration methods……………………………G.ZHAO,D.WANG,L.LIU,J.GUO,W.CHEN and H.LI(2472)
Efficiently constructing collision-free regions of tool orientations for holder in five-axis machining of blisk …………………………………………………………Z.WANG,X.LIN and Y.SHI(2743)
A fault diagnosis model based on weighted extension neural network for turbo-generator sets on small samples with noise ………………………T.WANG,J.WANG,Y.WU and X.SHENG(2757)
Energy principle and material removal sequence optimization method in machining of aircraft monolithic parts…………………………………………………………………………………………………………Y.YANG,L.FAN,L.LI,G.ZHAO,N.HAN,X.LI,H.TIAN and N.HE(2770)
Surface-improvement mechanism of hybrid electrochemical discharge process using variable-amplitude pulses ………………………………Y.ZHANG,Z.XU,Y.WANG,Q.NI and X.LING(2782)
Experimental and numerical investigation on surface quality for two-point incremental sheet forming with interpolator ……X.LI,K.HAN,X.SONG,H.WANG,D.LI,Y.LI and Q.LI(2794)
Progressive damage behaviors of woven composite laminates subjected to LVI,TAI and CAI……………………………………………………………………………Z.CHENG and J.XIONG(2807)
Influence mechanism of machining angles on force induced error and their selection in five axis bullnose end milling…………………………………………………………………………………………………………Z.ZHU,F.PENG,R.YAN,Z.LI,J.WU,X.TANG and C.CHEN(3447)
Coating deposition regularity depended on orientation difference in PS-PVD plasma jet……………………J.MAO,M.LIU,Z.DENG,K.WEN,C.DENG,K.YANG and Z.CHEN(3460)
Resistance welding of glass fiber reinforced thermoplastic composite:Experimental investigation and process parameter optimization………………………………………………………………………………………………………B.DU,L.CHEN,H.LIU,Q.HE,W.QIN and W.LI(3469)
Deformation behaviors of four-layered U-shaped metallic bellows in hydroforming………………………………………………………………………………J.LIU,Z.LV,Y.LIU and L.LI(3479)
An allowance allocation method based on dynamic approximation via online inspection data for deformation control of structural parts…………………………………………………………………………………………………X.HAO,Y.LI,C.HUANG,M.LI,C.LIU and K.TANG(3495)
A constitutive model coupling damage and material anisotropy for wide stress triaxiality…………………………R.LI,M.ZHAN,Z.ZHENG,H.ZHANG,X.CUI,W.LV and Y.LEI(3509)
Simulation of multi-axis grinding considering runout based on envelope theory…………………………………………………………………………………………………Y.JIANG and Q.GUO(3526)
Chatter stability and precision during high-speed ultrasonic vibration cutting of a thin-walled titanium cylinder ………………………………………………Z.PENG,D.ZHANG and X.ZHANG(3535)
Whole-process modeling of titanium disc forming for gradient distributions of temperature and deformation ……………………H.LI,B.CHEN,M.ZHAN,J.HE,X.SUN and X.ZHANG(3550)
Conceptual design,modeling and compliance characterization of a novel 2-DOF rotational pointing mechanism for fast steering mirror …………M.ABID,J.YU,Y.XIE and A.SALAM(3564)
Retraction statement (2098)…………………………………………………………………………………