
2020-11-17 11:22江西
教学考试(高考英语) 2020年1期


笔者从教二十余载,工作之余喜欢命制完形填空等高考英语题型原创试题,在报刊、杂志等媒介发表原创完形试题多达二千篇。虽然小有收获,但我深感要命制好一篇高质量的完形填空难度不小。如果要把同源文本命制成适合不同阶段考生的完形填空从而达到考试的预定目的,更不是一件简单的事,更需要命题人的精雕细琢。下面笔者结合自身的命题经验和《普通高中英语课程标准(2017 年版)》(以下简称《课程标准》)对学科素养的要求,谈一谈自己的看法和具体的做法。


学生在义务教育阶段已经掌握了1 500 个常用单词和一定数量的短语。进入高中后,他们通过英语课堂的学习和广泛的阅读,词汇量逐渐扩大。根据《课程标准》的要求,高中英语必修课程应学习和掌握500 个单词,累计达2 000 个词汇。选择性必修课程应学习和掌握1 000 个单词,累计达3 000 个词汇。高一、二年级的学生词汇量偏少、对语法知识不够熟练,分析长难句的能力偏弱,从而影响他们对篇章的理解和把握。另外,大部分学生的语言意识、英语语感、思维品质还有很大的提升空间。





命题参数表(一)2017—2019 年高考英语完形填空体裁和题材统计


命题参数表(二)2017—2019 年高考英语完形填空考点设置统计




根据以上对考生特征、文本特征和选项特征三方面的分析,命题人如何把同源文本改编成适合不同阶段考生的完形填空文本呢?下面以来自网站Treehugger 的题为Why not make helping neighbors a new fitness craze?的文章为例进行说明。

A snowstorm hit my neighborhood the other day.I’d recently agreed to be the house’s“groundskeeper,”which meant I got tasked with shoveling the ten or so inches of snow that covered the driveway.

I’d been cooped up in the house during the storm,so I was actually pretty happy to head outside.I shoveled for an hour or so,and I felt muscles in my arms and legs that I’d rarely used start to burn.By the time I finished shoveling,I was feeling the serotonin buzz I normally get from biking.Shoveling was,as it turned out,pretty good exercise.I was actually sorry to stop.

A few days later,a few friends and I got into a discussion about how hard it is to exercise.Going to gyms is pretty much the most annoying thing ever.And that’s a big problem,since not exercising is so unhealthy.Less than 5 percent of adults are physically active for half an hour a day.Not exercising enough can bring about heart disease,diabetes,hypertension,cancer,bone and joint diseases,obesity and depression.

And yet,shoveling snow was easy.It didn’t take much willpower because I wasn’t shoveling for the exercise.I was shoveling because I needed to clear the driveway.Which makes sense:humans didn’t evolve to go to gyms; we evolved to expend energy by dealing with daily chores.It hit me:what if,instead of paying the fitness industry to exercise,neighbors could just help each other with manual labor?

People shell out tons of money in gym memberships and classes to exert energy that benefits no one.Surely they’re better off saving that money and putting the energy to practical use.

A neighborhood could have,say,a Facebook group where people could post things they needed help with.Then,people who wanted exercise could help them out.Win-win,no money or willpower necessary.Instead of making it about“helping people,”it could be framed as a new fitness craze.

Anyway,that’s all I’ve got:a simple idea.What do you think? Would people go for it? Have you tried something like that?

文本分析:该文本共计356 词,难度中等,体裁为夹叙夹议文,主题语境为人与自我范畴内的第二点“健康的生活方式、积极的生活态度”。一场暴风雪过后,作者承担了左邻右舍的铲雪任务,这项任务不仅让作者体会到了其中的乐趣,还引发了他的思考:与其花钱在体育馆锻炼,倒不如帮助别人做一些需要耗体力的事情,这是一件双赢的事。文章内容完整、主题积极向上、句子难度不大,非常适合命制成一篇适合高中各阶段的完形填空,但需要作者对文本进行不同程度的加工处理。


A snowstorm hit my neighborhood the other day.I’d recently agreed to be the house’s “groundskeeper,” (its cleaner),which meant Igot tasked with shoveling the ten or so inches of snow (had the task of clearing the snow) that covered the driveway.

I’d been cooped up(I had stayed) in the house during the storm,so I was actually pretty(quite) happy to head outside.I shoveled(铲)for an hour or so (about an hour),and I felt muscles in my arms and legs that I’d rarely usedstart to burn.By the time(When) I finished shoveling,I was feeling the serotonin buzz (had got the exercise) I normally get from biking.Shoveling was,as it turned out,pretty good exercise.(Honestly speaking,) I was actually sorry to stop (the task).

A few (Several) days later,a few friends and I got into a discussion (began to discuss) about how hard it is to exercise.Going (We concluded that going) to gyms is pretty much(nearly becoming) the most annoying thing ever.And that’s a big problem,since not exercising is so unhealthy.Less than 5 percent(5%) of adults are physically active for half an hour a day.Not exercising enough can bring about heart disease,diabetes,hypertension,(and) cancer,bone and joint diseases,obesity and depression.

And yet(However),shoveling snow was (quite) easy.It didn’t take much willpower(determination) because I wasn’t shoveling for the exercise.I was shoveling because I needed to clear the driveway.Which makes sense:humans didn’t evolve to go to gyms; we evolved to expend energy by dealing with daily chores.It hit me:what if,instead of paying the fitness industry to exercise,neighbors could just help each other with manual labor?

(合并)People shell out tons of money in gym memberships and classes to exert energy that benefits no one.(People pay much money for gym memberships and classes to consume energy that benefits no one.So why not stop paying money for that exercise and help with each other with such kind of labor?)Surely they’re better off saving that money and putting the energy to practical (better) use.

A neighborhood could have,say,a Facebook group where people could post (share) things they needed help with.Then,(And then) people who wanted exercise could help them out(give a hand to help out).Win-win,no money or willpower necessary.Instead of making it about “helping people,”it could be framed as a new fitness craze.(It’s a win-win game,for there is no money or willpower needed and people who want to exercise could benefit from it.)

Anyway,that’s all I’ve got:a simple idea.What do you think? Would people go for it? Have you tried something like that?

文本改编小结:在深刻理解文章大意的基础上,笔者运用了删除、替换和合并等三种方式对文本进行了改编。删除了个别与文本大意关联不是很大的词汇,如第三段的“diabetes,hypertension,bone and joint diseases,obesity and depression.”和第七段的“say”,删除了部分难度较大、逻辑关系不是很强且不符合中国学生阅读水平的句子,如:第三段的“And that’s a big problem,since not exercising is so unhealthy.”,第四段的“Which makes sense:humans didn’t evolve to go to gyms; we evolved to expend energy by dealing with daily chores.It hit me:what if,instead of paying the fitness industry to exercise,neighbors could just help each other with manual labor?”,最后一段的“Anyway,that’s all I’ve got:a simple idea.What do you think? Would people go for it?Have you tried something like that?”;替换了部分难度较大的词汇和句子,如把第二段的“cooped up”换成“stayed”、“actually pretty”换成“quite”,把第五段的“practical”换成“better”;合并了第四段和第五段的内容。文本由最初的356 词删改至279 词,文脉更加流畅且逻辑更加清晰,还降低了文本的难度。


A snowstorm hit my neighborhood the other day.I’d recently agreed to be the house’s “groundskeeper,”(groundskeeper,) which meant I got tasked with shoveling the ten or so inches of snow that covered the driveway.

I’d been cooped up (stayed) in the house during the storm,so I was actually pretty happy to head outside.I shoveled(铲)for an hour or so (about an hour),and I felt muscles in my arms and legs that I’d rarely usedstart to burn.By the time I finished shoveling,I was feeling the serotonin buzz(I’d got the exercise) I normally get from biking.Shoveling was,as it turned out,pretty good exercise.(Honestly speaking,) I was actually sorry to stop.

A few (Several) days later,a few friends and I got into a discussion about how hard it is to exercise.Going(We concluded that going) to gyms is pretty much (nearly becoming) the most annoying thing (routine) ever.And that’s a big problem,since not exercising is so unhealthy.Less than 5 percent(5%) of adults are physically active for half an hour a day.Not exercising enough can bring about heart disease,diabetes,hypertension,cancer,bone and joint diseases,(and)obesity and depression.

And yet (However),shoveling snow was (that) easy.It didn’t take much willpower(determination) because I wasn’t shoveling for the exercise.I was shoveling because I needed to clear the driveway.Which makes sense:humans didn’t evolve to go to gyms; we evolved to expend energy by dealing with daily chores.It hit me:what if,instead of paying the fitness industry to exercise,neighbors could just help each other with manual labor?

(合并)People shell out tons of money in gym memberships and classes to exert energy that benefits no one.Surely they’re better off saving that money and putting the energy to practical use.(People pay much money for gym memberships and classes to consume energy that benefits no one.So why not stop paying the fitness industry to exercise and help with each other with such kind of labor? Undoubtedly,they’re better off saving that money and putting the energy to practical use.)

A neighborhood could have,say,a Facebook group where people could post things they needed help with.Then,(And then) people who wanted exercise could help them out (lend a hand to help out).Win-win,no money or willpower necessary.Instead of making it about “helping people,” it could be framed as a new fitness craze.(It’s a win-win game,for there is no money or willpower needed and people who want to exercise could benefit from it.)

Anyway,that’s all I’ve got:a simple idea.What do you think? Would people go for it? Have you tried something like that?

文本改编小结:结合《课程标准》《考试大纲》和高三学生的心智特征等方面的信息,笔者对材料进行了适当的改编,保留了文本完整的信息和原有的难度。笔者删除了第四段的“Which makes sense:humans didn’t evolve to go to gyms; we evolved to expend energy by dealing with daily chores.It hit me:what if,instead of paying the fitness industry to exercise,neighbors could just help each other with manual labor?”和最后一段的“Anyway,that’s all I’ve got:a simple idea.What do you think? Would people go for it? Have you tried something like that?”;改写了第六段的“Win-win,no money or willpower necessary.Instead of making it about“helping people,” it could be framed as a new fitness craze.”,使其变成了状语从句“It’s a win-win game,for there is no money or will power needed and people who want to exercise could benefit from it.”,增加了个别高难词汇,如第五段的“Undoubtedly”;合并了第四、五段的内容,文本由原来的356 词删改至284 词,文脉更加流畅且逻辑更加清晰。




【例1】I’d recently had agreed to be its cleaner,which meant I had the ________ of clearing the snow that covered the driveway.(文本一)

A.way B.dream

C.task D.purpose

【例2】I’d recently agreed to be the house’s groundskeeper,which meant I got ________ with shoveling inches of snow that covered the driveway.(文本二)

A.charged B.filled

C.tasked D.crowded

命题分析:从文本一这个句子来看,have the task of doing 意为“有一项……的任务”,选项和文本较直观,理解难度小,对考生来说难度不是很大。从文本二这个句子来看,get tasked with 意为“有……的任务”,task 的词性为动词,句子的理解难度小,但选词的难度比文本(二)增加了一些,这有助于考查考生根据语境灵活运用语言能力,非常适合高考考生的水平。


【例3】Several days later,a few friends and I began to________ about how hard it is to exercise.We concluded that going to gyms is nearly becoming the most annoying thing ever.(文本一)

A.think B.fight

C.argue D.discuss

【例4】Several days later,a few friends and I got into a________ about how hard it is to exercise.We concluded that going to gyms is nearly becoming the most annoying routine ever.(文本二)

A.party B.meeting

C.fight D.discussion

命题分析:从文本一这个句子来看,discuss about 意为“讨论”,选项和文本较直观,理解难度小,考生很容易从“We concluded that going to gyms is nearly becoming the most annoying thing ever.”得到答案。从文本二这个句子来看,got into a discussion about 意为“开始……的讨论”,discussion 的词性为名词,选项的难度不大,但考生要理解“got into”的意思,并结合下文的“We concluded that going to gyms is nearly becoming the most annoying routine ever”才可以选出答案,这有助于考查考生的思维品质和理解能力,非常适合高考考生的水平。


【 例5】Several days later,a few friends and I began to discuss about how hard it is to exercise.We concluded that going to gyms is nearly becoming the most annoying ________ever.(文本一)

A.homework B.thing

C.hobby D.business

【例6】Several days later,a few friends and I got into a discussion about how hard it is to exercise.We concluded that going to gyms is nearly becoming the most annoying ________ever.(文本二)

A.session B.routine

C.process D.reality

命题分析:同样考查名词,文本一的选项难度小,容易区分,根据语境考生容易选出答案,这样的命制适合高一、高二年级的学生。文本二的选项难度较大,尤其是A项session 和C 项process 给学生辨认词汇带来一定的阻力。当然文本二的设置明显是为层次和水平较高的考生准备的。


【例7】However,shoveling snow was quite easy.It didn’t take too much ________ because I wasn’t shoveling for the exercise.(文本一)

A.energy B.money

C.determination D.time

【例8】However,shoveling snow was that easy.It didn’t take too much ________ because I wasn’t shoveling for the exercise.(文本二)

A.energy B.strength

C.determination D.mind

命题分析:同样考查名词,但文本一的A、B、D 三个选项难度明显比文本二的A、B、D 三个选项小,容易区分,根据语境考生容易选出答案。适合高一、高二年级的学生。但文本二的选项较难区分,给学生的选择带来一定的影响,在某种程度上提升了考生的水平和能力。


【 例9】A neighborhood could have a Facebook group where people could ________ things they needed help with.(文本一)

A.change B.share

C.send D.seek

【例10】A neighborhood could have a Facebook group where people could ________ things they needed help with.(文本二)

A.refer B.post

C.provide D.recognize

命题分析:同样考查动词,因不同阶段学生的思维品质层次不同,文本一的“a Facebook group”给学生留下的最佳选项为B 项,share 意为“分享,共享”,该句句意:街区可以在Facebook 建群,邻居们可以在群里分享需要别人帮助做的事情。但文本二的“a Facebook group”给学生留下的最佳选项为B 项,post 意为“公布(某事),将告示贴在某物上”,思维品质或心智较成熟的学生往往会把该词理解为“发帖”。

综上所述,要想把同源文本命制成适合不同阶段的考生的完形填空,命题人应认真思考以下几个方面的内容:一、《课程标准》;二、《考试大纲》;三、近三年的高考真题;四、考生的学科素养。不管难度如何,都是为了检验教师的教学效果,以便不断优化教师教学策略,命题人不能为了难住学生而刻意出偏、难、怪的试题。当然,完形填空只是试卷中的一部分,只占30 分,因此,命题人应该从整套试卷的难度出发,合理、科学选材和设题,从而达到考试的预定目的。

Two friends,Jim and Stew,had joined a big sales company together just after graduation.Both of them worked really hard.

Three years have passed and the company’s director promoted one of them—Stew became sales executive.Jim did not get any promotion and remained at sales department.

Jim decided that it is unfair,so he came to his boss and told him,that he doesn’t appreciate a hard working staff.The boss knew that Jim works hard,and in order to show difference between him and Stew,he asked:“Go and find anyone selling watermelons in the market.”When Jim returned,the boss asked:“How much per kg?”So Jim went back to the market and then returned to say the price—$12 per kg.

Then the boss asked Stew the same thing.Stew went to the market,and when he returned he told:“at the moment there is one person selling watermelons,$12 per kg,$100 for 10 kg,now he has 340 watermelons in stock.On the table there are 48 water melons,each of them weighs about 15 kg.Water melons were bought from the South two days ago,they are fresh and good quality.”

Jim was impressed by the difference between him and Stew.He realized that he needs to learn a lot from his friend.

As you can see from this story,successful people are more observant.They think and see several years ahead,while most of people see only tomorrow.
