By V. M. Hillyer ——V. M. 希利尔
V. M. 希利爾(1875—1931),美国著名的儿童教育家、科普作家,创建了卡尔弗特教育体系。他为孩子们编写了一套趣味盎然的历史、地理、艺术读物,即《写给孩子看的世界历史》《写给孩子看的世界地理》《写给孩子看的艺术史》。本文选自《写给孩子看的艺术史》。
Have you a bicycle? Where I used to live, most boys had bicycles. We used to ride our bicycles out to a field where we could play baseball. One afternoon one of the boys was late getting there. But when he did come he broke up the baseball game. He had left his bicycle at home and was driving a goat hitched to a little cart. At once all of us other boys wanted a goat too, even though a goat wasnt nearly so good for getting anywhere in a hurry.
And that is just like what happened three hundred years ago in England. An architect named Inigo Jones went to study architecture in Italy. He saw the Italian Renaissance buildings there. He studied the old Roman buildings, and when he got back to England he began designing Renaissance buildings. They were new to Englishmen, just as the goat was new to us boys, and every one wanted a Renaissance building just as all of us wanted a goat.
Soon a great palace for the king, called the Palace of Whitehall, was designed in the Renaissance style. But the only part of the design that was built was the banqueting hall. This was Inigo Jones best-known piece of architecture. The Banqueting Hall of Whitehall became a famous building. It looks something like the Petit Trianon at Versailles. It was the first of many English buildings based on the Roman and Italian designs.
The Banqueting Hall is a good example of the outside not being the outside of the inside. The outside looks like a building with two stories, but there is only one story inside—just one big room with a balcony around the walls.
The Banqueting Hall is, however, a beautiful building both inside and out. Notice the Roman columns and the rusticated stone-work at the street level, just like the Italian Renaissance buildings. The Banqueting Hall is still called by that name, although it was used as a chapel for many years and finally turned into a museum.
The next great architect in England after Inigo Jones wasnt an architect at all. At least, not at first. He was an astronomer and a college professor. He was Sir Christopher Wren.
Sir Christopher Wren became famous as an architect because of a fire. It was one of the biggest fires in the history of the world and happened in 1666. A building in London took fire. The fire spread to other buildings and could not be stopped. Soon a large part of London was burning down. “London Bridge Is Burning Down” would have made a good song for 1666. Besides London Bridge and thousands of other buildings, over fifty churches were burned. The biggest of these was old St Pauls Cathedral. Sir Christopher Wren was given the job of making new designs both for St Pauls and for the other churches.
Sir Christopher thought Gothic was a poor kind of architecture. He liked the Renaissance style and so he built the new St Pauls Cathedral as a Renaissance building.
Word Study
hitch /h?t?/ v. 拴住;套住;钩住
She hitched the pony to the gate.
Renaissance /r?'ne?sns; 美'ren?sɑ?ns/ n. 文艺复兴(欧洲14、15和16世纪时,人们以古希腊罗马的思想文化来繁荣文学艺术)
rusticated /'r?st?'ke?tid/ adj. 乡土型;淳朴的
chapel /'t??pl/ n. (基督教某些教派如英国的不从国教派教徒做礼拜的)教堂
Like the Gothic cathedrals, St Pauls is in the form of a cross. Over the crossing Sir Christopher erected a very large dome with a stone lantern on top. Really it is a three-in-one dome—an outside dome, an inside dome for a ceiling, and a brick dome between the other two. This brick dome between the other two was made to hold up the heavy stone lantern.
The outside of St Pauls has two orders of columns, one above the other like the Banqueting Hall. This makes St Pauls look better than St Peters in Rome, because the two orders give a better scale to judge the height by, than the one order of huge columns on St Peters.
Unfortunately, St Pauls wasnt very carefully built. The walls were filled with poor materials and the building in time became unsafe. Several years ago it was closed while workmen strengthened the foundations and the supports. Now it is again open and strong enough not to collapse.
Sir Christopher Wren himself is buried in St Pauls. On his tomb, in Latin, is carved, “If you would see my monument, look around you.” St Pauls is indeed his monument, the great landmark of London and the largest cathedral in England.
As for Sir Christopher Wrens other churches, no two, of the more than fifty, are alike. Some are noted for the outside design, many for their beautiful interiors, and many more for their graceful steeples. In fact, Sir Christopher Wren is famous for his Renaissance steeples. People liked them so well that even in the American colonies churches were built with steeples that look like his designs.
Books were now published giving the rules and designs for Renaissance architecture and many buildings were put up from designs and descriptions in these books. Palladios book on architecture was translated into English and was used by architects in both England and America.
Renaissance architecture was used after Sir Christopher Wrens death for many years in England. Under the kings George Ⅰ, George Ⅱ and George Ⅲ the English Renaissance architecture had reached a style all its own. This is called the Georgian style. Ill tell you more about the Georgian style when we come to American architecture.
Word Study
erect /?'rekt/ v. 建立;建造
dome /d??m/ n. 穹顶;圆屋顶
collapse /k?'l?ps/ v. (突然)倒塌,坍塌
The roof collapsed under the weight of snow.
monument /'m?njum?nt/ n. 纪念碑(或馆、堂、像等)
A monument to him was erected in St Pauls Cathedral.
steeple /'sti?pl/ n. (教堂的)尖塔