
2020-11-07 10:17
世界建筑导报 2020年5期

简介 Biography

斯蒂文·霍尔于 1947年出生于美国华盛顿州布雷黙顿。他于 1970年毕业于华盛顿大学并在罗马进行建筑学研究。1976年进入伦敦建筑协会,并于 1977年在纽约成立了斯蒂文·霍尔建筑事务所(STEVEN HOLL ARCHITECTS)。作为斯蒂文·霍尔建筑事务所的创始人和负责人,他同时也是事务所里所有项目的设计师。曾被评为美国最有影响力的建筑师之一,他利用强烈的环境敏感性将空间和光线融合在一起,并充分利用每个项目的独特性创造出一个概念驱动的设计,因此而闻名于世。他尤为擅长将新项目与其所在环境进行无缝融合,关注环境中文化和历史的重要性。

斯蒂文·霍尔在美国和世界各地都实现了著名的文化、市政、学术和住宅项目。包括华盛顿州西雅图的圣依纳爵教堂(1997)、芬兰赫尔辛基的奇亚斯玛当代艺术博物馆(1998)、密苏里州堪萨斯城的纳尔逊·阿特金斯艺术博物馆(2007)、中国深圳的水平摩天大楼(2009)、中国北京的 Link Hybrid 多用途综合大楼(2009)、爱荷华州爱荷华市的爱荷华大学视觉艺术大楼(2016)、弗吉尼亚州里士满的弗吉尼亚联邦大学当代艺术院(2018)、华盛顿特区肯尼迪表演艺术中心的扩建项目REACH(2019)以及长岛市的猎人角社区图书馆(2019)。

目前正在建设的有休斯顿艺术博物馆的 Kinder 大楼(2020)、富兰克林与马歇尔学院的冬季视觉艺术中心(2020),以及高等研究院的鲁宾斯坦社区(2020)等。

斯蒂文·霍尔荣获了多个建筑界最负盛名的奖项。包括 2016年度威卢克斯建筑师日光奖、2014年度高松宫殿下纪念世界文化奖国际建筑艺术奖、2012年度美国建筑师学会金奖、2010年度英国皇家建筑师协会 Jencks奖以及 2009年度 BBVA 前沿学科奖项基金会首个艺术奖项。2006年,斯蒂文·霍尔获得了西雅图大学和布达佩斯的莫霍利 - 纳吉大学的荣誉学位。2007年,他被《时代周刊》评选为“美国最佳建筑师”,称赞其建筑作品为“同时满足眼睛与心灵的建筑”。


他在全球范围内进行演讲和展览,并发表了大量著作,包括《锚》(1989)、《缠绕》(1996)、《视差》(2000)、《意念与现象》(2002)、《光度/孔隙》(2006)、《住宅:黑天鹅理论》(2007)、《用建筑诉说》(2007)、《城市主义:与怀疑为伍》(2009)、《Hamarøy 汉姆生中心 (2010)、《水平摩天大楼》(2011)、《彩光时间》(2012)、《尺度》(2012)、《城市希望》(2013)、《斯蒂文·霍尔》(2015)、《斯蒂文·霍尔:七座房子》(2018)以及《压缩》(2019)。

斯蒂文·霍尔是美国全国注册建筑师委员会(NCARB)、美国建筑师协会、美国博物馆协会、惠特尼美国艺术博物馆荣誉委员会,以及阿尔瓦·阿尔托基金会 Vilpuri 图书馆国际荣誉委员会的会员。

Steven Holl was born in 1947 in Bremerton, Washington.He graduated from the University of Washington and pursued architecture studies in Rome in 1970.In 1976, he joined the Architectural Association in London and established STEVEN HOLL ARCHITECTS in New York City in 1977.As founder and principal of Steven Holl Architects, Steven Holl is the designer of all projects ongoing in the office.Considered one of America’s most influential architects, he is recognized for his ability to blend space and light with great contextual sensitivity and to utilize the unique qualities of each project to create a concept-driven design.He specializes in seamlessly integrating new projects into contexts with particular cultural and historic importance.

Steven Holl has realized notable cultural, civic, academic and residential projects both in the United States and internationally including the Chapel of St.Ignatius, Seattle, Washington (1997),the Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art in Helsinki, Finland (1998), the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, Missouri (2007), the Horizontal Skyscraper in Shenzhen, China (2009), the Linked Hybrid mixed-use complex in Beijing, China (2009), the University of Iowa Visual Arts Building in Iowa City, Iowa (2016), the ICA at VCU in Richmond, Virginia (2018), the REACH expansion to the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.(2019), and the Hunters Point Community Library in Long Island City (2019).

Currently under construction are the Kinder Building at the Museum of Fine Arts Houston (2020),the Winter Visual Arts Center at Franklin & Marshall College (2020), and the Rubenstein Commons at the Institute for Advance Study (2020), among others.

Steven Holl has been recognized with architecture’s most prestigious awards and prizes.Including the 2016 VELUX Daylight Award in Architecture, the 2014 Praemium Imperiale International Arts Award for Architecture, the 2012 AIA Gold Medal, the 2010 RIBA Jencks Award, and the first ever Arts Award of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards in 2009.In 2006 Steven Holl received honorary degrees from Seattle University and Moholy-Nagy University in Budapest.In 2007, Time Magazine declared him “America’s Best Architect” for his “buildings that satisfy the spirit as well as the eye.”

Mr.Holl is a tenured Professor at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture and Planning.He has also taught at the University of Washington, the Pratt Institute, and the University of Pennsylvania.

He has lectured and exhibited widely and has published numerous text, including Anchoring(1989), Intertwining (1996), Parallax (2000), Idea and Phenomena (2002), Luminosity/Porosity(2006), House: Black Swan Theory (2007), Architecture Spoken (2007), Urbanisms: Working with Doubt (2009), Hamsun Holl Hamarøy (2010), Horizontal Skyscraper (2011), Color Light Time(2012), Scale (2012), Urban Hopes (2013), Steven Holl (2015), Steven Holl: Seven Houses(2018), and Compression (2019).

Steven Holl is a member of the American National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB), the American Institute of Architects, the American Association of Museums, the Honorary Whitney Circle, the Whitney Museum of American Art; and the International Honorary Committee, Vilpuri Library, of the Alvar Aalto Foundation.

Qingdao Culture And Art Center (Model)青岛文化艺术中心(模型)

Qingdao Culture And Art Center (Model)青岛文化艺术中心(模型)

Qingdao Culture And Art Center (Model)青岛文化艺术中心(模型)

Shenzhen Art Museum And Library Scheme (Model)深圳美术馆和图书馆方案(模型)
