A Good Friend Is Like a Sponge
A Good Friend is like a sponge.
A sponge is absorbent, it soaks
up liquids many times its
own weight.
A good friend absorbs all your
troubles and difficulties by
listening better than many
other people who may not care.
When you squeeze a sponge
that is bulging,
liquid gushes out.
A good friend is saturated
with cheerfulness, love, and understanding.
When you embrace him
these good qualities spurt out.
A good friend is like a sponge,
soaking up your problems and squirting out hope.
我叫李中美,是一名金牛座的開朗女生。现在就读于昆明市官渡区先策学校。我喜欢交朋友,虽然不爱说话,但是和身边的人都相处得很融洽。平常闲着的时候喜欢画画、听歌、打球、看小说,长大以后想去世界各地旅游。我喜欢的心灵鸡汤是:It's not hard to give up, but it must be cool to persist. (放弃不难,但坚持一定很酷。)