
2020-09-10 07:22:44胡婷
今日重庆 2020年7期



Jiang Ming


Director of China musiccianss Association. vice chainnan ofChinese National Tenor Research Society, a famous tenor,secretary general of Chongqing Musicians Association.visiting professor of College of Music. Southwest University .He took houme several awards for successive years includingthe secod prize in the vocal commpetition of "InternationalWeek of Science and Peace" held by the Ministry ofCulture, the Top Ten Singers in the first National NominateNewcomer Competition. the first prize in the MilitaryLiterature and Art Performance,the excellence award inthe 7th Golden Bell Awards and the 8th CCTV youth singerTV Grand Prix,the Canto Pop King, the gold medal in thefirst Chongqing Young Singers Competiton, and the secondChongqing Top Ten Young Cultural Celebrities.



It was an early summer day and the weatherwas sweltering hot. At 2 pm, in a recording studioof Chongqing Pop Music Association. Jiang Mingstared at a page in his hand. paced slowly with hisbody leaning forward slightly, stopped from time totime. and made some sketches on the page with apen. On the paper is the song he's about to record.

Jiang Ming has a typical tenor's face-due tolong-term oral practice, he got muscular and roundfaces. When speaking, Jiang Ming's voice wasclear and his tone calm. but when he breaks intosong with music, his passion bursts in an instant.Chin up and chest out. waving his arms, he seemsto stand on a stage at the moment, facing tens ofmillions of spectators. and facing the morningmist-shrouded mountains in his hometown. And hehimself was still the young man who loved singing.


Returning“Juvenile" of Music













Jiang Ming gets 50 years old this year, theage of knowing the mandate of Heaven. But thesinging boy has been engraved in his heart andnever left.

He still seems to be able to clearly hear thesongs of "The Red Star Shines Me to Fight" and"Boatman Song from the Yellow River" from theloudspeakers on the concrete piles in that smallvillage in his hometown Kaizhou 40 years ago.The songs brought the outside world to the villageand planted the dream of music in the heart ofyoung Jiang Ming.

From then on, early in the morning, therewould always be a boy "babbling" to practicesinging in front of the mountains and the rising sun.

After graduating from high school, JiangMing applied for more than 10 units such as theChongqing Opera House and Wanxian DistrictSong and Dance Troupe (now Chongqing ThreeGorges Song and Dance Troupe). However. due tolack of systematic training. he failed repeatedly.

He then headed to Wanzhou, hoping to be amoto-taxi driver here. Being somewhat resentful.he once again applied for the Hubei Art School.which came to Wanzhou to enroll students.

This time. fate finally favored this young manwith dreams.

Jiang Ming cherished this opportunity to leammusic. He spent most of his spare time practicingsinging in the piano room; or going to the WuhanConservatory of Music. which was more thanten kilometers away, riding his classmates' oldbicycles to take professional courses; or staying athis room for a week without going out. listeningcarefully to a tape recorder and pondering thesongs of renowned tenors in China.

Persistence brings lucky.

In 1992. the 21-year-old Jiang Minggraduated from the school and joined YichangCounty Song and Dance Troupe (now YichangCultural Center).

One morning, a soldier came to his unitand said to him. "I heard that you sing very well.Can you sing one for me?" Jiang Ming was verypleasant to hear that someone came here admiringhis fame. He then sang the song "I Love theBeauty of the Three Gorges".

After hearing the song, the soldier asked himif he would like to join the army art troupe. Onlythen did Jiang Ming knew that the soldier in frontof him was Wen Hua. head of the art troupe of aPLA department. who came to poach him.

As a result, Jiang Ming became a militarysinger because of his singing.


On the Road








Nowadays, many singers of his age rarelytake the stage or record songs, but Jiang Ming isstill active on the stage, just as 40 years ago. It'shis childhood dream that has always urged him tomove forward. " Singing will keep you young ! "

Besides singing, Jiang Ming has become moreinvolved in the creation of songs in recent years.

During this year's epidemic outbreak.Jiang Ming stayed at home for two months andcompleted the composition and singing of fouranti-epidemic themed songs. including "Doctor ofChina" and "We".

When writing "Doctor of China". Jiang Minglocked himself in his study. looking at the sceneswhere first-line medical staff fighting the epidemicon the screen. He was immersed in the passion ofcreation for a long time. reciting and playing overand over again in front of the piano: "You just pickup and go. let go of hands hugging you. the tearfulobsession flows behind you. Never before have somany comrades come together from afar to fighttogether..."

Day by day, over and over again, the score wasrevised more than 30 times. "Sometimes. as soon asthe score was printed out. I would consider whetherthe tone is right or not, then revised it. recorded itwith piano accompaniment to try out the effect."

Jiang Ming often stayed all day at his studyfrom the moming. After a while, his ll-year-old sonquietly locked the door to prevent him from enteringthe study, hoping that he could get out more.

Jiang Ming planed to write several songs andhold a concert every year starting from next year."The concert can be small or large. once a year,until I get 80. With them, I hope to deliver moregood music and sound. "


Retain the Artistic Youth








Living with songs for decades. music haslong been integrated into Jiang Ming's blood. andhe has gained more insights into music. "When Iwas young, singing was my dream and pursuit. AsI get older, singing has become my indispensableway of life. "

For Jiang Ming, singing is interwoven withhis life. This sort of relationship not only pointsout his life path, but also shapes his optimisticcharacter. "Life is the best soil to retain artisticyouth," said Jiang Ming. For ordinary people.singing can be a way of life. not necessarily ameans of making a living or a career.

He is currently working on a topic of "releasingnature and indulging in singing", in which heholds that people sing not for others to appreciate,but perhaps to cultivate themselves. express theiremotions, preserve their health or get away withloneliness. This is a kind of indulgence, that is, thepsychology of expressing one's feelings by singing."

Jiang Ming hopes to help more youngmusicians with what he has leamed and his years ofexperience. Actors from professional teams. schoolteachers and students from conservatories of musicresort to Jiang Ming for help, hoping that he cangive them some advice on making improvements.Jiang Ming is happy to help them. "It's also mypleasure to see them make achievements."

Jiang Ming often tells the story about hispast when he was rubbing classes at the CentralConservatory of Music. He was appointed by thearmy art troupe to study in Beijing. Because hecould not afford the tuition for extra courses. heeavesdropped on Mr. Jin Tielin's class at the doorof the classroom. "Every time I saw the teacherleaving the clas sroom. I pretended to walk away. "

Over time. Mr. Jin found Jiang Ming, movedby his passion for study, he said to the latter. "Youcome in and listen young man" and let him attendhis class directly.

Perhaps. in Jiang Ming's eyes, these youngmen today are exactly himself who rubbinglessons at the door of the classroom and who sangto the mountains every moming.

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