
2020-09-10 07:22:44高维微
今日重庆 2020年7期



Song Dayou, an 80-year-old man, is a ticket collector. Among the more than 1.000tickets he has collected. the earliest one can be dated back to the 1940s. Browsingthrough the assortment of tickets. from old to new,is like looking at a silhouetteof Chongqing's urban traffic development and changes.


Old ticket and new seal










We came to Song Dayou's home in the familyarea of Chongqing Power Plant one day in June.

We could judge how precious the stuff insideto him from the way the old man opened the box:there's a thick brochure inside the box whichturns yellow with age, and the tickets were putinto plastic bags, pasted on A4 paper. and finallylaminated.

A group of yellowed bus tickets aroused ourcuriosity. They were four rectangular tickets. twofingers wide. and the edges of the tickets weredamaged. The blurred writing shows that they aretickets from Hualong Bridge to Qixinggang andShangqing Temple.

One of the tickets from Hualong Bridge toQixinggang is printed with the traditional Chinesecharacter "Ticket of Zhongsheng AutomobileCompany" and bears a stamp reading "February 2,39th year of the Republic of China".

That date should be February 12, 1950 in theGregorian calendar. That's weired: Chongqing hasbeen liberated at this time. Why is the timestampon the ticket still the same as that of the past?

And so is another ticket. The ticket has twotraditional Chinese characters "Chinese Currency"printed on its face, yet the seal reads "ChongqingPeople's Automobile Company (AccountingDepartment) " . Obviously, the "National Currency"dose not belong to the "Chongqing People'sAutomobile Company (Accounting Department)".Why do they appear on the same ticket?

For an answer, Song Dayou has beensearching for many a years.

By chance, Song found the neighbor of ChenXuefu. the former boss of Zhongsheng AutomobileCompany. Chen's neighbor told him thatZhongsheng was a private automobile companywith five or six buses and about 10 employees.After the liberation of Chongqing, all sectors werestruggling with living. So was the print. Peoplecould not even find someone to engrave a seal. notto mention printing tickets. Passenger transportoperators had to reuse the tickets printed in thepast, with the original seals. or affixed new officialseals such as "Chongqing People's AutomobileCompany" to the old tickets to prove the validity.

As Chongqing's economic and socialundertakings heading on the right track. suchspecial tickets quickly withdrew from thehistorical stage.


Tu plane and tracker








Chongqing's unique geographical features-surrounded by mountains and waters - haveresulted in a diversified urban public transportationsystem in the city. This is also reflected in thevarious kinds of tickets.

In Song Dayou's collection. there is a specialcopper ticket. which is the ticket of WanglongmenCable Car. the first passenger cable car inmainland China. It's also the oldest and mostprecious one among all the collections.

The copper square ticket is engraved withthe words "Descending Ticket" and "37th year ofthe Republic of China" on one side and "CableCar" on the other. A round hole is designed in themiddle. Song Dayou said: "At the beginning, Ialso saw an 'Ascending Ticket', which is round inshape. Unfortunately. I did not collect it."

On May 16, 1945, Wanglongmen Cable Car.designed by Mao Yisheng and Mei Yangchun,well-known bridge experts in our country, wasofficially opened to traffic. which caused asensation then. Many citizens queued up to take itand enjoyed the feeling of walking in clouds andfog. It was nicknamed "Plane Flying on the Land".

"I lived not far from Wanglongmen CableCar when I was a child. At that time. we have togo to the river to fetch water. When climbing thehills carrying heavy water. we admired those tookthe cable car most." Mr. Song Dayou said thathe grew up at Chaotianmen Wharf. and the storyon the wharf could not be finished for days andnights.

However. Chongqing at that time had bothadvanced tools such as cable car and "primitive"operation methods. For example, boat towing. Mr.Song presented us a boat-towing bill, which writes"Received one yuan and forty cents from XinminPlastic Factory on February 28. 1956" and "sixpeople", with the official seal of "Chongqing PortBoat Bowing Team".

This is a cargo ship's "boat towing receipt".People nowadays may not imagine that in the50s and 60s of 20th century boat trackers werestill seen bowing a ship in the Chaotianmen area.Compared to their hard work. the boat trackersgot a wretchedly low pay. Most of the time, theybowed cargo ships, seldom passenger ships.


From tricycle to Comfort







There were some "premium" tickets inSong's collection. which, "expensive, exquisitelyprinted. can be considered luxuries."

He showed us a group of tricycle ticketsfrom the 1950s. In the middle of the face of thisgroup of "Chongqing Tricycle Tickets" is a driverpedaling the tricycle hard. The three tickets aremarked "Fixed fare: 0.06 yuan per kilometer"."Fixed fare: 0.12 yuan two kilometers " and "Fixedfare: 0.6 yuan ten kilometers". "The chargingmethod is the same as that of taxis now. but it wasexpensive to take tricycles at that time." Therewere few buses on the narrow roads in Chongqingthen. Tricycles thus became an importantsupplementary tool for public transportation. Buta bowl of noodles back then cost only 8 cents. Somany a budget-conscious people were reluctant totake tricycles.

Although he collected some "premium" ones.Song Dayou felt a deep regret that he did not get asingle ticket of "Kangfulai" .

The "Kangfulai" in question is a luxury busoperated by Chongqing Kangfulai PassengerTransport Co.,Ltd., which was established in1984.

The article "Kangfulai Gets its SwaggerBack --On-the-Spot Record of Reform andDevelopment of Chongqing Kangfulai IndustrialCompany" records that. in Guangzhou. thesouthern gate of China. a two-kilometer-longmotorcade of 90 imported cars, consisting of 20Japanese Toyota Crown luxury cars, 40 noveland chic Toyota minibuses and 30 unique Hinobuses. set off in a spring day of 1984. This isthe first large and luxurious motorcade importedin mainland China. Taking the shape of a hugedragon, it crossed southern China and came tothe mountain city of Chongqing. entering the gateof the newly established Chongqing KangfulaiPassenger Transport Co.,Ltd.

As the localities of Chongqing had no ideaabout the wave-and-stop "minibus" then. thebuses of Kangfulai Company renewed people'sunderstanding. Equipped with air conditioning andsoft leather seats. these wave-and-stop minibusesprovided passengers with very comfortableexperience and won popularity immediately. Theword "Kangfulai" on the bus body is auspiciousand easy to read. thus later becoming a synonymfor minibuses. leaving Chongqing people witha widely spread saying "Hand lifted. Kangfulai(literally felicity come)".

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