From Slovak Republic and is nowpursuing a bachelor's degree in ChineseInternational Education at ChongqingUniversity
In 2017. I made the most important choice inmy life to take the Chinese test for studying in China.
My test scores allow me to choose auniversity in three cities in China. Nanjing,Chongqing and Hong Kong. I first ruled out HongKong as my primary goal for studying in China isto improve my Chinese. Because many people inHong Kong can speak English, which makes it notan ideal place for me. When I heard that the foodin Chongqing is widely considered to be delicious.I made the decision without hesitation.
Chongqing, I'm coming!
Hot yet humid. That's the first impressionChongqing's summer has left on me. I've neverexpected the weather to be so hot and humid inAugust. The only thing I wanted to do when Iarrived at the city was to find my dormitory assoon as possible and then take a bath and sleep.When I got on the taxi. I suddenly found that theChinese I spoke was somewhat different fromwhat the taxi driver said. I then showed him whereI wanted to go with my cell phone. and he noddedand said. "OK, No problem! "
I was finally relieved. then looked at thescenery outside the window, just to find that thescenery of Chongqing is completely different fromthat of my country. Chongqing is a very three-dimensional city.
The driver told me that he could not find theentrance to my dormitory when we headed nearby.so I had to get off. I almost cried. How could Ifind my dormitory, alone. without installing a mapof China in my mobile phone? It was too late andthere's no one outside for me to ask for direction.Fortunately, I met a young man who could speakEnglish. He took me to the dormitory and helpedme with my luggage. I was extremely thankful tothat young man. If it weren't him. I wouldn't knowhow long I would have to linger outside.
After adjusting to jet lag. I planned to walkaround and find Chongqing. I didn't made myselfa plan, just following my heart. I found manyinteresting places near my dormitory such as theThree Gorges Square, where there are delicious milktea stores and many Chongqing hotpot restaurants.
I went further away from the school after Ilearned how to take the bus and subway, like HongYa Dong and Ciqikou. which are very famoustravel destinations in Chongqing. Both places arepacked with people and the food is multifarious.I took a lot of photos and sent them to my friendsand family, hoping they could feel the life inChongqing. "It's so beautiful! " they replied me."Just waiting for us. we must come and seeourselves! "
Many people like to climb mountains inChongqing. I followed suit. Chongqing is amountainous city with many parks. I imagined itwould to be an "urban forest" with many skyscrapersbefore I came here. which is short of places of wildnature. When I truly fit in the city, however, I foundI was wrong. Chongqing is a city of mountains andrivers with beautiful natural scenes.
I met a handful of enthusiastic Chongqingpeople when wandering in the city. Anythingbut shy, they overwhelmed me with a variety ofquestions, such as "Where are you from?" "Canyou speak Chinese?" "How long have you been inChina?" "Aren't you afraid of spicy food?" "Howdo you like Chongqing?"...
I once met a ping pong tutor who offeredto teach me table tennis. and he indeed did whenwe met again after a while. Although I playedpoor table tennis. I cherished that time very muchand really appreciated the tutor for letting meexperience the Chinese culture.
My study in China came to an end in 2018.The very thought of leaving Chongqing, mysecond hometown made me very sad. Afterreturning to Slovakia. I found that I missedeverything of Chongqing very much - the taste.the scenery, the friends and even the weather.
So I made up my mind to get back toChongqing. Unexpectedly. my dream came truein less than a year - I got a chance to return toChongqing.
I went back to Chongqing in September2019. Coming out of the airport. I swallowed alungful of the air of Chongqing, delighted. Thistime, being a semi-native. I took everything instride - knowing well how to chat with the driverand how to get to the dormitory. It felt like goingback to my hometown. I was confident enough todeal with any problem.
The COVID-19 epidemic broke out in Chinaat the beginning of this year. The unexpectedsituation prevented me from returning to Slovakiaduring the Spring Festival. It, however, gave methe opportunity to witness China's commitmentand responsibility in the face of the epidemic.
When I learned the COVID-19 0utbreak in mycountry. I posted an important notice on my personalsocial account, telling my friends and family inSlovakia how China dealt with it and what methodswere used to stop the spread of the virus. At thatmoment. I was bursting with pride. both of Chinaand Chongqing. as it is my second hometown.
Entering the second half of 2020, theepidemic in China has been effectively controlled.Though we still can't travel everywhere, I have theopportunity to know more Chongqing locals anddiscover more places.
Recently, I went to a flea market in Chongqing,which was quite a unique experience. The aunts anduncles who sell things over there work very hard.Foreigners are also welcomed there.
I can stay in Chongqing for another twoyears before graduation. In these two years, Ihope to know more Chongqing people. meetmore interesting places and learn more aboutChongqing's local culture. To achieve these goals.I am now working hard on Chongqing dialect,hoping to better integrate into the city.
I hope I can find a job which allows meto come to China very often when my study inChongqing is over again in following two years.It would be wonderful if this dream could cometrue. and I would be able to travel between my twohometowns as I wish.