
2020-09-07 07:18:16朱翌友ZhuYiyou
世界建筑导报 2020年4期

文/图:朱翌友 Zhu Yiyou


在新中国历史上相当长一段时间里,中国的城市是黑白分明的,秩序井然,活力不足;在步入21 世纪后的20年,中国的城市在丰富的商业开发项目中开始追逐霓虹华彩,与大尺度上基于数十年前“黑白”原型的底图,形成了彼此矛盾的对比。本文提出一个不断叠加的“灰度”状态,去反思我们的城市设计中所需要调和的诸多矛盾,在对立而统一的哲学观念中,追寻具备复杂适应性的设计解决方案。



一. “秩序”与“混乱”









处于商业建筑这类最“入世“建筑类型另一端的,是最常“出世”的文化建筑。曾经文化建筑是精神、形式上的”高地保垒“。社会发展带来的思想认识的发展,以及城市发展带来的公共资源调配变化,都影响了文化建筑的演化:立项由”单体”转向“群体”、 功能定位由“单纯”转向“复合”、场所定义由“仪式化”倾向“日常化”。传统城市里最孤立化的建筑、场所类型,开始演变得更易与环境交互、共融,文化建筑的形式语言也得到了极大丰富。深圳宝安工人文化馆的设计方案,提出了多重活力平台、模块化功能置入、全开敞界面等概念,把文化建筑的开放性、日常性、适应性等特质推演到一个新的极致,会不会成为灰度化城市里文化建筑的新常态?


最直接改变城市发展格局的大型(基础设施类)综合开发项目,在高密度城市发展的基建更迭中迎来爆发期,且明显地由各功能、空间简单迭加向综合一体发展。其中大尺度、高复合度的公共空间,有如强关节的润滑剂,平衡着整个机体的效率、品质、生机、容错等方方面面。青岛游轮母港客运中心这个主体功能使用率低的交通设施黑匣子,被我们包裹了一层大尺度全开放空间,由此创造出一个高品质、多功能、充满生机的日常性市民活动场所。三亚机场停车综合楼集中了交通、换乘、酒店、商业、办公等功能,一个应当地气侯而设的灰空间构造体系完成了对多功能体的遮覆,在秩序与活力间创造一个平衡。对于这一类型的开发,TOD 更是极致的体现,眼下各TOD 类项目的规划概念正诠释着城市灰度的内涵。




The following four aspects can shed light on the grey scale of cities.

1. Order & Mes s

There have been complaints about chaotic and messy urban developments since the very origin of cities. Urban development always tends to be sprawling. Therefore, the need to impose order to make cities more suitable for living and development justifies and endows planning activities with great significance. On the other hand, new urban areas created in a rapid speed in accordance with the planning blueprint, as well as efforts to reorganize and renew the old urban sections, have made people realize that “order”seems to be an illusion as what has been done so far only covers the innate chaos with a seemingly organized and standardized surface. It’s such inconsistencies that make cities what they are now. In other words, “mess”is an inborn feature of city development. Now that we accept the fact that“disorder” is an inevitable result of urban growth, what should we do for city planning? Is there a possibility to maintain a balance between order and disorder? The grey scale of cities is such a state. It encourages loosely organized and disorderly parts in cities, and incorporates them into an overall order that is powerful enou gh to tolerate unexpected changes and additions.

2. Red Line & Interface

The “red line” here refers to both the land boundary in the current planning terms and architects’ conceptual understanding of their scope of work. A red line defines what’s within and what’s without the scope of responsibilities. In planning terms, the red line can be used as an important mark to support the planning system using indicators such as plot ratio and coverage rate, with the main objective to clarify boundaries and fix volumes.Conceptually, the red line is an agreement and constraint on the architect’s responsibilities and rights. In planning high-density cities, we want to use interfaces to downplay red lines. While interfaces highlight three dimensions and interfacing in planning terms, they emphasize expansion and cooperation in terms of work responsibilities and rights. Only when we view the value of each project from the urban perspective can we expand the responsibilities and rights of participants in the design process and facilitate collaboration to effectively break through the confines of the traditional red lines to create diversified spaces that blur boundaries and enable interaction, openness and sharing. Thus, the increase in the grey scale of cities often comes hand in hand with a reduction of focus on the concept of red lines.


3. Anchored & Flexible

Any discussion of the gray scale of cities is inseparable from the language of the architectural form. Since Louis Sullivan coined the phrase that “form ever follows function”, the relationship between form and function has been under the limelight. When it comes to the grey scale of cities, the correlation, which reminds people of the famous question about “which came first, the chicken or the egg”, has a deeper meaning. If “anchorage”means an adverse effect of the form of use on the site, the freedom of open urban spaces in development projects is absent before the very existence of “anchorage”. Therefore, “flexibility”, a necessary feature of the grey scale of cities, becomes an important concept to refer to before a closer look into the anchorage and freedom of spaces. To achieve flexibility, construction forms should allow well-proportioned redundancies and appropriate freedom for definition of boundaries. Instead of pre-setting functions, we should seek meanings through practical use. In an urban context characterized by a distinctive grey scale, architectural forms will be able to partially transcend the existing definitions of property ownership and functionality, and realize and enhance the meaning of spaces through the presentation of new and dynamic functions.

4. Consumer & Experience

Even at the city level, user and experience are the keywords for architects’research and practice, though in the grand (urban) context, they are prone to be over-generalized. Unlike residents in residential areas, white-collar workers in office buildings, and passengers at station yards, users in cities are an abstract concept without any specific identity or personality. In the meanwhile, public spaces, a vital factor for the grey scale of a city, is another intangible, weightless abstraction defined only by geometry. It’s experience that puts users in public spaces and enables them to develop specific feelings as humans about spaces. Such experience connects users and public spaces,and gains their own value through such connection. To depict the grey scale of a city, it’s imperative to pay attention to the universalism of users and focus on the value of experience. For architects, it’s an effective way to help maintain their belief that they are working for the non-privileged while they are working for the government. Through an emphasis on experience, users in cities with the grey scale are not people that the architects feel forced to satisfy but people they should help to accomplish things.


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