
2020-09-05 01:36黄岳田
光电工程 2020年8期

杜 丹,黄岳田,范 斌


杜 丹1,黄岳田2,3*,范 斌2

1北京跟踪与通信技术研究所,北京 100094;2中国科学院光电技术研究所,四川 成都 610209;3中国科学院大学,北京 100049



1 引 言




2 飞刀切削




图1 飞刀切削加工方式

图2 仿形法飞刀车削微金字塔阵列原理

3 微结构误差分析




图3 V形槽的特征尺寸示意图



图4 刀具中心偏移对V槽切削效果影响





4 实验与结果分析

理论分析在飞刀加工V槽时,切削深度会影响次沟槽的产生,因此用实验验证切削深度与刀具中心偏移误差的关系。实验机床为Precitech Nanoform 700 ultra,刀具为刀尖角度90°的尖刀,工件材料选用6061铝。本次实验的微V槽阵列特征尺寸横向宽度2mm,深度1mm。加工机床的额定的运动轴定位精度达到0.2mm,实际加工中造成的刀具中心偏移误差会大于这个值,因此实验设计单次切削深度分别为200 nm、500 nm和1mm来飞刀切削微V槽结构。切削实验参数如表1,用相同的加工转速和进给速度加工连续的V槽。

实验结果如图6。图6(a)、图6(b)、图6(c)分别为单次切削深度200 nm、500 nm和1mm的飞刀切削结果。图6(a)和6(b)可以明显看到有次沟槽的产生,且图6(b)中的次沟槽尺寸要略小于图6(a)中的次沟槽。而图6(c)基本没有次沟槽的产生。机床的额定定位精度为200 nm,实际加工中,刀具中心的偏移量显然远大于200 nm。从图6(b)可以估计实际的刀具中心最大偏移量略大于500 nm。因此,当切削深度为1mm,大于刀具最大偏移量时,不会产生次沟槽。而切削深度小于刀具最大偏移量时,次沟槽的大小还与切削深度相关,单次切削深度越小,次沟槽的影响越大。

图5 刀具中心偏移量与切削结果示意图

表1 飞刀切削V形槽加工参数

图6 V形槽不同切削深度加工结果

同样,验证切削深度在飞刀加工微金字塔阵列结构时的影响,结果如图7。图7(a)、图7(b)、图7(c)分别为单次切削深度200 nm、500 nm和1mm的飞刀切削结果。可以看到,当切削深度小于刀具中心偏移误差时,次沟槽的影响在微金字塔阵列结构上会更明显。图7(a)中单个金字塔单元由于次沟槽的产生,被分成四个更小的单元。图7(b)中由于次沟槽较小,只在金字塔单元顶部留下较明显痕迹。这些不可控的次沟槽严重破坏了微金字塔阵列结构,在加工中是要必须避免的。只要切削深度大于刀具中心偏移误差,次沟槽就不会出现,这在V槽和微金字塔阵列结构加工中都适用,如图6(c)和7(c)。

图7 微金字塔结构不同切削深度加工结果

5 结 论


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Research on flying cutting technology with micro pyramid array structure

Du Dan1, Huang Yuetian2,3*, Fan Bin2

1Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications Technology, Beijing 100094, China;2Institute of Optics and Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu, Sichuan 610209, China;3University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Principle of micro pyramid array turning with flying cutter by copying method

Overview:Microstructure optical elements are playing an increasingly important role in optical systems, and the corresponding application needs promote the research of microstructural processing technology. The main processing methods of optical microstructures are optical lithography, electron beam direct writing and focused ion beam etching. These methods all have shortcomings in universality and efficiency of processing materials. Especially for the thin film optical microstructures with gradual profile, when the refractive index of the optical materials changes along the normal direction of the structure, the processing method mentioned above is more complicated and difficult to guarantee the accuracy of the preparation. Single-point diamond flying tool turning has attracted wide attention due to its advantages of high efficiency, low cost and high precision. Considering the linkage of machine tool axis, we use end face flying cut by four axis linkage. The principle of flying cutter turning micro-pyramid structure is profiling, and the shape of the cutter is carved on the surface of the workpiece. This ultra-precision turning method requires strict processing conditions, and any small errors introduced by minor changes will affect the final turning results. For example, the repeated positioning errors of machine tools and the vibration interference in the process of machining will affect the turning surface quality. Especially in the processing of micro-structure arrays with micron size, the ultimate impact is the deviation of tool center, which makes unexpected errors on the turning surface. We study the micro-structure size error caused by tool center deviation. By analyzing the influence of tool center offset on the turning results of micro-V groove in the process of cyclic machining, the reason of secondary groove in V groove turning is obtained, and the method of restraining secondary groove is put forward, that is, controlling the depth of single turning is greater than the error of tool center offset. According to the processing conditions and experiments, the maximum deviation error of the tool center can be obtained, which is the minimum turning depth of the fly cutting when turning the micro-structure. To ensure that the turning depth is greater than this value, the generation of sub-grooves can be restrained. The validity of the theoretical analysis is verified by the experiment of turning micro-V groove and micro-pyramid structure with fly cutting. When the single turning depth is less than the deviation error of tool center, the turning results of micro-V groove and micro-pyramid structure are the same as the theoretical analysis.

Citation: Du D, Huang Y T, Fan BResearch on flying cutting technology with micro pyramid array structure[J]., 2020, 47(8): 190179

Research on flying cutting technology with micro pyramid array structure

Du Dan1, Huang Yuetian2,3*, Fan Bin2

1Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications Technology, Beijing 100094, China;2Institute of Optics and Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu, Sichuan 610209, China;3University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

The fabrication of optical elements with microstructural arrays has attracted more and more attention. Single-point diamond flying cutting technology has been gradually applied to the fabrication of microstructures with the advantages of high efficiency, low cost and high machining accuracy. This paper mainly studies the influence of repeated positioning errors of machine tools and errors introduced by cyclic machining on micro-structure turning effect when flying cutter turning micro-pyramid structure, analyses the conditions of secondary groove generation in V-groove turning, studies the methods of restraining secondary groove generation, and finally verifies through experiments that the generation of secondary groove can be restrained by controlling the turning depth greater than the minimum turning depth.

flying cutting; micro-pyramid structure; sub-groove; turning depth




: Du D, Huang Y T, Fan B. Research on flying cutting technology with micro pyramid array structure[J]., 2020,47(8): 190179

杜丹,黄岳田,范斌. 微金字塔阵列结构的飞刀切削技术研究[J]. 光电工程,2020,47(8): 190179

* E-mail: hytsze@qq.com




