
2020-09-05 01:37:30王朋朋辛宏伟朱俊青王永宪许艳军陈长征
光电工程 2020年8期




1中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,吉林 长春 130033;2中国科学院大学,北京 100049

为解决空间反射镜镜体质量和面形精度在轻量化设计过程中会引起相互冲突的问题,针对某型离轴三反光学系统的长条形主反射镜进行了结构优化设计研究,提出了一种基于SiC材料的中心支撑的轻量化结构,同时引入了多目标集成优化方法,以镜体质量(Mass)和面形(RMS)同时作为优化目标,得到一个反射镜最佳结构模型,其质量为2.32 kg,轻量化率达到了73.8%;然后,对反射镜支撑结构进行了结构设计和说明,并对该组件进行了仿真分析,在、、三轴方向1 g重力工况下的RMS值分别达到2.5 nm、2.2 nm、7.3 nm,4 ℃均匀温升载荷工况下的RMS值为3.2 nm,远小于设计要求的RMS≤/50(=632.8 nm),满足设计要求。


1 引 言

离轴三反(Three mirror anastigmat,TMA)光学系统具有无色差、无中心遮拦、大视场等特点,它已被广泛使用在空间光学遥感器中[1]。其中,长条形反射镜作为该系统核心元件,其镜体的轻量化设计可以减小热惯性,降低动载荷,极大地降低其支撑难度,提高动态特性。然而,轻量化程度增大的同时也带来了新问题,反射镜虽然比刚度呈上升趋势,但其结构的绝对刚度会呈现出一定程度的下降趋势,这种性能间的冲突问题使反射镜的结构设计成为研究热点[2-4]。


本文对空间某型TMA光学系统的主反射镜进行了结构优化设计研究,其口径为275 mm×147.6 mm。首先,使用经验公式指导初始结构设计,然后,结合集成优化设计方法,通过对镜坯参数进行向重力工况下的面形(root mean square, RMS)和镜体质量(mass)共同设为优化设计目标,充分考虑反射镜轻量化率的增加会引起其结构的绝对刚度一定程度下降的问题,即Mass减小而引起RMS增大的问题,来进行结构优化设计。最后,对其支撑结构进行了详细阐述和分析。

2 反射镜结构设计

2.1 材料的选择


2.2 支撑方式选择



表1 常用反射镜材料的性能


式中:为支撑孔所在的圆周半径,m为反射镜最大口径。此处取m为147.6 mm,由式(1)得≈42 mm。所以,单点中心孔直径最大极限应在Φ84 mm以内,根据本文反射镜的口径尺寸参数特点,确定中心支撑孔直径为Φ50 mm。

2.3 轻量化结构形式




式中:max为最大网格变形量;为材料泊松比;为抛光压力;为轻量化孔内接圆直径;f(face thickness)为镜面厚度;为网格效应常数,网格效应常数与轻量化孔的形式有关,具体为:三角形孔=0.00151,正方形孔=0.00126,六角形孔=0.00111。可以看出,当其他条件相同时,三角形孔的“网格效应”要低于其他几种形式, 故本文选用三角形形状的轻量化孔。



图1 反射镜的初步设计几何结构模型

3 反射镜参数优化

3.1 镜体结构参数

结合图1,对反射镜进行结构参数设置,本文以镜体结构参数镜体高度(height)、镜面厚度(face thickness)、中心连接孔壁厚(hole thickness)、外沿壁厚(side thickness)、加强筋厚(rib thickness)和背部倒角(chamfer)作为设计变量,并结合当前工艺水平,对各设计变量进行优化范围限定,分别给予最大极限和最小极限,整理为表2。


3.2 多目标集成优化


表2 设计变量和优化结果

图2 角度变量转化成坐标变量示意图

本文选用HyperStudy软件进行多目标优化,优化算法采用软件推介的全局响应面算法(global response surface method,GRSM),该算法默认是处理多目标优化问题的,原理是内部建立响应面,每次迭代都会生成新的全局搜索而得到的设计点,利用新的设计点来更新此响应面,在最佳响应面上搜索出最优点,因而可获得很好的模型拟合,具有高效和实用特点。图3为多目标集成优化流程图。

3.3 优化结果



其中:为轻量化率,o为原始实体模型质量,e为最终优化模型质量。优化后的模型质量为2.32 kg,与原始反射镜实体模型相比,轻量化率达到73.8%。、和向重力工况下的RMS值分别为3.0 nm、1.8 nm、4.5 nm。满足RMS≤/50(=632.8 nm)和Mass≤5 kg两个设计指标要求。

4 支撑结构设计


图3 多目标集成优化流程图

图4 体支撑结构爆炸图

图5 柔性元件

在UG中建立三维模型(如图4)后,结合表3所列的材料密度属性,对反射镜组件进行测量,其质量为3.39 kg。

5 有限元分析


首先,进行模态分析,考察一阶固有模态是否会与空间相机的一阶固有模态重合或相近,图7为组件的一阶固有模态分析,其一阶频率为140 Hz≥100 Hz,满足动态刚度要求。

然后,进行静态分析,模拟两种工况:地面装调状态轴向1 g重力和温度载荷4 ℃。图8为轴向重力作用时反射镜的变形结果;、和向在1 g重力工况下的RMS值分别为2.5 nm、2.2 nm、7.3 nm;4 ℃均匀温升载荷工况下的RMS值为3.2 nm,满足成像光学系统的反射镜RMS≤/50(=632.8 nm)的要求。

最后,进行结构强度分析,通过在背板与过渡角板连接的螺栓孔处分别沿各轴向输入频率为10 Hz~200 Hz的单位加速度激励的方法,输出反射镜镜体的加速度-频率曲线。由图9可知,向、向和向加速度响应曲线的谐振峰均出现在140 Hz附近,在100 Hz内的频段没有出现谐振峰,满足设计要求。

表3 空间主要应用的结构材料列表

图6 反射镜组件有限元模型

图7 组件一阶固有模态分析

图8 轴向重力作用时反射镜的变形结

图9 加速度频率响应曲线。(a) X向;(b) Y向;(c) Z向

6 结 论

本文针对所述长条形反射镜基于SiC材料的中心支撑的形式进行结构优化设计,通过引入多目标集成优化的方法,在减小镜体质量的同时,尽可能保证了镜面的面形精度。仿真分析的结果显示,镜体质量仅为2.32 kg,轻量化率达到了73.8%;、和向在1 g重力工况下的RMS值分别为2.5 nm、2.2 nm、7.3 nm;4 ℃均匀温升载荷工况下的RMS值为3.2 nm,组件的一阶固有频率为140 Hz。该设计保证了成像质量和轻量化率,并且结构具有高静态刚度、高动态强度,满足设计要求。该方法为同类型轻质长条形反射镜的结构优化设计提供了参考经验,在采用中心支撑的形式下,获得了较优的面形精度。

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Structural optimization design of lightweight rectangular reflective mirror

Wang Pengpeng1,2, Xin Hongwei1*, Zhu Junqing1, Wang Yongxian1, Xu Yanjun1, Chen Changzheng1

1Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun, Jilin 130033, China;2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Explosion chart of mirror support structure

Overview:The research area of this paper is the field of off-axis three-reflective space optical remote sensor. As a core element of the system, the rectangular reflective mirror has been the focus. Increasing the degree of lightweight will also bring new problems, which cause a certain degree of structural strength reduction. Obviously, RMS(root mean square) will get worse. The purpose of this paper is to propose a feasible solution to this conflict of performance. First of all, select SiC as the mirror body material. Secondly, a flexible structure is based on the center support, which facilitates lightweight and reduces the overall design difficulty. Next, use the classical theoretical formula to create the initial structure of the mirror. The most important step is to introduce a multi-objective optimization method. The structural parameters of the lens body are used as design variables, and then the surface RMS values underandgravity conditions are used as constraints. It is the mass of the mirror and the RMS values under the most sensitive-direction gravity conditions that are commonly set as the optimization goal. Furthermore, using GRSM(global response surface method) algorithm for optimization iterations. A mirror optimal structure model is obtained with a mass of 2.32 kg. Compared with the solid mirror, the lightweight ratio is 73.8%. Besides, the mirror subassembly is designed. It includes a cone sleeve, a flexible component, and a backplane. The main considerations of the assembly are the stiffness of the materials and the thermal compatibility between each other. The specific explanation is as follows. Thermal expansion coefficient of the cone sleeve and the mirror need to be the same, and these are connected by glue. The flexible component adopts a flexible hinge structure so as to improve RMS of the mirror due to thermal stress. The backplane connects the mirror assembly to one space remote sensor. Therefore, the rigidity of the backplane must be qualified. Finally, the integrated performance of the assembly is simulated. It shows that the RMS value of the mirror reaches respectively 2.5 nm, 2.2 nm and 7.3 nm when gravity load is applied in the directions of,andaxes. Furthermore, the RMS value is 3.2 nm when the mirror subassembly is under the load condition of uniform temperature rise of 4 ℃, which is far less than the requirement of RMS≤/50(=632.8 nm). As a result, the data meets the design requirements. To sum up, the method provides reference experience for structural optimization design of the same type of lightweight rectangular reflective mirror.

Citation: Wang P P, Xin H W, Zhu J Q,Structural optimization design of lightweight rectangular reflective mirror[J]., 2020, 47(8): 200109

Structural optimization design of lightweight rectangular reflective mirror

Wang Pengpeng1,2, Xin Hongwei1*, Zhu Junqing1, Wang Yongxian1, Xu Yanjun1, Chen Changzheng1

1Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun, Jilin 130033, China;2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

In order to solve the problem that the mass and the surface figure accuracy of the space reflective mirror are often contradictory in the lightweight design process, a structural optimization design of a lightweight rectangular reflective mirror of an off-axis three-reflection optical system is performed. In this study, a lightweight structure based on the center support of SiC materials is proposed. At the same time, a multi-objective optimization method is introduced. With the RMS value and Mass as the optimization targets at the same time, a mirror optimal structure model is obtained with a mass of 2.32 kg. Compared with the solid mirror, the lightweight ratio is 73.8%. Then the mirror subassembly is designed and the integrated performance of it is simulated. It shows that the RMS value of the mirror reaches respectively 2.5 nm, 2.2 nm and 7.3 nm when gravity load is applied in the directions of,andaxes. Furthermore, the RMS value is 3.2 nm when the mirror subassembly is under the load condition of uniform temperature rise of 4 ℃, which is far less than the requirement of RMS≤/50(=632.8 nm). Therefore the data meets the design requirements.

rectangular reflective mirror; support in center; lightweight; multi-objective optimization; finite element analysis




: Wang P P, Xin H W, Zhu J Q,. Structural optimization design of lightweight rectangular reflective mirror[J]., 2020,47(8): 200109

王朋朋,辛宏伟,朱俊青,等. 轻质长条形反射镜结构优化设计[J]. 光电工程,2020,47(8): 200109

Supported by the Youth Program of National Nature Science Foundation of China (11803036)

* E-mail: xinhwciomp@sina.com






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