
2020-08-24 12:58程佳雯
疯狂英语·读写版 2020年8期




1. textile /·teksta·l/ n. 纺织品;织物

2. fabric /·f·br·k/ n. 织物;布

3. coronavirus /k·,r·un·vai·r·s/ n. 冠状病毒

4. sew /s··/ v. 缝;做针线活;缝纫

Have you ever heard the phrase “one mans trash is another mans treasure”·

Nabeel Alam, 17, has taken that idea to a whole new level. He and 26 other high school students from Durham, Ont., east of Toronto, started a company that turns unused clothes into practical and fashionable reusable bags. Nabeel said the clothing they use is in 1.condition, but is being thrown away because its no longer useful or its out of style.

By repurposing clothes headed for the garbage dump (donated by family and friends), Nabeel can work toward accomplishing his original goal: reducing textile waste in Canada. “We give it a new 2. (dream/purpose) ,” Nabeel, the companys president, told CBC Kids News.

How it works:

1. The students take old or donated clothes and immediately put them in the wash to get rid of any germs.

2. Then a team member cuts the fabric to match a predrawn traced outline.

3. After that, the bags are sewn together by a professional sewer who volunteered to help the company.

4. The team puts pictures of them on their website and Instagram so people can buy them for between $8 and $12.

Nabeel said the goal of the company, named Vivlio Amet, is to spread awareness of how much textile 3.(product/waste) contributes to climate change. But Vivlio Amet will only exist for a little while longer. Thats 4. Vivlio Amet originally started in October as an 18week Junior Achievement Program project. Through the program, which is separate from school, volunteer advisers team up with students to help them start a temporary business from the ground up.

Theres no commitment to have a longterm, realworld company. Once the 18 weeks are up, the students will calculate how much money they made and distribute it to the people and businesses that helped the company get on its feet. So far, the students have sold 50 bags (mostly to friends and classmates) and theyhope to sell an additional 100 5. the companys time is up at the end of April. Since the program is completely separate from 6. , that means keeping balances between classes and the company. But Nabeel said it didnt feel like extra work.

“I dont treat it like a task. Its something Im passionate about,” Nabeel said. “If you want to be successful, you need to work really hard at it.”

Reading Check

Fill in each blank with only one word according to the context.

Language Study

Difficult sentence

Through the program, which is separate from school, volunteer advisers team up with students to help them start a temporary business from the ground up.


【点石成金】本句中,which引导非限制性定语从句;team up with为固定短语,意为“与……合作;与……协作”。

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