What Is a Garage1 Sale? 什么是车库大甩卖?

2020-08-06 15:00
中学生英语·中考指导版 2020年2期

by Denise

杨舟 编译

Have you ever been to a garage sale? A garage sale is a great way to reduce2 clutter3 around your house while making some extra money.

Garage sales are very popular in the U.S. especially in the spring and summer time. A garage sale is when people get items4 that they no longer want and put them out for sale. Most of the time those items are used items, but sometimes theyre new items, too. Sometimes neighbors will get together and have a joint5 garage sale. That way they have a lot more items to offer to the buyers and it makes the sale more attractive6 to buyers. Sometimes whole neighborhoods will get together to have a sale. That way everyone in the neighborhood will have their garage sale on the same day as everyone else and there are more sales so its more attractive to buyers. Usually the items at a garage sale are in the garage and on the driveway. Sometimes theyre displayed just on the yard of a home and in that case the sale is often called a yard sale. Well, lets take a look at this garage sale, see what we can find.

There are books, pet equipment, baskets and dishes. Theres clothing, baby toys, school things, shoes, bedding, and pictures. Here are some items from another garage sale. Theres a chair, a few tables, some dishes, and some lamps. Each garage sale is different, so if you see a sign, stop by. You may see something you really like.

The prices at garage sales are usually really reasonable7. Sometimes you can even bargain8 but not always. The next time you see a garage sale sign, maybe you can stop by and get a great buy.

On the first Thursday in August, there is the worlds longest yard sale. Truly an American event, the Worlds longest yard sale takes place along Highway 127 near Jamestown, Tennessee. Part flea9 market, part fair, the yard sale has thousands of sellers, even more buyers, and lasts for four days.






