"Nine-Word Policy" Promotes the Deep Integration of Party Construction and
Production and Operation in State-Owned Enterprises
——Taking Shandong Xinneng Taishan Power Generation Company Limited as an Example
【摘 要】全国国有企业党的建设工作会议指出,党对国有企业的领导是政治领导、思想领导、组织领导的有机统一,要发挥把方向、管大局、保落实作用。“九字真经”其本质是党对国有企业领导方式的具体化,更是国有企业做好党的建设与生产经营深度融合的“金钥匙”。如何把会议要求贯彻到具体工作之中,山东新能泰山发电股份有限公司党委在企业推进市场化改革的背景下进行了卓有成效的尝试与实践。
【Abstract】The National Party Construction Conference of State-Owned Enterprises pointed out that the Party's leadership over state-owned enterprises is an organic unity of political leadership, ideological leadership and organizational leadership. It is necessary to play a role of holding the direction, managing the overall situation and ensuring the implementation. The essence of "nine-word policy" is the concretion of the Party's leadership style to the state-owned enterprises, and it is also the "golden key" for state-owned enterprises to do a good job in the deep integration of Party construction and production and operation. How to implement the requirements of the conference into the specific work, the Party committee of Shandong Xinneng Taishan Power Generation Company Limited has carried out effective attempts and practices under the background of promoting market-oriented reform.
【Keywords】state-owned enterprises; Party construction; political leadership; "six forces"
【中图分类号】F276.1;D267 【文獻标志码】A 【文章编号】1673-1069(2020)05-0064-02
1 引言
2 以改革为基点,换发新时代企业党建新活力
2.1 工作与方向相得益彰须明确时代背景