
2020-07-22 11:51李慧
粮油食品科技 2020年4期

项 目 背 景



李 慧,博士,中粮营养健康研究院,高级工程师,技术总监,从事粮食发酵和食品安全相关工作。2010年6月毕业于中国农业大学,工学博士,食品生物技术专业。近年来,主持或组织了国家、省(部)级项目和中粮集团项目等十多项,并积极推动科技成果转化。建立粮食质量与安全及粮食发酵研究平台,服务于中粮集团内部及外部企业,发挥行业示范作用。目前发表论文30多篇,申请中国发明专利20项,PCT国际发明专利1项,已授权11项,参加4个食品安全标准的编制和修订,相关研究成果获中国粮油学会科学技术奖二等奖1项。

专 栏 介 绍

本专栏从上述项目中选取6篇代表性研究成果,主要涉及特色食品开发、产品稳定性研究、产品安全问题剖析、食品保质期研究概况、特殊人群及市场食品开发现状和趋势等方面的最新实验数据与行业动态,来展示相关的研究成果。针对地方特色资源—三白瓜综合利用和研究开发价值进一步提升的问题,研究了食品发酵菌种资源在三白瓜新产品开发中的应用,为丰富三白瓜产品,提高三白瓜应用开发价值提供理论依据。针对果肉型饮料产品—芒果果汁饮料的稳定性问题,研究了5种亲水胶体在单因素条件下对芒果果汁饮料稳定性的影响,为果肉型饮料生产企业选择亲水胶体及复配胶体提供技术参考。针对特殊食品开发过程中出现的质量与安全问题,研究了基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱(MALDI-TOF MS)技术与常用的微生物鉴定方法相结合,分离、纯化和鉴定胀袋微生物菌种,进一步把分离鉴定的微生物回接产品进行产气性能验证,为项目组产品开发过程中采取有效控制措施,保障开发产品的质量与安全,避免生产经济损失提供理论依据。针对食品保质期预测在食品质量与安全管理中的重要性,阐述了国内外食品保质期的相关标准和法规情况,总结了基于品质衰变原理的保质期预测方法及模型,并结合前期研究基础,分析总结目前我国食品保质期预测模型存在的问题,以期为食品经营制造者评估、设计和验证食品保质期提供一定依据。针对老年食品开发的最新研究动态变化,通过分析和总结老年食品的配方设计和产品开发关键技术,为满足我国老龄化膳食需求和老龄食品产业发展提供技术支持和意见建议。针对运动营养市场发展趋势和前景,综述了肽在运动营养领域中的研究进展及功能作用,以期为运动营养类产品的应用开发提供一定参考和理论支持。





第一位受邀专家为荷兰Agrolab集团公司Mar Verhoeff资深顾问兼高级经理,他撰写的《荷兰独立实验室在可食用油脂工业和贸易中的作用》,主要介绍了其所在的荷兰独立实验室概况、油脂贸易协定中约定的检测指标、重要品质参数、重点污染物以及三大类指标的分析方法,以期为广大中国读者呈现国际标准化组织(ISO)和欧盟(EU)等组织对油脂贸易中货物质量的品质控制和技术进展,为促进国际技术交流提供参考。阅读详见P72-P81。

第二位受邀学者为土耳其伊斯坦布尔科技大学化学与冶金工程学院食品工程系的Derya Kahveci博士。2014年,她与徐学兵教授总结了2013年前酶法制备ω-3长链多不饱和脂肪酸油脂研究。Derya博士在此基础上,跟踪查阅了2015-2020年期间该领域国际学者的英文文献52篇,梳理撰写了《酶法制备含ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸油脂的国际研究进展》,讨论了很多不同产品的营养功效、结构脂质、ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸浓缩液、磷脂的酶促酯交换制备技术及应用,供同行顺畅阅读和交流探讨,详见P82-P99。

Introduction of Background

The 2nd International Forum on Science and Technology Development of Grains,Oils and Foodstuffs and the 6th Annual Conference of Henan Agricultural Products Processing and Storage Engineering Society,co-sponsored by Henan University of Technology and Henan Agricultural Products Processing and Storage Engineering Society,was held in Henan University of Technology,Zhengzhou,China,from 15 to 17 November 2019.With the support of the organizers of the conference,our journal,Science and Technology of Cereals, Oils, and Foods,became one of three cooperation journals.During the forum,several international experts who made the conference reports were invited to rewrite an English academic papers for our journal.We have translated them into Chinese and published,the original texts as attachments have also published.We hope this kind of bilingual publication can build a bridge among international experts,Chinese readers and industry workers in the grain and oil fields.

Mar Verhoeff,the first invited expert,senior adviser and higher level manager of Dutch Agrolab Group,had written “The Role of an Independent Netherlands Laboratory in the Trade and Industry of Edible Oils and Fats”,which summarizes the survey of independent laboratories in the Netherlands,where he works in,the testing indicators agreed in Oil Trade Agreement,important quality parameters,key pollutants and the analytical methods for three main categories of indicators.We hope this paper could present a view of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the European Union (EU) on the quality control and technical progress of goods in oil and grease trade for Chinese readers,and to provide a reference for promoting international technology exchange for researchers and workers in the field.Read more in P72-P81.

Dr.Derya Kahveci,the second invited scholar,from Department of Food Engineering,School of Chemistry and Metallurgical Engineering,Istanbul University of Science and Technology,Turkey,had co-worked a summary of research on ω-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid fats prepared by enzymatic method prior to 2013,with Professor XU Xuebing in 2014.Dr.Derya had followed up on 52 English papers about this theme from international scholars in the field from 2015 to 2020.“The Global Research Progress of Enzymatic Processing of Oils with Omega 3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids” was summarized,and the nutritional efficacy of many different products,enzymatic interesterification preparation techniques and applications of structural lipids,ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid concentrate,and phospholipids were discussed in this paper,in order to read and communicate for researchers across the world.See more in P82-P99.

作者介绍|Authors Profile

Mar Verhoeff:1951年生于荷兰弗拉丁。在荷兰鹿特丹学习分析化学和化学技术。曾在一家分析化学实验室工作,积累了丰富的专业知识和实践经验,先后被提升为实验室经理、公司总经理。1986年作为首席化学家加入鹿特丹的化学实验室(A.Verwey博士创立)。多年来,他在实验室中引入了分析黄曲霉毒素、矿物油烃和多甘醇芳烃的新技术。Mar Verhoeff是荷兰标准化委员会(NEN)在油脂、油籽、油籽粉和霉菌毒素分析方法领域的活跃成员之一,并代表荷兰参加了国际标准化组织技术委员会34、2分委员会和11分委员会,也积极参加了国际油料油脂协会(FOSFA)和荷兰油脂油料贸易协会(NOFOTA)的技术委员会。合著书籍有《食用油加工》(英文)。目前是A.Verwey博士的独立实验室(荷兰Agrolab公司)及其他公司的资深顾问。

Mar Verhoeff:Born in 1951 in Vlaardingen,Netherlands.Studied analytical chemistry in Rotterdam,Netherlands and chemical technology in Amsterdam,Netherlands.Build up practical knowledge in another analytical laboratory before joining Chemical Laboratory Dr.A.Verwey in Rotterdam in 1986 as chief chemist.After a few years was promoted to Laboratory Manager and some more years later became Managing Director of the company.During these years he introduced in the laboratory new techniques for analysing aflatoxins,mineral oil hydrocarbons and polyclyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.Is an active member of the Dutch Standardization Committees (NEN) on methods of analyses of oils and fats,oil seeds,oil seed meal and mycotoxins.And is representing The Netherlands in ISO Technical Committee 34,Sub Committee 2 and Sub Committee 11.Also active in the technical committees of Federation of Oils,Seeds and Fats Associations Ltd (FOSFA) and Netherlands Oils,Fats and Oilseeds Trade Association (NOFOTA).Co-author of a book chapter in “Edible Oil Processing”.Today working as independent consultant for the Dr.A.Verwey/Agrolab company as well as other companies.

Derya Kahveci Karıncaoğlu:1984年出生于土耳其,伊斯坦布尔技术大学食品工程本科和硕士学位、丹麦奥胡斯大学攻读博士学位。硕士期间,作为一名研究助理加入了该系,并在Erasmus计划资助下,在丹麦技术大学开展研究工作6个月。目前就职于伊斯坦布尔技术大学,担任助理教授。研究方向为食品废物价值化、酶法在食品生产中的应用和功能性食品开发,包括脂肪酶催化三文鱼副产品油中omega3 PUFA的浓度,酶辅助从工业番茄废料中提取番茄红素,以及从榛子中沉淀蛋白质作为油提取过程的副产品。合作专利1项,书章3篇,同行评审文章21篇及多篇会议论文。

Derya Kahveci Karıncaoğlu:Born in Turkey at 1984.She studied Food Engineering at Istanbul Technical University where she gained her undergraduate and master’s degrees.She also joined the department as a research assistant during her master’s studies,and spent 6 months at Technical University of Denmark funded by the Erasmus programme.Afterwards,she joined Prof.XU Xuebing’s group at Aarhus University,Denmark,for her PhD.She was awarded the PhD degree at 2011,moved back to Turkey and took a position as an assistant professor at a food engineering department.She transferred to her home university,Istanbul Technical University,ranking as the third best within the country,on February 2019 as an assistant professor.Her research interests include food waste valorization,application of enzymatic processes for food production,and functional food development.Her past work includes lipase-catalyzed concentration of omega 3 PUFA in oil from salmon by-products,enzyme-assisted extraction of lycopene from industrial tomato waste,and precipitation of protein from hazelnut meal obtained as a by-product of oil extraction process.She co-authored 1 patent,3 book chapters,21 peer-reviewed articles (5 in Q1,3 in Q2,3 in Q3) and many conference papers.


Organized by TAN Hongzhuo and WU Songling; Translated by TAN Hongzhuo and DUAN Zhangqun Thanks to ZHAO Renyong and SUN Shangde

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