
2020-06-20 02:42袁盼盼朱兴亮韩长杰张学军
农业工程学报 2020年9期

袁盼盼,朱兴亮,尤 佳,韩长杰,张学军,郭 辉


袁盼盼,朱兴亮,尤 佳,韩长杰,张学军※,郭 辉

(新疆农业大学机电工程学院,乌鲁木齐 830052)

针对酿酒葡萄机械化采收时对植株损伤大、果粒破损率高、脱粒效率低等问题,该文设计了一种曲轴式振动脱粒收获装置,该装置主要由曲轴、弹性夹持振动机构、传动系统、机架等组成。对曲柄摇杆机构的运动和弹性振动杆变形进行了分析,获取了影响作业效果的主要因素。根据Box-Benhnken 中心组合设计方法,以夹持间距、转速和偏心距为影响因子,酿酒葡萄脱粒率和破损率为响应函数进行三因素三水平二次回归正交试验设计,建立了响应面数学模型,并进行了参数优化和验证。结果表明,酿酒葡萄脱粒率影响因素的显著性顺序为转速、偏心距和夹持间距,破损率的影响显著性顺序为转速、夹持间距和偏心距;最优参数组合为夹持间距193 mm、曲轴转速720 r/min、曲轴偏心距38.8 mm,在此参数下测得的酿酒葡萄脱粒率为93.06%,破损率为4.57%,与模型优化理论值相比脱粒率降低了1.09个百分比,破损率增加了1.45个百分点。该研究可为酿酒葡萄的机械化收获及其他林果的振动采收装置设计提供参考。


0 引 言


振动采收是目前浆果采收的主要手段之一[6-11],国内外蓝莓、黑加仑、葡萄等浆果,主要利用激励源振动果树,迫使果穗或果粒与相连的枝条或果梗产生相对运动(拉、弯、扭),使连接处变形直至断裂,实现果实采收,酿酒葡萄主要采收果粒[12-16],使葡萄粒从果梗上分离脱落。Caprara利用偏心摇杆机构驱动2排挠性肋条旋转击打葡萄藤实现果实采收[17],Roger 等利用曲柄摇杆机构以及伺服液压交替振动机构产生旋转运动驱动2排交错肋条对葡萄进行振动采收[18],Baisan利用偏心圆盘摇杆机构驱动尼龙弹性杆振摇葡萄藤实现酿酒葡萄采收[19],国内外在葡萄树形、果实分布方面差异较大,振动能量传递效率不同,国外葡萄收获机在中国作业时易造成葡萄植株、葡萄粒损伤大。李成松等基于RSSR空间四杆机构和平面双摇杆机构设计了双支撑酿酒葡萄果实振动分离装置,作业可靠性及稳定性有待改进优化[20-21]。王业成利用可调偏心连杆式振动机构进行试验,分析了振动频率、振幅和激振位置对黑加仑采收率的影响[22],史亮等利用双偏心块旋转产生的反向力偶驱动拨杆圆盘实现蓝莓的采收[23],王海滨等利用采摘滚筒旋转带动蓝莓树振动进行采收[24-25]。目前国内酿酒葡萄收获装备并不成熟,作业时对植株损伤大、脱粒效率低、果粒破损率高、可靠性及稳定性低等问题。


1 装置结构与工作原理

酿酒葡萄振动脱粒收获装置主要由曲轴、弹性夹持振动机构、传动系统、机架等组成,如图1所示。其中,弹性夹持振动机构由左、右弹性夹持单体构成,结合新疆酿酒葡萄为篱架种植,叶幕形宽度为0.8 m左右,在葡萄行的两侧利用弹性夹持振动机构左、右单体间的配合夹持酿酒葡萄植株,根据叶幕形实际宽度通过夹持间距调节杆进行调整,主要参数如表1所示。

1.同步带传动系统 2.电机 3.弹性夹持振动机构 4.机架 5.曲轴

表1 酿酒葡萄振动脱粒装置主要参数


2 关键部件设计

2.1 弹性夹持振动机构

弹性夹持振动机构由曲轴、夹持杆组、转动轴、转动连杆和夹持间距调节杆等组成,图2a和2b分别为弹性夹持振动机构的左单体和右单体,连杆与夹持杆组间固接,转动连杆与夹持杆组间采用销轴连接。夹持杆组上分布3组弹性杆,间距为300 mm,每组弹性杆通过骑马卡固定在竖直的连接杆上,骑马卡的直径、孔距等与弹性杆的尺寸相配合。


1.曲轴 2.夹持杆组 3.转动轴 4.转动连杆 5.连接板 6.夹持间距调节杆

1.Crankshaft 2.Clamping rod group 3.Axis of rotation 4.Rotating connecting rod 5.Connecting plate 6.Clamping spacing adjusting rod

图2 弹性夹持振动机构

Fig.2 Elastic clamping vibration mechanism


图3 夹持间距调节杆

2.2 夹持振动机构运动分析

夹持振动机构利用偏心曲轴的旋转运动带动夹持振动杆做非圆周运动,为曲柄摇杆机构,如图 4所示。








2.3 曲轴

曲轴主要由驱动轴、曲轴板、曲轴调节板、传动轴头和曲柄连接体组成,如图5a所示,驱动轴、传动轴和曲轴板均采用焊合固接,曲轴板和调节板的厚度均为8 mm,二者采用3组螺栓进行连接,螺栓安装间距分别为30和20 mm,曲柄连接体将上下曲轴调节板连接。曲轴板和调节板配合如图5b和5c所示,通过调整曲轴板和曲轴调节板上孔的对应安装位置,曲柄长度可调,曲柄长度调整间距为12 mm。

图5 曲轴及其调整板


2.4 弹性振动杆

弹性振动杆分为平直段和圆弧段,2段间用轴套连接,如图6所示。平直段采用PA6材质尼龙棒,具有韧性好、耐磨力强和弯曲强度高等特点,根据前期研究[9],确定振动杆的直径为25 mm,平直段长度为900 mm。圆弧段将分散及外伸的葡萄藤蔓和枝条进行收拢聚集进入平直段工作区,在收拢聚集时,为避免工作部件对葡萄串及植株造成损伤,要求圆弧段材质具有较好的柔性,因此,圆弧段采用PU聚氨酯棒,具有较高的机械强度、柔性和回弹性,能够满足工作要求。




3 收获性能试验

3.1 试验材料与设备

为验证理论分析的正确性,获取最优结构和工作参数,2019年8月29日,在新疆农业大学农业工程装备创新设计实验室进行试验,采样地点为新疆兵团十二师三坪农场三坪二连,北纬43°57′ 6″ ,东经87°19′ 35″ ,品种为“赤霞珠”,树龄6 a,在采样时,选取不同位置枝蔓、不同直径的挂果枝条进行剪枝,采样枝条直径为6~16 mm,枝条挂果串数1~4串,枝条长度约1 m左右。试验如图7所示。

1.弹性夹持振动机构 2.酿酒葡萄枝条 3.曲轴 4.电机 5.夹持间距调节杆 6.变频器

试验设备有:i-SPEEDFS高速摄像机(包含摄像机主机、触发开关,控制显示器等,2 000 帧/s时的分辨率为1 280×1 024(像素),配套图像分析软件i-SPEED Suite,日本Olympus公司);Altivar38HD12N4变频器(功率3 kW,施耐德公司);TCS电子台秤(精度20 g,量程1~100 kg,上海地久商贸有限公司);计算机。

3.2 试验指标与方法

根据《GB/T 25393—2010 葡萄栽培和葡萄酒酿制设备葡萄收获机试验方法》和《GB/T5667—2008 农业机械生产试验方法》规定的试验方法[30-31],考察所设计的曲轴式振动脱粒收获装置的作业性能,选取脱粒率和破损率为试验指标。

3.3 试验方案

根据对曲轴振动机构的运动学及振动弹性杆的分析,确定影响酿酒葡萄脱粒效果的主要因素为曲柄转速、曲轴偏心距(曲柄长度)和夹持间距,因此,选取曲柄转速、偏心距和夹持间距为试验因素。根据前期参与的研究[9],整机田间试验获得的较优作业速度为2 km/h,以模拟2 km/h进行脱粒试验,换算为0.56 m/s,夹持振动杆平直段长度为900 mm,收拢区有效长度为400 mm,因此,有效夹持振动部分对葡萄植株的振动时间约2 s,电机启动加速度过大,会造成瞬间载荷增大,影响试验效果,设定振动时间为9 s,其中电机转速由0加速至试验转速时长为7 s[32],稳定试验转速2 s。采用Box-Benhnken中心组合设计方法[33-34],以三因素和三水平二次回归正交为试验方案,每组试验进行3次,取3次测试结果的均值作为该组的试验结果,对指标的因素进行显著性分析,获取机构各参数最优组合。根据预试验结果设置试验因素水平,如表2所示。

表2 试验因素水平

4 结果与分析

4.1 振动脱粒试验结果分析

根据表3中的试验数据,利用Design Expert 8.0.6软件对试验结果进行二次回归分析[35],建立葡萄脱粒率和破损率对夹持间距、转速和偏心距的二次响应面回归模型,并对其进行方差分析,结果如(12)~(13)和表4所示。

表3 试验结果

表4 脱粒率与破损率方差分析


Note: “***” means highly significant (≤0.01), “**” means very significant(0.01<≤0.05), “*” means significant (0.05<≤0.1). The same below.


图8 各因素对酿酒葡萄脱粒率和破损率的交互作用

4.2 参数优化与试验验证


求得的优化组合为:夹持间距192.93 mm、曲轴转速720 r/min、曲轴偏心距38.79 mm,此时脱粒率与破损率的预测值分别为94.15%和3.12%。

为验证优化结果的准确性,将装置优化参数组合的夹持间距圆整为193 mm,曲轴转速为720 r/min,曲轴偏心距圆整为38.8 mm,进行3次重复验证试验,试验材料和方法与上述相同,取3次试验的结果均值为验证值。试验结果表明,圆整优化参数下作业的葡萄脱粒率为93.06%,破损率为4.57%,与模型预测结果基本一致。

5 结 论



3)通过优化分析与试验验证,最佳参数组合为:夹持间距为193 mm、曲轴转速为720 r/min、曲轴偏心距为38.8 mm,试验结果为酿酒葡萄脱粒率为93.06%,破损率为4.57%,与模型优化预测结果基本一致,结构设计合理。

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Development of crankshaft vibration threshing and harvesting equipment for wine grape

Yuan Panpan, Zhu Xingliang, You Jia, Han Changjie, Zhang Xuejun※, Guo Hui


At present, the wine grape harvesting method is still the traditional manual picking with scissor, because the grape fruit is randomly distributed among the branches, the manual harvesting is difficult and the operation efficiency is low. Therefore, mechanized harvesting of wine grape has become an urgent need. Vibration harvesting is one of the main methods of fruit harvesting at home and abroad. The mechanical harvesting of blueberries, blackcurrant, grape and other berries mainly vibrates the fruit tree by means of incentive source, so that the fruit and the connected branches produced a relative movement, the joints produced deformation and fracture, and the fruits falling. However, the domestic wine grape harvesting machines are immature, which has great damage to plant, low threshing efficiency, high fruit broken rate, low reliability and so on. In order to meet the requirements of wine grape mechanization harvest, a crankshaft vibration threshing device was put forward, the device was mainly composed of crankshaft, clamping vibration mechanism, elastic vibration rod, synchronous belt driving system, frame and so on, the driving crankshaft and the driving crankshaft were connected by a synchronous belt, and the elastic vibration monomers composed of parallel crank and rocker mechanism on both sides were in the same phase and moved synchronously in the same direction. The wine grape plant was held by the clamping vibration mechanism on both sides, and was driven to perform a regular variable motion, so that the wine grape grains fall off the grape stem. The angular displacement and angular velocity of the working parts were obtained based on the kinematics analysis of the crank and rocker mechanism. The main factors affecting the vibration operation effect were the length and angular velocity of the crank. The elastic vibrating rod were divided into straight segment and arc segment. The material of PA6 nylon and PU polyurethane with high mechanical strength, flexibility and resilience were selected as the material of vibrating rods. Based on the elastic deformation theory of the elastic vibrating rod, the maximum deformation of the elastic vibration rod was calculated, the influence of the elastic deformation of the elastic vibration rod on the amplitude was analyzed, and the amplitude of the elastic vibration rod in the vibration state was obtained. Furthermore, the clamping spacing, rotating speed and eccentricity were selected as the influencing factors, and wine grape threshing rate and broken rate were selected as the response value for three factors and three levels two Sub-regression orthogonal test design, and the regression equations to describe the relationships between the factors and assessment indexes were established by using the regression analysis and response surface analysis with the software Design-Expert 8.0.6. The optimum combination of the selected parameters was obtained and verified, and the experimental verification of the mathematical model was also conducted. The test results showed that the factors had great effects on the performance of wine grape vibration threshing device. The significant effects of rotating speed, eccentricity and clamping spacing on threshing rate were in a decreasing order. The significant effects of rotating speed, clamping spacing and eccentricity on broken rate were in a decreasing order. Verification test results indicated thtat when the clamping spacing was 193 mm, the rotating speed was 720 r/min and the eccentricity was 38.8 mm, wine grape threshing rate of the device was 93.06% and broken rate was 1.54%, which was basically consistent with the prediction results of model optimization, and the structural design was reasonable. This study provides a reference for the mechanization harvesting of wine grape and vibration harvesting of other fruits.

agricultural machinery; harvesting; vibration; wine grape; crankshaft

袁盼盼,朱兴亮,尤佳,等.酿酒葡萄曲轴式振动脱粒收获装置研制[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(9):67-74.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.09.008 http://www.tcsae.org

Yuan Panpan, Zhu Xingliang, You Jia, et al. Development of crankshaft vibration threshing and harvesting equipment for wine grape[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(9): 67-74. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.09.008 http://www.tcsae.org









