
2020-06-04 01:03:28朱大明杨润书付志涛谢文斌
农业工程学报 2020年8期

杨 栩,朱大明,杨润书,付志涛,谢文斌



杨 栩1,朱大明1※,杨润书2,付志涛1,谢文斌1

(1. 昆明理工大学国土资源工程学院,昆明 650093;2. 云南省地矿测绘院,昆明 650217)

为了从高分辨率无人机影像中获取准确的城市不透水面信息,在可见光波段范围内建立绿-蓝光谱特征空间,综合土壤线及不透水面线,构造了能够将土壤、植被像元与不透水面像元有效分离的绿-蓝不透水面指数。以广州市局部地区的GF-2号影像为验证数据对比及分析垂直不透水层指数、比值居民地指数以及绿-蓝不透水面指数的提取结果,以验证绿-蓝不透水面指数的可行性与提取精度。同时,将眉山市洪雅县部分地区的无人机正射影像作为试验数据进行不透水面提取。结果表明,在3个不透水面提取指数的横向对比中,绿-蓝不透水面指数和垂直不透水层指数的提取结果总体精度相同,验证了绿-蓝不透水面指数的有效性。在对无人机正射影像的不透水面提取中,得益于无人机低空摄影技术能够获取地形特征的特点,解决了建筑物屋顶因植被覆盖导致的错分问题,提取结果总体精度达到了96.95%,Kappa系数为0.936 1。试验证明了绿-蓝不透水面指数能够代替归一化差值不透水面指数、垂直不透水层指数、比值居民地指数等,应用于无人机遥感影像的不透水面信息提取中。


0 引 言



不透水面指数的构造方法大多是通过波段组合增强不透水面与其他地表覆盖类型的差异来实现的。例如,Liu等[8]提出了一种改进归一化不透水面指数(Modified Normalized Difference Impervious Surface Index, MNDISI),并利用该指数对美国洛杉矶市区的不透水面进行估计。Zha等[9]提出了归一化差值建筑物指数(Normalized Derived Building Index, NDBI)用以城市不透水面的提取, 之后有研究指出该指数不易区分裸土与不透水面,致使二者错分,降低了提取精度。徐涵秋[10]以近红外、中红外、热红外3个波段以及可见光中的任何1个波段,构造了归一化差值不透水面指数(Normalized Difference Impervious Surface Index, NDISI),并用它分别提取了厦门市和福州市的不透水面,总体精度达90.83%和90.70%。Deng和Wu[11]提出了生物物理组成指数(Biophysical Composition Index, BCI),以此获取不透水面的分布情况。田玉刚等[12]利用近红外波段和蓝光波段建立光谱特征空间,并结合土壤线提出了垂直不透水层指数(Perpendicular Impervious Index, PII),以Landsat8 影像为数据源提取了武汉市与北京市的不透水面信息,总体精度高于96%。类似的不透水面指数还有基于指数的建筑指数(Index-based Built-up Index, IBI)[13]、比值居民地指数(Ratio Resident-area Index, RRI)[14]和建筑面积提取指数(Built-up Area Extraction Method, BAEM)[15]等。

综上可见,此类不透水面指数多是基于多光谱卫星遥感影像而提出的,构造不透水面指数的过程仍然停留在以近红外或中红外波段构成的特征空间中,对于可见光波段范围内,还没有一个有效的不透水面指数被提出。而对于无人机(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV)遥感和可见光遥感大力发展的今天,亟待提出一个可见光波段范围内的不透水面指数,以弥补不透水面提取在此方面的空白。针对该问题,本研究以可见光波段中的蓝波段与绿波段构建光谱特征空间,提出了绿-蓝不透水面指数(Green-Blue Impervious Surface Index, GBISI),并通过与PII和RRI指数的不透水面提取结果对比,验证GBISI指数在不透水面提取中的有效性。

1 研究区与数据源

本研究中,将研究区细分为验证区和试验区。选用了广州市局部地区的GF-2号经过辐射定标和大气校正[16]后的原始影像及真彩色正射影像(图1a)作为验证区(22°59′16″N,113°18′19″E),以验证GBISI指数的提取精度,影像拍摄时间为2015年01月23日。同时,选用了眉山市洪雅县西北部地区的大疆御2 Pro无人机获取的红绿蓝(Red-Green-Blue, RGB)正射影像(图1b)作为试验区(29°55′18″N,103°21′50″E),以分析GBISI指数在可见光遥感和无人机遥感当中实用性,影像拍摄于2019年9月20日。


2 绿-蓝不透水面指数(GBISI)构造方法

2.1 不同不透水面指数的分析




2.2 影像光谱特征空间优选

城市不透水面大多为道路、停车场、人行道、屋顶等,若以颜色和亮度信息对不透水面进行归类可分为亮色不透水面(如涂了防水层的屋顶)、暗色不透水面(如公路)和蓝色不透水面(如厂房屋顶)[12]。透水面则分为水体、植被和土壤,指数提取不透水面的方法通常需要在预处理中将水体剔除[18],因此,此处暂不讨论水体。为了分析透水面和不透水面在光谱特征上的差别, 对验证区影像内的3类不透水面地物和2类透水面地物进行采样,图2为验证区内各典型地物在红、绿、蓝3个波段上的光谱均值所构成的光谱响应曲线。

图2 验证区典型地物光谱曲线

由图2所示,蓝色不透水面和暗色不透水面的蓝绿波段连线具有递减的趋势,同时,植被和土壤的蓝绿波段连线具有递增的趋势,因此,若以蓝波段和绿波段构成特征空间,可以增大不透水面与透水面的差距。为了进一步验证提出的假设,分别以Green-Blue、Red-Blue、Green-Red 3种光谱特征空间绘制5种地物的散点图(图3)。


图3 不同光谱特征空间下地物散点分布图

2.3 绿—蓝不透水面指数的构造


图4 构造线两侧样本划分







Note:is the distance from the position of any pixel to the construction line in the spectral feature space.

图5 样本点到参照线的距离示意图

Fig.5 Distance of sample point to the reference line

2.4 绿-蓝不透水面指数(GBISI)参数计算



图6 Green-Blue空间下的土壤线与不透水面线








3 结果与讨论

3.1 验证区提取结果与分析





为验证基于可见光波段特征空间提出的GBISI指数与基于近红外波段特征空间提出的不透水面指数的提取精度差异,本研究以PII、RRI和GBISI 这3个指数对验证区影像进行不透水面信息提取。图8为参考提取结果以及3个指数对不透水面提取的结果。其中,样本的实际类别通过对分辨率为0.8 m的高分影像目视解译进行确定。


Note: The white area is impervious surface, the black area is pervious surface. The same below.

图8 不同指数的不透水面提取结果

Fig.8 Impervious surface extraction results with different indexes

同时,在影像中随机生成400个点建立误差矩阵,以获取不透水面的提取精度。表1为基于GBISI、PII和RRI 3个指数提取的混淆矩阵及精度评定。


表1 不同指数的不透水面提取精度评价


图9 不透水面指数在局部区域的提取结果


3.2 试验区提取结果与分析

由于无人机可以拍摄大量高重叠度的低空影像,通过运动恢复结构(Structure From Motion, SFM)和多视图聚簇/基于面片模型(Clustering Views Multi-view Stereo/Patch-based Multi-view Stereo, CMVS/PMVS)的密集匹配算法对试验区低空影像进行密集匹配可得到影像匹配点云,在点云基础上能进一步得到数字表面模型(Digital Surface Model, DSM)和数字高程模型(Digital Elevation Model, DEM),对DSM与DEM作差,即可获得归一化数字表面模型(Normalized Digital Surface Model, nDSM)。通过设置波段阈值,结合DEM、nDSM以及色调-饱和度-亮度(Hue-Saturation-Intensity, HSI)等特征将水体剔除后,即可利用GBISI对试验区进行不透水面信息提取。





在试验区内随机选择了110个对象(334 052像元)进行精度评定(表2)。

表2 基于GBISI的试验区不透水面提取精度评价


Note: UA is the user’s accuracy, %; PA is the producer’s accuracy, %.

试验区中,无人机正射影像的提取结果总体精度达到了96.95%,Kappa系数达到了0.936 1。其中,不透水面提取的用户精度为96.40%,透水面提取的用户精度为97.82%。比起指数验证区的GF-2号正射影像提取结果,GBISI指数在试验区的提取精度更高,其原因是试验区内部分建筑物屋顶种有植物(图10b),仅通过光谱特征很难将建筑物屋顶上的植被剔除,此时需要利用地形特征nDSM。试验区内大部分建筑的屋顶高程值大于树木顶端的高程值,通过对植被的nDSM值进行限制即可将屋顶的植被划分为不透水面,提高了不透水面提取的精度,这是卫星遥感影像提取方法无法做到的。

3.3 讨 论

根据指数验证区和试验区的提取结果进行综合分析可知,GBISI指数的构造过程需要获取影像中的纯净裸土像元和不透水面像元,因此裸土像元和不透水面像元获取的准确程度决定了GBISI指数对不透水面提取的精度。相较GF-2号影像而言,无人机遥感影像有着更高的分辨率,从无人机拍摄的分辨率为0.03 m的正射影像中能够获取到更准确的土壤像元和不透水面像元,因此,构造的GBISI指数准确性也更高。

对于可见光波段范围内,几乎没有一个有效的不透水面指数被提出。已有的不透水面指数,如NDBI、NDISI、MNDISI、IBI、BCI、BAEM、PII和RRI等,均包含除可见光波段(R、G、B)以外的其他波段。在无人机RGB影像中对不透水面信息提取时,这类指数并无意义。田玉刚等[12]对NDBI、BCI、PII和RRI 4个指数进行不透水面提取分析后指出,PII指数的提取效果最好。刘畅等[17]对8种不透水面指数进行分析,也得到了同样的结论,结果显示,PII指数的不透水面提取精度最高,其次是RRI和BCI指数,NDISI、NDBI和IBI等指数的提取精度较低。而本研究结果显示,GBISI指数的提取精度基本与PII和RRI指数相当,因此,GBISI指数能够作为一个新型的可见光波段遥感指数应用在无人机遥感技术中。

4 结 论

本研究针对高分辨率可见光遥感中,不透水面提取指数的空白。基于蓝光波段和绿光波段构成的光谱特征空间,提出了绿-蓝不透水面指数(Green-Blue Impervious Surface Index, GBISI)。以GF-2号卫星影像作为验证数据,将利用GBISI、垂直不透水层指数(Perpendicular Impervious Index, PII)和比值居民地指数(Ratio Resident-area Index, RRI)指数提取的不透水面结果进行对比,并通过GBISI对无人机获取的红绿蓝(Red-Green-Blue, RGB)正射影像进行不透水面提取试验及分析,得到了以下结论:


2)GBISI指数适用性较强,能够在缺少近红外、中红外、热红外等波段的影像(如无人机RGB影像)中代替PII、RRI、生物物理组成指数(Biophysical Composition Index, BCI)等指数,作为一种提取不透水面的可见光波段遥感指数被应用。



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A visible-band remote sensing index for extracting impervious surfaces

Yang Xu1, Zhu Daming1※, Yang Runshu2, Fu Zhitao1, Xie Wenbin1


Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) remote sensing can obtain high-resolution images at low cost and high efficiency. However, there is rare research on the use of UAV remote sensing images to extract information from impervious surfaces. The difficulty of the research lies in that for the high-resolution UAV red-green-blue images, there is currently not an exclusive impervious surface index that can be applied to the extraction of impervious surface information. To address this problem, this study established the green-blue spectral feature space in the blue and green bands of the visible-bands. Under this spectral feature space, the green-blue impervious surface index was proposed to effectively separate soil-vegetation pixels and impervious surface pixels. The process of constructing the index was as follows. Firstly, the feature points were divided into impervious surface points and pervious surface points in the green-blue spectral feature space. Secondly, the least-squares fitting was conducted on the impervious surface points and the previous surface points. Then, the impervious surface line and the soil line were obtained, and a reference line was constructed between the two straight lines. Finally, the distance from the feature point to the reference line was used as the expression of the index. To verify the accuracy of the difference between the green-blue impervious surface index and other impervious surface indexes applied to satellite remote sensing images, comparison and analysis were performed on the extraction of the impervious surface by perpendicular impervious index, ratio resident-area index and green-blue impervious surface index. At the same time, the experiment was conducted using the UAV orthophoto image data of Hongya county in Meishan city to extract the impervious surface. The analysis was conducted to investigate the effect of the green-blue impervious surface index on the extraction of the impervious surface information in the UAV remote sensing image. The experimental results showed that: 1) The green-blue impervious surface index constructed the blue and green bands as the feature space had the same accuracy as the perpendicular impervious index and ratio resident-area index based on the blue and near-infrared bands in terms of the impervious surface extraction, and the overall accuracy reached over 94%. 2) The green-blue impervious surface index showed strong applicability and replaced the indexes like perpendicular impervious index, ratio resident-area index and biophysical composition index in the images lacking near-infrared, mid-infrared, and thermal-infrared bands. The green-blue impervious surface index was used as a remote sensing index to extract visible-bands on the impervious surfaces. 3) As a visible light wave impervious surface extraction index used in UAV remote sensing, the green-blue impervious surface index could not only effectively distinguish between soil and impervious surfaces, but also utilized the characteristics of easy-to-obtain terrain features by UAV remote sensing. For the problem of misclassification, the overall accuracy of the extraction results by the green-blue impervious surface index reached 96.95%, and the Kappa coefficient was 0.936 1. The green-blue impervious surface index constructed based on the green-blue spectral feature space effectively separated soil pixels and extracted high-precision urban impervious surfaces from UAV remote sensing images. For satellite imagery, the existing impervious surface index had a good performance in extracting the surfaces, while the proposed green-blue impervious surface index was more suitable for UAV remote sensing. At present, extracting urban impervious surfaces from UAV remote sensing images has gradually become an important application.

remote sensing; spectrum analysis; unmanned aerial vehicle; visible-bands; soil line; impervious surface extraction

杨栩,朱大明,杨润书,等. 一种提取不透水面的可见光波段遥感指数[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(8):127-134.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.08.016 http://www.tcsae.org

Yang Xu, Zhu Daming, Yang Runshu, et al. A visible-band remote sensing index for extracting impervious surfaces[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(8): 127-134. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.08.016 http://www.tcsae.org







TP751; P231



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