周亚春 缪锡芬
【摘 要】目的:探讨本院消毒供應中心对扩阴器采用不同清洗消毒方法和流程改进的效果。方法:将2019年9月1日至2019年9月10日本院计生科人流包、上环包、妇科清宫包内扩阴器240只,随机均分成A、B、C三组,每组80只。A组采用常规多酶浸泡手工刷洗联合全自动清洗消毒器清洗消毒,B组采用95%乙醇擦洗多酶浸泡联合全自动清洗消毒器清洗消毒,C组采用碱性还原电位水刷洗联合全自动清洗消毒器清洗消毒。应用目测法、白纱布擦拭法、蛋白残留测试对比三组扩阴器清洗消毒效果和质量。结果:三组清洗效果均符合院感要求,C组目测法、白纱布擦拭法、蛋白残留测试检测值各项均显著优于A组、B组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:用碱性还原电位水刷洗联合全自动清洗消毒器清洗消毒能有效去除扩阴器上的分泌物残留及碘伏,白纱布检测无污渍,切实可行。
[Abstract] Objective:To explore the effect of different cleaning and disinfection methods and process improvement on the diffuser in our hospital disinfection supply center. Methods: From September 01 to 10, 2019, the Family Planning Department's flow package, the upper ring package, and the gynecological Qing Palace package 240 were randomly divided into three groups: A, B, and C, with 80 in each group. Group A was cleaned and disinfected by conventional multi-enzyme soaking manual scrubbing combined with automatic cleaning and sterilizing machine. Group B was cleaned and disinfected by 95% alcohol scrubbing multi-enzyme soaking combined with automatic cleaning and disinfecting device. Group C was treated with alkaline reducing potential water brushing and automatic cleaning. The sterilizer is cleaned and disinfected. The visual inspection method, the white gauze wiping method and the protein residue test were compared to the cleaning and disinfection effects and quality of the three sets of diffuser. Results: The cleaning effects of the three groups were in line with the hospitality requirements. The visual values of the C group, the white gauze wiping method and the protein residue test were significantly better than the A group and the B group, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: The alkaline reduction potential water brushing combined with the automatic cleaning and disinfecting device can effectively remove the secretion residue and iodophor on the diffuser. The white gauze is free from stains and is feasible.
[Key words]Diffuser; Full-effect multi-enzyme cleaning solution; 95% alcohol; Alkaline reduction potential water; Cleaning quality
1 材料与方法
1.1 材料