On the integrality of the second elementary symmetric function of 1,1/3s1,...,1/(2n-1)sn-1

2020-06-03 07:55FENGYuLuZHAOWei


(1.College of Mathematics, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064, China;2.Science and Technology on Communication Security Laboratory, Chengdu 610041, China)

Abstract: Let d,m and n be positive integers. In 1915, Theisinger proved that if n≥2, then the n-th harmonic sum 1+1/2+...+1/n is not an integer. In 1946, Erdös and Niven extended Theisinger′s theorem by showing that there are only finitely many positive integers n for which one or more of the elementary symmetric functions of 1/m, 1/(m+d),..., 1/(m+nd) are integers. In 2015, Wang and Hong proved that none of the elementary symmetric functions of 1, 1/3, ... ,1/(2n-1) is an integer if n≥2. In this paper, we show that if n≥2, then for arbitrary sequence Sn=(s0,s1,...,sn-1) of positive integers (note that all the si are not necessarily distinct and not necessarily monotonic), the following reciprocal power sum

Keywords: Elementary symmetric function; Integrality; p-adic valuation

1 Introduction

LetZ,Z+andQbe the set of integers, the set of positive integers and the set of rational numbers, respectively. Let d,m and n∈Z+. In 1915, Theisinger[1]proved that the n-th harmonic sum 1+1/2+...1/n is not integer if n>1. In 1946, Erdös and Niven[2]proved that there are only finitely many positive integers n for which one or more of the elementary symmetric functions of 1/m, 1/(m+d),..., 1/(m+nd)are integers. In recent years, the problem respect to the integrality was extensively extended to the general polynomial sequence[3-7].

Throughout, let k∈Z+with 1≤k≤n. By(Z+)we denote the set of all infinitepositive integers (note that all the siare not necessarily distinct and not necessarily monotonic). For any givenlet Sn{s0, s1,..., sn-1}. Associated to the infinite sequence S of positive integers, one can form a sum Hk(Sn)being the k-th elementary symmetric function of 1,1/3s1,...,1/(2n-1)sn-1defined as follows:

In 2015, Hong and Wang[6]showed that if si=1 for all integers i≥1, then Hk(sn) is never an integer for arbitrary n≥2 and k with 1≤k≤n. By the main result of Ref.[8], we know that if n≥2,then H1(sn) is never an integer. It is clear that Hn(sn)is never an integer. But the integrality problem of Hk(sn) for 2≤k≤n-1 is still open. It was conjectured that none of Hk(sn)is an integer if n≥2[8].

In this paper, we mainly concern on the integrality of the second elementary symmetric function of 1, 1/3s1,..., 1/(2n-1)sn-1. We have the following interesting result.

Theorem1.1For any infinite sequence S of positive integers and arbitrary positive integers n≥2, the sum H2(sn) is never an integer.

Evidently, Theorem 1.1 supports Conjecture 4.1 in Ref.[8].The proof of Theorem 1.1 is analytic and p-adic in character.

2 Lemmas

Clearly, one has H2(Sn)>0.

Lemma2.1[9]Let π(x)denote the number of primes no more than x. Then

for all x≥6, and

for all x≥59.

Obviously, one can split the sum H2(Sn) as H2(Sn)=H1+H2, where

Consequently, we consider vp(H2). First, we notice the renowned fact that for any x1,x2,...,xt∈Q, one has



The equality holds if there exists an i such that vp(xi)

Finally, by the isosceles triangle principle[6], we can derive immediately that vp(H2(Sn))=vp(H1+H2)=vp(H1)<0. This infers that H2(Sn)is not an integer. Lemma 2.2 is proved.

3 Proof of Theorem 1.1

At first, it is obvious that H2(Sn)>0. Additionally,

Hence H2(Sn)is not an integer. Theorem 1.1 is true when n=2.

Let n≥3. We divide the proof of Theorem 1.1 into the following four cases.

At first, we prove that


which is equivalent to


For this purpose, we construct an auxiliary function f(x)for x>3 by

Case 3. 5≤ n≤7. One has



We have





It follows from (3)~(5) and the isosceles triangle principle[6]that

Hence H2(Sn) is not an integer if 5≤n≤7.

Case 4. n=3 and 4. In this case, we can directly calculate the value of H2(Sn).

We have

That is, both H2(S3)and H2(S4)are not integers. Hence Theorem 1.1 is true when n=3 and 4. This finishes the proof.