
2020-05-29 08:17蒋建平
疯狂英语·新阅版 2020年4期




1. bunch /b nt / v. 隆起;打褶;形成一串

2. retaliation /r  t li e  n/ n. 报复;反击;回敬

3. leukemia /lu'kim  / n. 白血病

4. overwhelming / o v r welm  / adj. 压倒性的;势不可挡的

5. endeavor / n'd v / n. 努力;尽力

6. debilitating /d 'b l te t  / adj. 使衰弱的

Poetry has the power to change lives, and help people out in many walks of life. Poetry is not words bunched up, it is an artistic tool used by many, for many different purposes. Be it for rebellion, retaliation, or expression, poems have been used throughout history to communicate.

Amy Singh from Chandigarh, a poetess and theater artist from Chandigarh, is using her art to help another poet, as he battles cancer. When Amy found out that Anam Narula, a fellow poet, has been diagnosed with leukemia, she did a lot more than just sympathize or extend well wishes. She raised money for the family, who were struggling financially in the light of Anams surgery, through poetry.

Using Facebook, she asked people to send in requests for poems, for any amount they could pay, and all of the money would go to Anam's treatment. She expected about 10 to 15 thousand, but the crowd surprised her by reacting emphatically to her project that embodies the essence of compassion and friendship. What she hadnt anticipated was the overwhelming response her Facebook post received.

She started this endeavor alone, and worked with over 100 requests every day, until a group of 10 poets, her peers, joined her in the noble cause to save their friend.

Writing is often viewed as pouring emotions onto paper, but writing for another is a difficult task altogether. Many people believe that writing, and poetry, is an easy job. What they don't factor in, is writers block and other problems that come with creativity and creative outlets.

While Amy has been doing her best to raise funds for Anams operation, Anam has been fighting the debilitating disease with grit. After finding out about the barrage of support that people have been extending, Anam and family are overwhelmed and grateful for all the support which has poured in.

Amy Singh and her group of talented poets are also organizing a run called "Run for Hope" to help raise funds.

Reading check

Poetry is a/an 1.______tool, which is used by many people for many different purposes. Amy Singh is using her art to help another poet battle 2.______. She raised money for the family through 3.______. She asked people to send in requests for poems through Facebook and received a large number of 4.______. Later, Later, 10 poets joined her to 5.______their friends. Knowing that there was a lot of support, Anam and his family were very 6.______for all the support. In addition, Amy Singh and a group of her talented poets are 7.______a run to help raise money.

Language study

Difficult sentence

Using Facebook, she asked people to send in requests for poems, for any amount they could pay, and all of the money would go to Anams treatment.


【点石成金】本句中,Using Facebook为现在分词作伴随状语。

Exploring the link between education and climate change 教育和气候变化之间有何联系