李增禄,郭 强,聂佳佳,冯 琳
李增禄,郭 强,聂佳佳,冯 琳
(西南交通大学 经济管理学院,四川 成都 610031)
图1 传统回收模型
Figure 1 Traditional recycling model
图2 O2O在线回收模型
Figure 2 O2O online recycling model
(3)O2O在线回收企业回收成本是其回收量的二次函数,表示随着其回收量的增加边际回收成本递增,该回收成本形式在以往研究中已被广泛使用,如Atasu 等[5],Ferguson和Toktay[13]以及Esenduran等[20]。
表1 O2O在线回收企业再售策略
表2 再售策略下制造商最优产量及利润
5.2.1 当O2O在线回收企业采取全部再售策略时
5.2.2 当O2O在线回收企业采取部分再售策略时
5.2.3 当O2O在线回收企业采取无再售策略时
图4 当时消费者剩余分析
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The resale strategies of the online recycler
LI Zenglu, GUO Qiang , NIE Jiajia , FENG Lin
(School of Economics and Management, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China)
Remanufacturing is beneficial to both the environment and the enterprise, but the recovery rate is rather low still. This interesting phenomenon can be explained by many reasons, such as insufficient recycle stations, low recovery prices, poor environmental awareness, and so on. With the rapid development of the internet, some companies, like Aihuishou (www.aihuishou.com), Taolvhuanbao (www.taolv365.com), Lijiang (www.58yiji.com) and so on can collect the waste products from the consumers through the online channel. Compared with traditional recycling, online recycling in O2O (Online and Offline) has many advantages due to its, more transparency recovery price, less investing in building recycle stations, and the effects of scale economies in recycling. Moreover, the recycled products can be sold by the online recycling companies to an independent processor or consumers as second-hand goods travel through their recycling platform. The new model is different from the traditional wisdom that analyzes the problems of recycling channels or cooperation between supply chain members. Because of the benefit, we decided to explore the resale strategies of an online recycling company.
This paper investigates a supply chain consisted of a manufacturer, an online recycler, and an independent processor. The manufacturer produces raw materials, while the online recycler takes back reusable items from the market and then sells them to the processor or the consumers as a second-hand good. Thus the online recycler has three resale strategies, i.e., selling all the recycled products, selling partial ones, or no resale. For simplicity, we propose the following assumptions: 1) The manufacturer does not have the processing qualification with waste products, so there is no recycled product flow to the manufacturer; 2) Considering the better quality, durability and quality assurance services of new products, consumers have a higher valuation of the products from the manufacturer than the resale ones from the online recycler; and 3) All the players have complete information. To be consistent with the literature about remanufacturing, we take the recovery model without resale as a benchmark. The profit functions of the manufacturer, the online recycler, and the independent processor under different scenarios are developed, respectively. Then the equilibrium outcomes of the decision models are derived by the nonlinear programming theory and the static game method.
It is found form the results that: (1) The O2O online recycler always has an incentive to resell the recycled products because it would bring more profits. (2) The O2O online recycler’s resale strategies depend on the unit production cost of the manufacturer and the unit recovery price of the processer. Specifically, i) if both of the unit production cost and the unit recovery price are low, the online recycler sells all the recycled products to consumers; ii) when the unit recovery price is moderate, the online recycler sells part of the recycled ones to consumers; iii) when the unit recovery price of the processer is high, the online recycler sells all the recycled products to the independent processor.
The online recycler’s resale strategies are harmful to the manufacturer. Luckily, the consumers would benefit from the online recycler’s resale strategies, which induce the product market to be more competitive. An increase in the unit cost of the product causes an increase in the profit of the online recycler but a decrease in the profit of the manufacturer. Besides, in the case where an online recycler resells all the recycled products, the online recycler improves a larger amount of recycled products than the traditional third party recycling mode because it helps to protect the environment and save the resource. We hope that our findings are helpful for the online recycling company.
Certainly, our works are limited and can be extended from many aspects. For example, 1) considering the manufacturer with the waste product processing qualification, the resale strategies and the output of manufacturer may be changed in such closed-loop supply chain; 2) if the government subsidizes the online recycler, the results may be different; and 3) Considering the asymmetric information between the online recycler and the consumer on the quality of resale products, there will also be some new conclusions.
O2O online recycling company; Resale; Recycling amount; Collecting cost
Funded Project:Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (71440016, 71672153) , and the Sichuan Science and Technology Program (2015GZ0083-1)
中文编辑:杜 健;英文编辑:Charlie C. Chen